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Go Bears! This week we at least will be victorious in that we will not lose again. Hopefully the team comes out ready to fight against Oregon next Friday on ESPN.

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I like your confidence that we will not lose this week.

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I lack your confidence that we will not lose this week.

Something will happen.

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@Sirmon and Ragle are in talks to receive lifetime contract extensions@

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It will come to light that Cal used an ineligible cheerleader against Sacramento St., and the Bears will have to forfeit that game.

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But we'll muff a snap on a PAT

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On the surface it looks like Ragle was tarmac’d. Apparently the Cal football plane made an unscheduled stop in Eugene on the way to Seattle for the UW game, and he hasn’t been seen since. Now Barton is recruiting his territory. Yes I’m stirring the shit pot


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Barton is back on our team?

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That was something my son commented on, true? Not sure.

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Tall building

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Taipei 101 is the tallest I've been in. But the Sears Tower and it's flat sides created far more vertigo. Also, I have never heard of 6 of the 10 tallest buildings in the world.


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Empire State Building. There were some haggard-looking pigeons up there, but I'd probably look horrific too if I flew 100+ stories in the air.

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in paris everybody said the tour montparnasse had the best view in town because it was a view where you could not see the tour montparnasse

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Willis Tower for me. Have also been in 30 Hudson Yards, Trump Chicago and the Empire State from that Wiki list.

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Empire State Bldg. CN Tower in Toronto.

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Now that I think about it... I don't think I've ever made it up a tall building. When I was a kid, I suspect the intervening variable was that my mother is terrified of heights & gets claustrophobic in elevators. As an adult, it doesn't really cross my mind - like one time we were going to take the younger girl up the Empire State building because she was miffed about missing out on going to a Yankees game (her sister had gone as a guest of their great aunt), but the cloud cover was lower than the observation deck so we didn't bother.

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Your mom would have gotten along with my dad. I remember looking down at my dad lounging on the grass when my mom and I went up the Washington Monument.

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I've been in a few tall buildings, but rarely any reason/opportunity to go to the top. Does 22 floors up in a hotel in downtown Atlanta count? The highest point with a vantage point was probably the Space Needle in Seattle.

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Having consulted the list of tall buildings that SGBear posted, the only city I've visited with entries on the list is NYC anyway, so I'm wildly out of luck here.

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Empire State Building.

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I haven't been up many mountains, and certainly haven't kept track of them. The tallest building I've gone up is Taipei 101.

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World Trade Center, specifically Windows on the World. November 25, 1977.

Also saw Dracula on Broadway, starring Frank Langella.

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Willis Tower or WTC. Which is taller? I've been to both but personally enjoyed Hancock or the Empire State more than the tallest ones.

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World Trade Center, when it was still standing.

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Sears Tower. We went up to the observation deck but the weather wasn't great.

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We saw the line, and decided to do something else.

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Me, too. They have a glass overhang at the top that allows you to look straight down.

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I saw a couple where the girl had no problem but the dude was too scared to step in there. So the two scared dudes (him and I) said let's do this and stepped inside together lol

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i have been up there too. the Hancock Tower in Chicago has better views but only 100 stories

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I like the glass that tilts outward at Hancock.

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Plus, you can go to the Signature Lounge for drinks. The best view is from the women's restroom.

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i have heard the same about the women's restroom.

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it's the truth

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High mountain

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Kalar Patar.

It's next to Mt. Everest and generally the highest point one can go without a summiting permit (18,500). The base of Kalar Patar is 1500 feet higher than the top of Mt. Whitney. And then it is another 1500 ft hike up a plain brown pyramid of bare dirt, which takes hours of grueling work because of the thin air. It is the least fun you can have on a hike - essentially walking on a nearly featureless grade while fighting the feeling of suffocating.

What people don't appreciate is how big Everest and the mountains next to it are. You've seen pictures of it, but it's hard to fathom something that is "next to yo" but still be 10,000 feet higher up.


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Mt Whitney ~14k feet. Our group tried to do it all in a single day. We started around 4am and made reasonable progress all morning. One of our group decided to stop at Trail Camp (12k) and we'd pick him up on the way back down. The remaining three of us made it partway through the 99 switchbacks before a combination of altitude sickness and encroaching afternoon thunderstorms at the peak (common in mid-June, when we made our attempt) convinced us to turn around. I think we probably hit somewhere between 12.5-13k feet. The thinness of the air up there is no joke.

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Mounty Whitney in 2018. Surprisingly, Whitney wasn't the hardest part of this trip. Our trip started by hiking an unmaintained trail that climbed 6200 in 7 miles, known as Baxter pass. This was the beginning of an 8 might trip so our packs were so heavy. We camped below Whitney at Hitchcock Lake, rather than the super crowded Guitar Lake. Our intention was to hike early the next morning. The day we arrived at HItchcock a torrential thunderstorm rolled through with some really frightening lightening. 2 hours later, the sun cleared and we had several hours of daylight. We decided to hike Whitney that afternoon. We reached the peak just before sunset and to our utter surprise, had the peak all to ourselves. We hiked down to our camp in the dark with headlamps, stopping at several junctures to lay on the trail, blacken our headlamps, and stare at the moonless sky filled with more stars than I've ever experienced. At the end of our trip, we found out that Whitney portal closed the prior day due to mudslides hence our one-in-a-lifetime of having Whitney all to ourselves.

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El Pico de Orizaba - aka Citlaltépetl - 18,490' third highest peak in N. America. A long slog.

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I made the hike to the top of Mt. Whitney a few years back - 14,500 foot elevation - in one day starting at 5 am at the base and returning to the parking lot at the 8,000 foot level at 8:30 pm, a 26 mile roundtrip. Great views!

I also took the steps of repentance to the top of Mt. Sinai, around a 4000 foot vertical climb via the 3200 stairs cut into the stone by monks a millennium ago.

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i would have thought Machu Picchu was a higher elevation - only 7970 ft, especially since Cuzco nearby is at 11200 ft.

aside from that, i guess it would be Peak 8 at Breckenridge - you have to hike up the summit at 12998 ft

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i should clarify, you take the ski lift most of the way and have to troop up the last little bit carrying your skis w/ your ski boots on.

when there is a lot of snow you slide back down very easily so it is not all that simple.

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9,000 ft+ top of Mt. Bachelor in the Oregon Cascades, as far as a "top". I've been just above timberline on a couple of other peaks, but that isn't as high. ~11,000 in Rocky Mt. National park, but that wasn't real near any peak.

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I don't think I've been higher than the Mt Rose summit, which is somewhere just south of 9,000 feet. I've been on all of the Eiger, the Matterhorn and Mt Blanc, but nowhere near their summits.

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I forgot about Mount Blanc, I have been to the summit there so that takes my spot by 5,700ft

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Well not the summit, I've been to Aiguille du Midi

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Probably Haleakala at 10,023, I don't know how high up I've been on Mt. Baldy because I was very young, but that would be a tad taller at 10,066

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On my bucket list was to climb the 46 high peaks of the Adirondacks, and I did it.

Next is trying to become a winter 46er - that's quite a bit tougher and I've got a ways to go.

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nice. i didnt ever realize that was a thing until we did our first hike to Mt Marcy. i can't say it is on my list, but maybe i have done about 5 of them

some say the winter is easier because the snow covered terrain is easier to traverse on snowshoes. but i imagine when it is mixed, snow, ice, mud, it can be tricky

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BTW - anytime you get the bug to do a 6th ADK high peak, lemme know!

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The light is the problem. Some of the longer high peak hikes take as much as 15 hours in the summer, and everything takes longer on snow shoes. At the depth of winter, there's only 9 hours of light up there. So the only way to do it without hiking by headlamp for too long is to be proficient on XC skis. I've become golf course proficient on skis, but probably not yet backcountry proficient.

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I'm not sure, although I am sure it was somewhere in the Sierra. I haven't been up Mt. Whitney.

I have been at the high point in a three other states, though.

High Point, New Jersey at about 1,800 feet (via the Appalachian Trail)

Mt. Mansfield, Vermont (via the Long Trail)

Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts (via the Appalachian Trail)

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i have been to Greylock and Mansfield and the one in NJ.

i have also been to the high point in CT which not a free standing peak, it is on the side of a mountain that is in MA >> Mt. Frissell's southwest shoulder

the highest peak in CT is Bear Mt which i have also hiked/camped near.

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If Mesa Verde counts, then that's it - about 8k feet I guess.

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Baldy Mountain in New Mexico, 12.4K feet. The top was blasted away by miners so the last couple hundred feet are all broken shale and no wind cover.

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Highest is probably most of the way up White Mountain (outside Bishop). Peak is 14K, we were somewhere between 12 and 13k.

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Sandia Peak, via the tramway, I think is the highest we've been.

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hell ya take a trip for the trip

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DBD Cooking Academy

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On the back of previous talk about aprons, I bought a short-sleeved chef jacket because I stain my clothes all the time and dislike the fit and functionality of an apron. I couldn't be happier with it.


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Maybe try a cross back apron

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be honest, did you actually buy it because of the model

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if so, which one? there seem to be 3 or 4.

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The black one with the forearm tattoo. I mean, the black one.

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there are too many things to watch and not enough time to watch things

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I need suggestions, I feel like I've watched all the good stuff that Netflix and Amazon have to offer (or close to finishing the last few left). My wife and I are so desperate, we've started watching Virgin River, which is a really embarrassing admission.

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Deutschland 83 on Hulu

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what is it you like to watch

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Ok Imax

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no imax just consumes all the media

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Agreed, this truly is the golden age of TV.

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Started Foundation, 2 episodes in, is not a book that screams "make a movie out of me!" - wife didn't like the ending of episode #2. Started Season 4 of "On My Block" - thought everything was perfectly wrapped up at the end of season 3, but willing to go along. Only one episode of "The Bureau" to watch, which has been 100% awesome.

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Today in Covid

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Reading through the thread, don't these crazies realize that yelling child abuse and rape make them seem even crazier than they are?

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there are literally limitless possibilities for how you can choose to spend your day

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When faced with termination, the hesitant sign up. Also, who gives their name to the media when no good can come of it?


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Elsewhere in college

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CJ Verdell will miss the rest of the season.


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BIG loss for Oregon. Could change the P-12 North race.

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College football, picks, games, odds for Week 6: Ole Miss, Arizona State on upset alert (Furd plays the Sun Devils at 7:30 on Friday night.)


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Probably not a popular sentiment on a site frequented by Old Blue Bears, but against the Darkness Devils, GO FURD!

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Stanford letdown game...ASU covers.

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Senator from the state that is the fourth biggest receipt of net government payments says this:

“Respectfully, Senator [Bernie] Sanders and I share very different policy and political beliefs ... Senator Sanders believes America should be moving towards an entitlement society while I believe we should have a compassionate and rewarding society.”

https://web.archive.org/web/20100707020241/http://www.hks.harvard.edu/taubmancenter/pdfs/fisc/complete_97.pdf (see page 1)

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"Compassion and rewards" = thoughts and prayers that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps. And if you don't have boots, you probably did something to deserve not having them.

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the whole point of being able to pull yourself up by your bootstraps is that it's physically impossible

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Ironically all of these red government handout states are the biggest recipient of socialist largesse, while decrying the socialism of the Dems. The blue states prop up the federal government through their tax burden.

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this is pushing the limits of my "all corporations are bastards, my custom won't make a difference" view, I have to admit.

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Yes, I have been researching other phone options this week. there is a definite challenge in that the ones that are not corporately awful, have awful services.

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If you settle on something, LMK.

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Senate Judiciary report on TFG's administration's effort to overturn election


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Senate Judiciary probe of Trump's 2020 machinations zeroes in on Pennsylvania House Republican


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Chris Taylor’s walk-off home run wins the NL wild card game for the Dodgers


Chris Taylor didn’t start the National League wild card game, but he ended it. His two-run walk-off home run in the ninth inning beat the Cardinals 3-1 and sent the Dodgers to the NLDS against the rival Giants.

But to get there, they had to get past St. Louis, overcoming all the night terrors of what might go wrong in a one-game playoff. A lot of them showed up, but the Dodgers withstood the challenge.

Taylor hit just .187/.271/.293 over the final two months of the regular season. He dealt with a pinched nerve in his neck for a few weeks in September, but was healthy in the final week, when he started only three times in six games.

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I saw this comment posted somewhere.

Bottom 9th, 2 out, nobody on. Batter draws a walk then steals second. Next pitch after the steal, batter hits a 2-run walk-off HR. Happened last night….happened exactly the same way on Kirk Gibson’s HR in ‘88 WS.

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I really like Chris Taylor. Was happy for him. Just don't want the Dodgers to now torpedo the Giants (which is entirely possible).

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It's absolutely possible. We'll see if Los Gigantes can win with some small ball...I'm skeptical.

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Honestly, the Dodgers SHOULD win. They have the most loaded roster right now. The Giants gaining the upper hand this year would be way ahead of schedule. (And also hilarious.)

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Both teams have key, new injuries. SF is without Belt, LA is without Kershaw, Muncy.

A 107 win team is facing a 106 win team, with the 107 win team winning the season series 10 games to 9 with an aggregate margin of just a couple of runs. I say it is a complete toss-up and in a five game series, there is no result that would be surprising.

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Who isn't playing could well be the determining factor.

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I think it will be surprising if there is a sweep. I fully expect this to go 5, which maybe means the Giants have a slight advantage.

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Really tense game through 8 1/2 innings - I was relived for all my Dodgers fans.

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It was tense even in the B9. I was hoping Pujols would walk it off against his old team. Got a good pitch to hit but it had a slight tail and he got it just off the end of the bat.

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GBBR, but now we have the risk of unpleasantness on this board.

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Fuck the Dodgers.

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Tsk Tsk. Such language from a lady.

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I'll try to refrain from too much giants bashing - especially so as not to upset my friend Jimmy Chitwood's delicate constitution. It the giants wanted to help me with that, they can just go ahead and lose in three.

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Max was not great but he kept the damage to a minimum. It was fun to see him after the game go over to Soto and the Nats batting coach.

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He's was similar in his last couple of regular season games, except in those games he didn't keep the damage to a minimum. There were quite a few times he hung a pitch and the Cards just missed it. Whereas the previous two games those were hit hard.

Hopefully he can get back to his ways in game 3. Game 1 will be Buehler and game 2 should be Urías. Game 4 will be determined if the Dodgers are up 2-1 or down 2-1. Up 2-1 I think they pitch Gonsolin and not have Buehler pitch on short rest.

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Fantastic game. As much as I hate the fact that a 106-win team has to win a one-game playoff to stay in the postseason, that was very exciting.

Can't wait to see how the NLDS goes between the Dodgers and Giants. Pretty epic series.

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If they expand the playoffs next year, as has been discussed, that game was one hell of a way for the wildcard era to go out

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Shorten the season by 2 games, nobody will miss those.

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except for the guy who is sitting on 72 HRs when the season ends.

But I agree, generally.

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Told my friend around the 5th that it probably was going to come down to the last AB for which ever team won the game.

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that is about when i fell asleep. i was not the friend HAG is talking about ..

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Happy Birthday tbb!!

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hb tbb! Enjoy some cake!

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and ice cream!

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and go to the zoo!

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Make sure you bring kids, otherwise you'll be on the watchlist....happy bday!!

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Let her eat cake! Happy birthday, TBB.

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Happy Birthday TBB!

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Happy birthday, tbb!

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hbd tbb!

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Thanks, everyone!!!

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Heh, the way this question is written, you could be on the ground floor of the tallest building, or the foothills of Mt. Everest.

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