fWelcome to the Daily Bear Dump, a Write for California community board where one can talk about anything – Cal-related or off-topic. Comment threads are sorted by topic. Anything is fine, so long as you’re generally civil.
About last night. You all should be ashamed of yourself. Last night’s DBD Halloween party besmirched the fine name Daily Bear Dump. I’ve never seen such outlandish behavior nor so many people totally out of control. (Who brought the trapeze?) One expects a certain amount of drug and alcohol consumption but you made hardened addicts blush. We’ve received formal complaints from the Cal Dance Team, The Daughters of the American Revolution, The Rockettes and Amnesty International. Even the hookers one of you hired thought the evening got out of control. (I’ve personally called the Monsignor to apologize.) Also in future please note that wearing masks is perfectly okay but when that’s all you’re wearing, well I think you’ve gone a bit too far. Let’s take a long look in the mirror and decide if this is the kind of revelry we want to be associated with. We’ve got the annual Thanksgiving party coming up to which significant others will be invited. Let’s do better. And oh by the way….Go Bears!!!
About last night. You all should be ashamed of yourself. Last night’s DBD Halloween party besmirched the fine name Daily Bear Dump. I’ve never seen such outlandish behavior nor so many people totally out of control. (Who brought the trapeze?) One expects a certain amount of drug and alcohol consumption but you made hardened addicts blush. We’ve received formal complaints from the Cal Dance Team, The Daughters of the American Revolution, The Rockettes and Amnesty International. Even the hookers one of you hired thought the evening got out of control. (I’ve personally called the Monsignor to apologize.) Also in future please note that wearing masks is perfectly okay but when that’s all you’re wearing, well I think you’ve gone a bit too far. Let’s take a long look in the mirror and decide if this is the kind of revelry we want to be associated with. We’ve got the annual Thanksgiving party coming up to which significant others will be invited. Let’s do better. And oh by the way….Go Bears!!!