Go Bears.

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just got my new phone. setting it up as we type

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let me know how you like it. My Pixel 3 will stop getting updates next year. So I'll have to decide what to do in 2022.

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I had gotten the extended warranty and I had to pay the $99 deductible for them to replace it because it had the boot loop issue. This one seems OK although every so often it gets in a state where wifi or BT won't turn on. It will turn off, and then when I try to turn it on it doesn't stay on. Next time it happens I'll connect it up to my Mac and look at the logcat to see what the error is. Restarting it fixes it so I haven't decided if i'll ask for another one. If I have to pay another 99 for it then I wont bother.

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Wow, that sounds like a annoying hassle; iphone, zero problems.

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Watching 4 of the 5 Pac-12 games on Saturday. My Sunday freed up with the Cancellation of the Washington at Cal game, which I was going to record and watch Sunday morning.

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Now the Utah Arizona game was canceled. I guess there is some hope that a few canceled games will be made up.

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With rain on Saturday and big winds all day Sunday, it looks like my weekend just freed up.

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My sister has a milestone birthday coming up. Her son is putting together a video montage of best wishes since an in person party isn't practical. Assuming things continue to go as planned, I'll head down to BLM Plaza near the White House and tape a message for her saying the party behind me is for her.

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Wife and I are moving into addition to house that has been under construction for a few years now.

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No idea since No 3 won't be here for the "weekend" until Monday. SAT on Sat and helping his mom deliver donations to her refugee students' families on Sun.

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I'll be with my son on Sunday as he does his first socially-distanced Boy Scout hike with his new troop. Not sure how my fat butt feels about a 5-mile hike, though.

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How is a socially distanced hike carried out?

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i just assume most hiking is by definition socially distant. outside, walking around in nature, usually not large groups

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Very few doorknobs to lick

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Good question. They're going in small patrols (under 12 people, I think), and the hike itself is in a regional park with wide, well-developed trails. Should be doable.

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I assume each family group is separated by 10 feet? That will be interesting.

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I guess I'm now planning to go to bed at a reasonable hour on Saturday night...

Hopefully opening a celebratory champagne bottle at some point today when the race is called. And going for beers at a local farm brewery this afternoon.

The forecast calls for a gorgeous weekend out here (low to mid 70s), so I'll fill the days with biking, motorcycling, gardening, and any other outdoor activities.

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My champagne has been on ice since Tuesday so it’s nice and cold.

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I didn't want to jinx it, so I got some on Wednesday afternoon when results looked to be moving in a favorable direction.

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Ha! Me too; completely ridiculous, but such are superstitions.

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Mine too. Still in the fridge.

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driving girls to their first rock climbing comp of the season.

kids sports is sort of back. the comps are modified and there is an app to record your climbs, but at least something is happening.

also, this year's Warren Miller movie comes out for online streaming on Sat night. so we'll try to do something of a "virtual watch party"

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, Life of

Favorite comedy movie ever.

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Weekend at Bernie's

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Not Holy Grail? Shocked.

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Life of Brian is the greatest religious satire ever, bar none.

Holy Grail also great! But LoB was always my favorite.

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Yeah I definitely prefer Holy Grail to Life of Brian. I didn't make it through Life of Brian.

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it falls off at the very end. But a wonderful movie otherwise.

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true. the last 5 min were bad.

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Nobody could chew scenery like he could.

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's Song

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Biden leads by 12k with 190k remaining (mostly from slightly blue Clark County)

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It will only continue to expand from here. Almost all of the outstanding vote is from Clark.

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Up to 22k now (1.7%). Clark accounts for the bulk of remaining votes. This one's pretty much over.

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Yeah this one appears to be over, I’m not sure why they haven’t called this one yet. Hopefully they call it tonight.

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Biden leads by 47k with 160k remaining (mostly from slightly red counties)

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So there was some question before if Trump could continue to pick up votes at a high pace in what's remaining (unlike in other states, late-arriving mail votes are likely to skew red in Arizona, because AZ has been doing mail-in voting for a long time and Republicans use it too).

But the latest batch from Maricopa was only +5 Trump, which is nowhere near enough. This is probably done.

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Lehigh County posted a batch that is 68% Biden, pushing him up to a 12,390 vote lead.

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AP has GOT to call it now.

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Maybe sometime tonight after Allegheny County releases results.

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Biden is winning Lehigh with 7.4%. Clinton won with 4.7%.

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I came for the blue wave and stayed for the blue trickle.

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I think you need to see a urologist for that...

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dont go to the urologist. better just to die!

speaking from recent experience.

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Sorry to hear about your death!

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some places are starting to call it for Biden. Decision Desk (which Vox uses).

but havent seen any of the BIG networks yet

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I'm waiting for AP only to call it.

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It's been over for a while, but I understand the reticence to calling the election officially. Probably they'll wait until Biden has at least a full 1-point lead.

But there is no way Trump even closes the gap at all, much less comes back to win. Biden probably wins PA by 100k votes in the end.

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Yeah I think Biden wins Pennsylvania but 100k votes, which means no automatic recount and a larger margin of victory than Trump had in 16.

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Never leave even a fraction of a ratings point on the table by not wringing every possible minute of coverage out of this.

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At this point it seems like the networks are reticent to be the first to call the final outcome-tipping state in favor of Biden. All trajectories over the last day indicate that this election is finishing with 306 electoral votes for Biden (more if NC flips next week).

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With Georgia headed for a recount, its possible this will not be settled for weeks. Even if it actually is settled.

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What's funny is if you told Democrats that the final margin would be 306-232 without the other details, they would've taken that in a heart beat. Heck even knowing the details they probably would've taken it. But the way it ended up happening by losing Texas and Florida by multiple points (I think) and everything else it's not the same.

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its pretty damn close to what I thought. I thought Texas was a shot and NC would be blue but other than that, no surprises from me

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I blame you entirely for Texas staying red.

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Yes, the issue is more the psychological effect of having Biden trailing in the same key states Hillary lost as people went to bed on election night, even though smart analysts had been telling us for weeks that you could expect the mail ballots to skew heavily Democratic in those states and would be counted late.

Just imagine this being a "normal" non-COVID election. Those states are mostly done counting late that night and we all know Biden has won. Very different narratives.

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Well, also the loss in the Senate and the House.

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Losing Florida hurts but I never counted Texas as a win or expected it to go for Biden.

Basically it seems like Biden is on track to win Michigan and Pennsylvania by more votes than trump did in 16. I am a bit disappointed that Biden won Wisconsin by about the same number of votes as trump did in 16.

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True... but the delay has caused a LOT of heartburn.

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If only states could be allowed to begin counting (not reporting or verifying) mail in and early votes before election day...

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Trump leads by 18k with 160k remaining (mostly in Philly and Pittsburgh, and their surrounding counties).

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Biden has taken a 6k vote lead!

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wow that was fast. I guess that's what happens when you start counting votes in democratic leaning areas.

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drumpf leads by 68 million if you don't count the unamerican/commie/muslim dem votes

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Biden gained a 1000-vote lead overnight with about 8000 outstanding ballots (not including provisional and overseas ballots).

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Wow, he got to a 1000-vote lead faster than expected. I think this is over too. Will probably be in recount range, but a margin of 1000 or more is highly unlikely to be overturned.

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That's kinda fishy...

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What's fishy?

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Not that he won - just the speed with which he did it. Though it's not a shock.

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It's just the speed at which they count the votes and the areas they were counting. They were counting very pro-Dem counties where he had 80+% of the vote

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Given the rates of pro-Biden votes we saw in mail-in ballots across the country, not a big shock at all.

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Elsewhere in college

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We are up to 8 postponed or cancelled games tomorrow.

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Utah - Arizona just got canceled

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High case counts and the resulting contract tracing left Utah unable to field enough players. Unfortunately, both the Huskies and the 'Cats were road teams, and neither stadium was prepped for a game this week, so now there are 2 teams that are healthy both idled.

The Pac-12 has said now that instead of all inter-divisional games to be announced in week 7, they may put some of the cancelled games there. The problem is the conference championship game will have already been played. and so if the cancellation involves someone in the title game, or the game would decide it, that's not much help.

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Best laid plans etc

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Those college Halloween parties are irresistible to too many football players, apparently.

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Some of the biggest blows to the left are across Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Montana, Kansas and Nebraska.

This kind of information sort of gets buried under vote totals, but is important.

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Can't get behind the paywall, darn it.

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try an incognito tab. Or the other thing I've read is that it sometime works to add a "." after .com.

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This is not good:

"A Republican firm run by a top aide to President Trump’s 2020 campaign appears to have helped send unmarked text messages on Thursday that urged supporters in Philadelphia to converge outside a building where local election officials counted votes.

“ALERT: Radical Liberals & Dems are trying to steal this election from Trump!" began the short text, sent in the hours before former vice president Joe Biden took the lead in the state. “We need YOU! Show your support at the corner of 12th St. & Arch St. in Philadelphia.”


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I was so excited to stop receiving election related texts (mostly from groups who still think I'm in Ohio, including, intriguingly, Asian Progressive Women Leaders of Ohio), but now, my work phone is getting texts addressed to "Peter" about 3- and 4-bedroom houses.

Reader, my name is not Peter.

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Whatever you say, Pete.

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I definitely got quite a few text for things to vote on in Kentucky, especially Amy McGrath.

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Despite never having stepped foot in the state of Kentucky and being registered independent/decline-to-state, Mrs. Bk97 was getting bombarded with emails about voting for McGrath.

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Has the crumbling...slowed down?

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Hmmm...good question. Our institutions have been tested hard and the Senate pretty much failed to answer the call. Relying on slim majorities in an electoral college doesn't give me a lot of hope that our checks and balances are fully functional.

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I think I read somewhere that McConnell said he'd stop Biden every chance he got. So I have a feeling if the dems don't win the 2 Georgia seats that the Senate is going to come to a grinding halt. And voters won't do anything about it and vote McConnell out of office.

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This will be my default assumption, BUT there are some reasons to think the dynamic in the midterm might be a bit different this time. Usually Presidents enter office with majorities in both houses, but Biden is coming in with (most likely) a divided Congress. I could see him leveraging Republican obstructionism to his own benefit and maybe not suffering the usual backlash Presidents get in their first midterm.

A lot depends on just how obstructionist McConnell and the Senate want to be. There's more room to take blame if you're the only one stopping popular reforms.

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Yep. McConnel is poised to be the same obstructionist he was during the Obama years. Particularly given all the talk of a Dem majority, court packing, and eliminating the filibuster. The Senate GOP will suffer no consequence and learn no lesson for breaking its own rules on SCOTUS nominations. There is no reason for them to consider institutional longevity or the good of all when wielding raw power has worked so effectively. Is it possible that one could despise McConnel more than Trump?

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McConnell has a clear 6 years in front of him so...

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No, only the vote counting. Nevada and Arizona apparently won't finish their count before the 2024 election is conducted.

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Nevada now thinks they might have the still 160 thousand remaining ballots counted by late Sunday.

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I astonishes me how there are counties that were able to count more than that in one evening, and it takes Nevada a week. It would seem they need to ramp up their capabilities and staffing exponentially. Arizona isn't far ahead. It's not like everyone in the country didn't know a record turnout was imminent.

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I'd say it's forecast to stop crumbling in January, but the next couple months could be a circus.

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Couple of years at least.

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Chris Christie, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, and other Republicans distance themselves from Trump in the wake of last night's speech.


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Now that some of them have won re-election, now they're pushing back against orange man.

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Yep, no party turns on it’s president like the GOP. Once they have gotten what they needed and your no longer useful they change the locks and ghost you.

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Fox News (print) has pivoted to mostly factual reporting. It's weird.

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trump declaring Fox News as fake news in 3...2...1...

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I think not in this case, sadly.

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Aaron Rodgers was brilliant in last night's blowout win over the 49ers


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At least I don't need to carve out any more time to watch the 49ers this season. My wife will be pleased.

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I still don't understand what the Green Bay front office is thinking in refusing to make some small moves to improve the Packers' chances in the postseason while Rodgers is still in his prime. They made zero moves before yesterday's trade deadline. I'm pretty sure that there were playmakers to be had for cheap.

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They'll get Lazard back next game, which should really help.

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I think on those TDs the closest defender was 3-4 yards on that pass in the corner of the end zone.

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ESPN: Raiders to forfeit a 2021 6th round pick due to repeated mask and other Covid rule violations

Sources: Raiders fined, lose pick over virus rules


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I shouldn't have clicked on the front page articles, or at least not read the comments. ARGH.

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It's not THAT crazy.

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There are certainly rational voices, but enough people are FOOTBAWWWW that I'm once again reminded why the US continues to be mired in pandemic.

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It does seem that the NFL is the most lax in terms of addressing pandemic issues. The NBA/NHL definitely get A's, MLB probably a B- at best... NFL/CFB... probably an F.

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Eh, it is a bit unusual that the City of Berkeley has its own health department that's calling the shots, no other college has this tight of a restriction; you can tell Wilcox is frustrated, not just the fans.

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Go Bears...sniff!

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