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i am not sure about a date or pivotal moment, but i have always been a teacher of sorts and always enjoyed it. i even tutored in HS and college, often for the course i was in concurrently taking myself.

however, in my current side-gig role of teaching in a masters program i am quite often asked for career advice and in fact classes are mostly tailored to give "real world solutions" that are more than just the technical aspects of the course.

my take is probably similar to others, at some point the things you have learned start to make sense in a broader context, and the "wisdom" you are imparting is from this greater perspective that you feel you have, as opposed to reciting a set of rules or procedures.

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I was giving career advice to a junior member on my team this morning. Afterward, I thought: Holy crap, am I imparting wisdom?

At what age or at what point did you find you had some direction in life?

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Started about a year ago when I started thinking that the job wasn't enormously difficult anymore. Younger colleagues would ask me questions that I was asking only a few years prior, and the only answer I would have for them was for them to calm down, be patient, and keep on working.

That's the only answer I've been able to think of, and I'm wondering (not sure yet) if that's the essence of wisdom.

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I think it’s a great answer. I certainly didn’t plan to end up where I am for better or worse, but anything good that’s happened has been because I kept calm and kept working.

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I mention this because I thought this thread was rather timely and because a lot of you guys have known the rough course of my career. Now that my firm has made it public, I can tell you guys that today I was promoted to partner.

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Awesome!!! Congrats!! That's great news. Now you need to give your parents a grandbaby!

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Mavel Tov!

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sounds a lot like a jedi master

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I think I've always had direction, but the direction has changed a few times.

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About a year into sailing professionally I started to really be confident in my suggestions, answers, insight, etc. Before that I felt like I was just regurgitating my training. Now I am very confident in my advice on the water, but am not afraid to say "I don't know, let's look it up" if I encounter a question I do not have an answer for.

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i did not appreciate the professional sailing bit. i have a good friend in the neighborhood who does that as well. he sails w/ a team called Argo, travels all over the world and spends a good amount of time on Lake Garda in the Italian Lakes region.

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"Do not sail into the jagged rocks."

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We actually tell everyone that the number one rule on the water is "Don't hit anything"

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but am not afraid to say "I don't know, let's look it up" if I encounter a question I do not have an answer for.

This is when you know you're a good leader/manager.

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LTE service for the entire Santa Monica Bay certainly helps ;-)

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Tower, Wyoming

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Protestors protest at a Maricopa vote-counting station after a viral FB post falsely claimed that Sharpie pens wouldn't be counted on ballots. AZ is an open-carry state with no law against firearms at protests, so some protestors were armed.


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Do these people realize that part of Trump's only (slim) chance of victory is for them to KEEP counting in Arizona? If they stop now Biden wins.

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What could go wrong?

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"standing on a corner in Winlsow AZ ..."

i have actually been there. i was in Fort Sumner, NM for 3 months during grad school and someone (me) had to go verify that the "downstream electronics" was working properly.

was my first time a really small plane and the co-pilot's seat. i threw up the entire time

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The Pup & I zipped through it this past summer on the C2C road trip...sleepy little AZ desert town that looked like a positively miserable place to live, tho perhaps it was just some PTSD after having lived in Phoenix, I dunno. They’ve got a life-size Glenn Frey statue on the main drag, which is definitely the coolest thing about the place.

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any chance you passed thru Las Vegas, NM? that is a cute little town w/ a nice central square and great flautas.

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Since you've been there, have you visited Pecos National Historical Park?

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no, i missed that one.

but my favorite single day drive i did in the area started in Santa Fe.

along the high road to Taos past Truchas for a while. turned back before Taos, back down past the Valles Caldera and Bandelier National Monument.

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We've driven that road a couple of times 503 to 76 then 75, & 518 to Taos - first time was magical, stopped to take photos of all the churches, there was one that had 100's of crutches hanging for the ceiling of a chapel for all the parishioners healed by the holy relics.

But the next time, a decade later, it had been turned into a commercial/religious attraction, with a huge parking lot, tons of food vendors - so different.

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that is better than Ft Sumner where Billy the Kid is buried. there is a small museum but nothing really there.

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Nevada voted Dem in the last three elections so I am a bit surprised it is a swing state again. Pundits attribute it to the economic fallout of Covid. While this is true, I think it can be broken down further to the inability of unions to organize and get the vote out given the massive layoffs that happened in Las Vegas (Clark County).

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I'm not sure if it's a "swing" state so much as that Democratic ballots are taking longer to count this time. Remember there's still a lot out in Clark right now.

In 2016 the election was about +2.5 Dem. It will probably wind up close to that this time.

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I wonder what the impact of demographics might be: people moving from California or a growing non-white population

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First big drops just came in: Biden gained big in Clark County (Las Vegas) and basically tied in Washoe County (Reno). That's where the bulk of the votes are. I think this is just about over.

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We aren't talking about that many ballots; it amazes (and frustrtes) me that Nevada is not competent to get the count done in a timely manner.

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Eh, cut them some slack, they aren't set up normally to do vote-by-mail.

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Yeah, this is an unprecedented year, and anyone who was reading election coverage in advance should have expected a long wait in a lot of places.

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"y’all rushing tf out of Nevada. girl we 50th in education give us a second we can’t count 😌"


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Has anyone been to Las Vegas recently? Room rates are ridiculously low, and I'm a little tempted.

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Not that recently anymore, but a friend of mine went and told us that restaurants, day clubs, etc are very sparsely attended. Don't know what's changed though.

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A couple we know recently went to Vegas and said their COVID-comfort level varied greatly from property to property. Wynn received their highest marks, while Cosmo made them feel too uncomfortable to hang around longer than ~20min

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I felt uncomfortable in Reno: lots of people not wearing masks at restaurants, people wearing masks incorrectly or with noses hanging out in casinos, lots of people smoking indoors (that exhaled smoke has been in their lungs!)

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6 electoral votes may go Biden's way pretty soon.

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I hope so and I hope Arizona holds up. It is getting real right there.

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crossing fingers

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Pac-12 states all go for Biden? With the exception of Utah

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Waze and other navigation apps

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no experience with waze. i tend to map things out ahead of time, then use google maps when i get lost.

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to this day, cabs in NYC drive like this and they for some bizarre reason dont use any navigation apps. i suppose they get paid for sitting in traffic, but are supposed to deliver fast rides so they can make more $$.

today, however, for the first time i got in a cab and there was "upfront pricing" based on where i said i was going. not sure if the cab driver was using an app, but clearly something told the system how much to charge me.

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my comments got all out of order. "drive like this" refers to my comment below to pre-traffic navigation where you had to know the routes and the alternates.

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In the Bay Area I mostly use Google Maps to check out traffic to see if I should go an alternate route. Or to estimate the amount of time it takes to go somewhere due to traffic.

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not that i favor the days of not knowing what the traffic was, but there was a certain "wisdom" of knowing the right directions to the right place at the right time of day. and then the added fun of being able to switch to a good alternate in case plan A didnt quite work out.

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I remember I used to cut through Clark Kerr campus during rush hour. I'd go up Dwight and instead of turning when I got to CKC I'd go along CKC and turn right in the back, cut through, and then end up most of the way up Derby. Would have to find a hole in traffic and floor it to turn left.

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I used to use Waze in its early until it became clear that what it was learning locally was people’s idiosyncratic shortcuts. The final straw was having it send me around various stupid surface streets in downtown LA while we were trying to get to Dodger stadium and got so stuck up its own ass that my brother had to navigate from his phone. I’m sure it’s much better now but the damage is done.

I started using Apple Maps when I got my civic and it’s got massively better over the last several years, especially in coping with re-routing on the fly. I can use google maps now with CarPlay but I don’t bother.

Having got stuck once without a paper map on one of the several route 7s coming out of Bennington VT, only to find there was no cell service, I do keep a paper map to hand when I’m going to be in the comparative boonies.

What I’d really appreciate is being able to ID the places I struggle with, in order to get directions only for those trouble spots. for example when I’m driving to Vermont I have a hard time remembering where the exit from the Garden State Parkway to NJ17 is, and I get caught out by the exit from 87 to 787 in Albany. Other than those, all I really want is my ETA and traffic alerts

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i know exactly that you mean about the "several route 7s coming out of Bennington VT." we used to stay at a Hampton Inn at the edge of town and drive up to Bromley or Stratton to ski.

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That was one of those “seriously what the fuck” moments. It was early in my days of motoring to Vermont for the weekend but I knew I wasn’t supposed to go into MA at all so... I ended up guessing which way was north and west until I ended up back on the correct Rte 7 back to Troy. Now I am (comparatively) smart and use the bypass.

I wonder what Bromley looks like with snow, I drive through on my way to Chester / 91 and it’s a very pretty drive in the summer.

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For a little while, I'd switched the GPS voice to have an Australian accent. But it just felt wrong if I was driving anywhere other than the beach, so now it's back to a stern British woman who sounds severely disappointed in me whenever I make her "recalculate".

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I've muted all navigation. If I'm going to be controlled by AI, I will not allow them to audibly chastise me.

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I keep mine on minimum volume, however it still drops the volume considerably on whatever you are listening to which can be annoying. It does not however stop the audio playing, which is crucial when getting to the good part of a song or interesting part of a podcast

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That would drive me nuts!

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I was a Waze purist, unless I was searching for a location, then I'd use Google Maps. Now I just use my new vehicle's mapping program because it is reliable, user friendly and on a gigantic fucking screen in the middle of the dash board.

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I don't use my Google Maps too much while I'm driving. When my TSX dies (only at around 190K and I'm going to go for 250K 300K which at this rate will be after I die), I'm going to consider a used Model 3. I wonder how good its Nav is.

The engine seems to still be in good shape. If something else in the car dies first or I get into an accident that the car is totaled, I'd consider taking the K24A2 engine from my totaled TSX and swapping it into an NA Miata with a bad engine. Pop-up headlights and 200HP.

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As a new owner of a used Model 3, I can attest to the quality of the navigation system. I haven't tested it against Waze yet, but it seems to keep me on an efficient route. On my usual drive it definitely prefers all freeways instead of taking surface streets for the final 3mi through Venice/MDR. Surface streets are usually ~2-5min faster and I seem to use marginally less battery on surface streets.

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is the max volume on the Model 3 also 11 like the Model S?

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I haven't noticed any numbers, just a bar when adjusting volume, I'll have to look. Fan speed only goes up to six.

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Miata k-swap 🍆🍆🍆

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I would love to do one. My Miata drives well and is fun , but sometimes I wish I had more power and a 6 speed so that I'm not at 4000 RPMs when I'm at 75-80 mph on the freeway. I want to do PCH to LA one time but would probably take 5 back up. Not looking forward to being at 4000 RPMs at 80 going up 5. Not sure I want to drive 5 hours at higher RPMS. Engine should be able to take 4500 or whatever 90 is but I don't want to blow the engine.

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And of course I went down the rabbit hole.

Ultimate K24A2 Miata Swap Package $ 5,549.00 (without the motor)


Probably would want to get a 6 speed NB transmission. Or they have packages to convert to a BMW 6 speed transmission.

Someone stop me from going further.

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I never realized how much I rely on Google Maps until I went to Seoul for the first time last year. No one had told me (and I was too stupid to research before my trip) that Koreans use Naver and not Google Maps. I loved walking around in circles in the heat trying to use the wrong turn-by-turn directions from Google Maps!

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Use my Garmin heavily. The pickup also has one built in, and its almost as good. I do use AAA maps and mapquest in advance of a major trip or into an area I don't know, in order to get a general sense, and also know what the key choices are to avoid going with the nav guide when a significantly different route might make sense, even if longer.

Garmin has been tremendously helpful in sorting out block by block details in cities I don't know. Much safer than trying to read a paper map while driving, especially at night.

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I generally don't use them while driving; check out the route beforehand on the computer, commit to memory, and start driving. There have been times I use the co-pilot (my wife or my son) to check alternate routes if I encounter problems. I never take my eyes off the road.

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I'm a bit of a curmudgeon with navigation apps. I'll plan the route on Google maps and then write down some critical info on a post-it (or just memorize it if the route is simple enough). I get quickly annoyed when Google is vague about when to make a turn or if it tells me to get ready to make the turn as I pass the turn.

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My parents do this because they insist on learning the directions. It’s impressive how often they won’t need to use the phone after the second or third time.

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i am trying to teach this to my kids as well. it sort of works.

spelling on the other hand is impossible to teach.

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Use google maps. Or old-fashioned paper maps ( true, I hate to admit).

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Paper maps rule and can be life saving when hiking. A friend's dad--Bruce Almighty-- led a group of PCT thru hikers out of danger last year after their satnavs started failing and batteries dying due to late snow storms on the trail. The youngins marveled at his ability to use a map and compass as he navigated them to safety. Personally, I think we should push back on the stigma that old school maps are antiquated or those who use them are luddites.

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though i rarely use them, i still take paper maps to every state that i am passing through on long trips and i always keep paper maps of neighboring states in the glove compartment.

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I assume AAA still has paper maps, but probably not Triptiks. I remember my dad getting Triptiks for each of our long trips. Maybe now it's just automated and they just send you a PDF with your route mapped on each page.

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I still have a Thomas Guide for LA County in one of our cars, and actually had to use it a couple months back when my phone was seemingly unable to connect without WiFi

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You can still get triptiks. My wife like them. I fucking hate and will not use them. A travesty of information presentation.

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Are they still the long but narrow flip cards? I would think you would just go online, enter a starting point and ending point, with destinations in between, then AAA would automatically generate the cards. put them in a PDF, and email them to you. You can then print them out if you want a paper copy.

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Yes they are still the original format. She actually had them made for her last long distance drive without me (Columbus OH) and tried to get our younger daughter to navigate. It didn’t go well.

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Mom I can't flip fast enough.

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i remember those TripTiks. i tried getting one one myself. but you had to ask 21 days in advance and it was a giant pain.

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I have a few Rand McNally atlases that I used for camping with my kids. National parks, monuments, and so forth. Still useful these days.

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perfer Google maps. i know people LOVE Waze, but the UI is too much like a video game and i barely use it.

our Volvo has the Android Auto app and i use Google Maps w/ it all the time.

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I prefer Google Maps as well for directions. I did try Waze in the X-country drive in June to look for cops. Even though Google Maps also has it. The interesting thing on Waze is that it also shows other cars that are using it. I wasn't impressed with it and probably won't use it again.

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Google maps experience:

(drive past the required turn)

"Turn ri... (recalculating sound)... make a U-turn... in 1 mile."

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Elsewhere in college

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Wisconsin canceled their second game in a row

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Army - Air Force canceled because of Covid.

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Increase in cases both at the Academy and in the Colorado Springs community.

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