Fonts (or typefaces! - but I suspect I am on a lonely island on trying to accurately differentiate between fonts - a very specific slice) and a typeface (the entire family)

So Helvetica is a typeface, Helvetica Bold Oblique is a font.

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Helvetica the movie. A movie referenced in Gary Gulman's very funny story about watching a movie about how the postal service two-letter state abbreviations came about.

This isn't the greatest version, but here ya go


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If we're getting deep into semantics, I think the issue with the DBD's picture is more kerning than font or typeface.

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Yeah, yeah you got a point there kid?

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the point is that there are differences between typefaces and fonts.

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I started Killing Eve...that lady is a real up & Comer....(SWIDT)!!!

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New Dickinson, new Narcos, new Bigmouth

Eternals comes out to mixed reviews (Nam hated it, but people in my cultural slack chat liked it)

Plan to see Bond and Dune (again) this weekend.

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Dickinson...hope it's better than S2, which was good, but not up to S1 standards.

New Big Mouth...yay!

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Again, Dune was fantastic.

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it was "good"

Awaiting the arrows!

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Dunno what Dune you watched...there’s a new one just out that you should watch, Mori B, as it’s stupendous....you’re clearly thinking of the Kyle Machlachlin one from ‘84....;-) haha

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I never saw the Agent Cooper one back in the day, but after watching the new one, I was thinking that maybe I would just to do a compare and contrast.

The new Dune was good, but it didn’t blow me away. Although I am looking forward to part two.

Maybe they could’ve made it a 10 episode TV series instead. Too many things that came up during the conversation last week explaining some of the ins and outs made the film make more sense. As a TV show, they would’ve had more time to delve into those things.

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With a television series you don't get the epicness of the brutalist archtecture, the giant blocky and round spaceships and the scale of Denis' vision.

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Definitely watching new Bigmouth

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I might watch the new Narcos. I haven't really watched tv other than sports for a couple of months and I'm getting increasing numbers of emails from Netflix along the lines of "you might like" with some very odd suggestions - look my dudes, you know when I've been logged in, you have years of data, why are you so bad at this?

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you might like "To All the Boys I've Loved Before"

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this would be a less obvious ruse if I didn't have teenage daughters

also the first one was quite charming

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One of the reasons I haven’t had children is that were I to do so, there’s always a chance I would have girls, and that they would in fact someday be teenagers... ;-)

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Coward. ;-)

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And meet boys like you?

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Our Crumbling Democracy

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Why all those rubes ended up on the grassy knoll.


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It's really the dumbest part of QAnon. I mean they're all dumb, but this is even dumber.

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Today in Covid 19

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The Aaron Rodgers research lab

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Mitchell Schwartz's reply is priceless.

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That jackass has really taken it to the next level today. Thread of his interview: https://twitter.com/rachelhopmayer/status/1456674352838107137

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I can't believe this idiot is mad about his COVID vaccine status being "leaked." He's Aaron Rodgers! One of the most famous players in football! If he got infected of course everyone was going to know.

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"Karen" Rodgers

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, #Packers Rodgers says he consulted his “now good friend” Joe Rogan and has been following his COVID regimen. “I’m thankful for people like Joe stepping up and using their voice … I’ve been taking monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, zinc” and more.

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Saw someone call him Throw Rogan today.

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Joe Rogan and blaming “woke culture”, might as well buy and start wearing his MAGA hat.

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You can take the boy out of Chico, but you can't take Chico out of the boy.

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He may be estranged from his family, but he'll always be his dad's son


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Cal Alumni Association now requires that chapter officers check vaccine cards at any indoor event over 50 people. There's no fucking way I'm checking vaccine cards and potentially getting myself into a conflict with some freedumb lover.

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i am going to some Discover Cal event at a hotel in NYC next week. not sure if it is a CAA event but i assume they will be checking vaccine cards because that is the norm in NYC anyways at bars/restaurants/etc

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also, thinking of going to go to the Nets vs Warriors in Brooklyn in a couple weeks

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Almost woulda been no Wiggins vs no Kyrie. At least we got ours jabbed...

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I work for an open source company that takes open-source practices to the end of the earth and off the edge if it means staying open-source. Earlier in the year, it was announced that everyone would have a personal choice about vaccination or not when we returned to the office in October and we were prohibited from asking people's vaccine status. As you can imagine, that was as popular as a fart in an elevator. Policy has changed since then, but there was a time when our company was in turmoil due to vaccinations.

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A kid in my nephew's 5th grade class tested positive yesterday. I guess in person teaching will be suspended for awhile. (School is in Berkeley by the way).

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Conspiracy theorist, Covid denier, and horse-paste eater says he's feeling better before winning a Herman Cain Award.


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Cal Football Fever - Catch it!

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Per Jon Wilner: "the overall situation could only happen in Berkeley". A summation applicable to innumerable situations over the years.

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He seems to be blaming the City of Berkeley for the problems here, but I don't understand how the CoB's rules are affecting the team's ability to play here? Maybe more details will come out.

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Berkeley has their own Health Department, and their own rules - this wouldn't have happened if the team was in Oakland.

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Like kicking off to begin BOTH halves? Another Holmoe gem.

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Tedford accomplished this as well against UW. This was truly the beginning of the end for Tedford.

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That also happened at the 2007 UW game. ALAMAAAAAARRRRRRR!

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If its Monroe Young, then he definitely didn't catch it since 99.9% of his snaps are running cardio/blocking out there

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If it's Chase, we may see the backup QB for the first time. (Hope it is not Garbers).

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I wonder what would happen if it were a position group? For example Chase and the other QBs? Wildcat? Or forfeit?

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I'd do the wildcat...🐱

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Wildcat vs. Wildcats

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Ryan Glover about to be a future DBD trivia answer

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Is it Glover, DeBischopp, Milner....either way, if Modster’s incompetence is any indication, it’s trouble.

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I remember at times under Tedford if the backup QB was getting called up you would be kind of excited, expecting generally positive things. We are so far from that now!

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Lakers blow another big lead against OKC.

Anthony Davis, Carmelo Anthony say LeBron James’ injury isn’t an excuse for loss to Thunder


There is obviously larger context to why the Lakers blew another lead against the Oklahoma City Thunder last night beyond “not having LeBron James” and “Anthony Davis being hurt in the second half.” But you’ll have to excuse the team if they aren’t trying to hear about those excuses. They’re clearly embarrassed and annoyed that they dropped another winnable game against a team widely expected to be one of the worst not just in the league, but potentially in NBA history.

“We’ve still got to play basketball,” Davis said of James’ absence. “He’s a big key to our team, but we’ve still got to play. I don’t know how long he’s going to be out, but we’ve still got to find ways to win basketball games.”

His veteran teammate, Carmelo Anthony, mostly agreed with that assessment.

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With the Raiders releasing Ruggs, do the Raiders make a run at OBJ? He's being released by the Browns.

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Raiders should pick up DeSean Jackson.

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Yeah I would think they want another Ruggs type player that can stretch the field.

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Yeah, Jackson is one of the very few Cal players still playing in NFL. All the Tedford players are getting old.

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Keenan Allen isn't showing too many signs of slowing down too much yet.

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He's so good, but Mike Williams is eating into KA's numbers.

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How many Dykes players are there that regularly contribute? Goff, Marvin Jones Jr? who else am I forgetting? I don't think Webb or Chad Henson play much. Any players on D? I guess technically Ashton Davis is a Dykes player.

@maybe Goff contributing should be used loosely@

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Marvin Jones is Tedford player (2008-2011). Ashtyn Davis and Jaylinn Hawkins are starters but I would consider them Wilcox players. Webb and Hansen haven't played this year. Patrick Laird had some moments last year for depleted Dolphins but haven't played this year. He is also technically a Dykes player but he mostly played for Wilcox team.

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Marvin Jones is a Tedford guy.

Stephen Anderson is probably on the borderline of "regularly contributes" with the Chargers.

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Saleh should take a long hard look at himself now that the Iron Sheik has called his team out.


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Mike LaFleur runs the Kyle Shanahan offense better than Kyle Shanahan...getting big time, better-than-Jimmy G. production from Mike White & Josh Johnson....yikes...Kyle is so overrated.

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Hmmmm... Not the tweet, but we had a discussion about whether moving from SF DC to Jets HC was really a smart move. Then that led to discussion about DC's who never try to become HC - it's really the OC who always want to move up.

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A guy I knew (very long story - he and I used to post on the same travel forums, he was between Taiwan, mainland China and Hong Kong in the early 2000s, then he started a business in the Philippines trying to utilize Filipinos to correctly edit corporate writing in East Asia for cheap . .. . didn't do well, he lost all his money which he never really had and got thrown into Filipino prison for 3 months, then got deported to Hong Kong, had no money to get back to the US, so he was living in Chungking Mansions doing low level smuggling back and forth to China for rent and food money and got mixed up in human trafficking business by someone offering him 10 grand in Chungking Mansions, reported it to the FBI and some how scraped up enough money to get back to Atlanta and also dried himself out from a dual drinking and meth problem.

Anyways he told me he dated the Iron Shiek's daughter when they were both just out of college.

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Oh I guess it should be after "meth problem"

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but I do like long parentheticals, the problem being that one sometimes forgets that one left a hanging left paren at the start of the explanation

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I noticed that as well. I had to go back and try to figure where the close paren was supposed to be. Then realized it was at the end.

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I'm going to be honest, the backstory was the best part of that anecdote IMO

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I love that the set-up was longer than the actual point.

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on first read, I didn't realize that they'd gone back to the main point at all...thought it died mid-paren!

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I barely knew the guy - met with him, like 3 times? Once in HK, once in Shanghai and once in the Bay Area. I took him out with my friends in Shanghai and one of my buddies pulls me aside and says "man, that guy is A LOT" - kind of like Karl Havoc.

He got super drunk at an open mic - imagine a heavy metal karaoke with a real backing band - and tried to dominate the mic and sang Shout at the Devil, and Diver Down. then stumbled outside and threw up in the gutter.

He was telling me about prison in the Philippines, he paid some guy $1000 as protection money and taught English so that he wouldn't get his ass kicked.

When he was living in Hong Kong - he didn't contact me because he was embarrassed (and also I'm not going to lend him money to get back to the US) but he said living in the Chungking Mansions was like the real dregs of humanity. Heroin smugglers, pimps, very third world stuff. So he made due smuggling cartons of cigarettes up and down to Shenzhen - back in the early 2000s there was still a little bit of money to be made. He would just stuff a big duffle bag and as a white dude, no one questioned him. And he'd make rent and food money for a week. Then some guy offers him the 10k - all he would have to do, allegedly, was show up to the airport with ticket in hand, go into airside and then take a different flight and hand his HKG - US ticket to some other dude inside airside - and he would fly to some SE Asian destination.

Now - are any and all of these lies? Maybe. There's definitely a ton of exaggeration in there, but I still tell them as if they're true.

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I remember reading a super long story about Chungking Mansions. Wow that place was something else.

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I used to go there for the best indian food in hong kong. and occasionally west african food.

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whatever, the punch line is a total winner

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Other College

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Rolo appeals for his old job, which is a legal step needed to officially sue WSU.


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ASU fires radio reporter for saying it was time for Herm to go


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[Arizona Republic] OU's Spencer Rattler likely to enter the transfer portal if he's can't get drafted in the first round.


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So he is going to the portal.

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Welcome to Cal Spencer!

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Santa Clara Athletics communication department has a fire sale in the office. New people have to be trained to give stats, equipment, and press passes. Looking like a delay in broadcasting and no Stanford game. But you can bet your ass I'll be doing that Cal game.

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Santa Clara athletics has developed a well-earned reputation for hosting a series of dumpster fires in a number of areas for some time now.

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More unpleasantness for tomorrow's game: the high is forecast to be 90, with temps around 87-90 throughout the second half. Should be great conditions for a team with potentially depleted depth due to covid...

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That game should be shifted to 7:30 PM. Its relegated to the Pac-12 Network anyway, so the impacted tv audience would be about 127 people.

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Maybe players who are ruled out can heal by 7pm

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No game in Arizona should be starting before 6 pm. They're already agents of chaos, just let them play after dark all the time at home!

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Also looked at times to get to the Cal-USC tailgate. Amtrak/BART is by far the quicker way, especially since Amtrak stops at Santa Clara University itself and is an easy transfer at Oakland Coliseum (the Berkeley station is absurdly far away), and on the way back BART can go to Milpitas station where the VTA 60 bus departs and goes to Santa Clara University. Things are looking promising.

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Cal players in protocol....With the way it is being described Berkeley is making a run for Santa Clara County's money for tighest rules and restrictions. If crucial players are out, I see no way we win in Arizona with our luck.

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Perhaps Berkeley is being too tough but this has been the agreed upon protocol all season long and the team made it through spring practice and the first 9 weeks of the season without any issues so something really went sideways this week.

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It would be interesting to know if this was brought on by the wild celebration that ensued after the upset win over Oregon State.

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That would be such an Oregon State thing to happen to us. Even after losing the game they manage to defeat the Bears.

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Taken another way, even after winning a game, the Bears find a way to turn it into a loss.

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No….given how unprepared our backup QBs have looked during the Wilcox administration, if Chase is indeed out, simply completing a pass could prove to be a challenge.

Disappointing turn of events after a little momentum, tho given the history of the program, completely and totally predictable. Only in Berkeley.

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Welcome to the DeBisschop to Daley, Grizzell, and Muller era - who sparked Cal to run the table at the end of the season, finish the FBS #1 in passing offense, and complete the season with a 50 point victory over Wake Forest at the Tony the Tiger Bowl.

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Oh be still my heart, SGB…you know NYE Day in El Paso is my bucket-list item!!!

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