Dec 5, 2022Liked by SGBear

Amway. Gad.

In the early 80's, living in Klamath Falls. Things were looking bleak in the late fall. I got a call from an acquaintance who asked if I wanted to join him at the Best Western motel meeting room for a talk about financial security. That's all he said, no details. I bit and showed up the next evening.

Sat down among about 30 other people. Lots of talk from a charismatic fellow about trips to Hawaii, drinks on the beach, fine restaurants etc. etc. No mention of Amway and I could not connect the dots at the time though I was slightly suspicious. The one thing that struck me during the talk was the many people I saw spraying their mouth with a small dispenser.....Amway breath spray.

After the talk, my acquaintance invited me to join him in the cafe. He introduced me to his Amway "handler", I got the spiel, and vividly recall the handler telling me - "you can do this by standing on my shoulders." Well, long story short, I bought into it (I was that out of sorts). Moved out of K-Falls to smaller town on the Oregon coast to spend the winter with friends. On the way, I stopped at a Sears store in Medford and bought a suit and tie as advised.

When I revealed "my plan" with optimism to my friends there was stone silence for half a minute....then an explosion of belly laughs for an extended time with both shedding tears of jocularity. I came to my senses the next day. Gave away or used the Amway crap I had paid for and took the suit to Goodwill.

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I choose Herbalife because I had one annoying tenant who worked at that, and was often late with his rent, glad when he moved out.

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Lead actress in Netflix's "Wednesday"

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, Daniel, one time leader of the FSLN and 2 time president of El Salvador

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David, Cal linebacker all-time leading tackler

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We watched Karate Kid this weekend, so we can start watching the shows that follow it. Man, I thought the movie was pretty good, did not remember it all that well from the one time we watched decades ago (it was my dad's idea).

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KK1 was good. KK2 was not bad, but you'll want to watch it for Cobra Kai. 3 and 4 (the Next Karate Kid) were bad.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

3 is required viewing for Cobra Kai tho.

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What's mind blowing about The Karate Kid Part 3, when looking back, is that Thomas Ian Griffith (the actor who plays Terry Silver) is 6 months YOUNGER than Ralph Macchio in real life.

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Love that guy…a classic B movie actor who played the role of the secret agent that gets killed at the start of the OG XxX…damn you, Anarchy 99!! Damn you!!

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oh you're right. I forgot about that. Poor next Karate Kid...so far.

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Around the Horn 20th anniversary episode coming up Dec 13th 7p est. Great in-depth profile piece on Tony Reali in the Athletic, worth the read: https://theathletic.com/3962665/2022/12/05/tony-reali-around-the-horn-espn/

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I watched Bullet Train on Saturday night and I really liked it.

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Penultimate episode of White Lotus was very good.

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I'm very curious to see how it will wrap up this weekend. I think a bunch of characters are getting played: Harper didn't actually do anything with Cameron but she's relishing how much it irritates Ethan to think that they did; Lucia is in cahoots with that guy who was following them; and Tanya's husband seems to have a history with Quentin.

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I agree with this.

I don’t think Harper did anything with Cameron but she is doing this as revenge on Ethan. I don’t think their marriage survives the vacation.

Lucia is definitely playing Albie, it’s just a question of her end game. The obvious play is money but I think she is trying to get a ticket to the US, she mentioned earlier in the season wanting to go to the US.

Tanya’s husband is the cowboy that Quentin loved. The question I have is Tonyas husband in on this with Quentin. Remember his earlier phone call. Plus her husband arrived in Italy before Tanya, was upset she brought Portia, and Quentin showed up exactly when he left for Denver. I wonder if her husband and Quentin are going to try to blackmail her for money.

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Someone (or two, or three) dies in the final episode of a White Lotus 2. Who do you think? It could be anyone of them…I think.

Maybe that should be a DBD question. Who dies at the end of White Lotus 2?

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Most or all of them

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Slow Horses (S2) is good, just as season 1 was. Kristin Scott Thomas has already clinched Dame-dom if Jimmy C had a vote.

Echo 3 - through episode 3...we'll see where it goes.

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I found I had to retrain myself to ignore how rude everyone is to everyone else as I did with S1, it's *such* a good cast. Enjoying it so far.

Echo 3 is draaaaaaggging but I feel committed now. I watched the Israeli series it's based on (or that was based on the same book, anyway), very different directions between the two.

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Yeah, watched the first episode.

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Oh I just noticed season 2 started. Can't wait to watch the first couple of episodes.

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Lady Chatterly's Lover a new release on Netflix. Recommended.

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Does it contain the holy trinity of erotica, OD...adult content, nudity, and sexual situations?

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Wednesday (Netflix, 17/19, WB). I'm six episodes in. Tim Burton does a FANTASTIC job on season 1. The world creation, music, cinematography, set/costumes, and the writing are all outstanding. Jenna Ortega and her razor sharp cheekbones are able to emote enough to make her deadpan character still be interesting. The target audience is teenagers - but the quality is high enough to keep even middle-aged dudes engaged. Absolutely a contender to replace Stranger Things as the teen "it" show.

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Started IRIS, a Korean Netflix show that is the Korean secret CIA type org. About 8 episodes in of a 20 episode series. Really good but it's not a show I can keep on while working because I have to read the subtitles.

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How was your weekend?

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I heard a rumor that there was a pac12 championship game Friday but I never did hear how that went 😬

Saturday we went to a centenary birthday lunch for a former neighbor, that's not a milestone I expect to reach. Very pleasant though, at a very old school French restaurant. I was chuckling because our neighbor FK had a friend in attendance who was in the class of '44 with her, and my wife had taken the two of them to their 75th reunion in '19 (she went to the same school). Nice to see these two old ladies powering on.

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Dang! I HATE rooting for 'SC and having you guys lose - we wanted the $$$$!

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talk about adding insult to injury ;)

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Flew with my wife for her 50th Bday party in Austin TX. Was surprised by a friend who flew in from Sydney, AUS. Great cocktails, food, and company. Interstellar BBQ is nearly flawless. Loro was good Asian-fusion.

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Really nice, had a fancy veggie Sunday dinner, with really good Champagne to start with the hors d'oeuvres - a solid 2008 Burnello to go with the lasagna my wife made and a 1987 Armagnac to go with the dessert my daughter created.


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nice .. 1987 Armagnac to go with the dessert my daughter created.

what was the dessert?

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Panna cotta with Rose poached pears. Very tasty.

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It was nice. I put up our exterior Christmas lights on Saturday. Sunday my daughter had a friends 5th birthday party down near the Tijuana River Estuary and it was a lot of fun.

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got flu and covid shots on Friday, so was very lazy Saturday. My teenaged daughter had her first day of work ever, at Pegaus on Solano. Overall, decent weekend.

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LOTS of driving ..


took my daughter and niece to Boston for the weekend for a 2 hour summer camp reunion. we spent the night and had a nice sushi dinner in Boston too.

then drove my niece home to Philly and drove to DC this morning since i am working here this week.

will be happy to just be in hotel room for 3-4 nights.

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NYC to BOS absolutely blows as a car ride, it's like you get caught in some kind of space time continuum. (It's been camp reunion season for us also, but fortunately there was one in DC, and my older daughter took herself to the one in NYC from campus)

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we went to the reunion in NYC on Sat. but both girls really wanted to go to the one in BOS because "that is where all their friends were going to be".

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I've heard that line before

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Quite pleasant. It rained most of the day on Saturday, so I had a great excuse to get a cozy fire going in the fireplace and sit around and watch football (college and World Cup) for much of the day. Yesterday we went to a local brewery for dinner and some live music.

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Good. Women's b-ball game Saturday. Was the keynote speaker for a Finnish Independence Celebration at Berkeley's Finn Hall on Sunday. Talk well-received despite my failure to reference Cal football. How was yours?

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Redeye to Miami Sat night for work. In Miami this week. Driving to Key West over the weekend. Fly to LA Sun night then back to the Bay Area Mon. Doing a mileage run to get the takeoff and landings to keep status.

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GIFT IDEAS - put your gift wishes here, the idea being that perhaps someone else will get inspired by it to give their loved one

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Someone will give their loved one a winning season for Cal football?

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Brazil - South Korea

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23 min in .. Brazil has 2 shots on goal. they are leading 2-0.

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i am guessing a PK counts as a shot on goal in the futbol stats world.

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Sigh, not a great game to wake up to watch at 7:00AM.

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Japan-Croatia going to PKs

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

It was the best first half for Japan in this world cup. Second half wasn't too bad either, but it got worse in overtime and terrible PKs.

Thankfully I got to watch it on DirecTV on my flight from SNA to SFO. Then I got to SFO and the United Club was NOT showing the game. I asked to change it and they said there's no remote. I watched it on Fox Sports app on the phone. Just before boarding my flight to Tokyo I got upgraded to business. Had the upgrade cleared sooner, I could have watched it in the Polaris Lounge.

I wished Japan vs S. Korea on a very slim chance.

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that didnt last long. Croatian goalie saves 3 of 4 PKs.

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Those were three of the weakest PKs I've ever seen (though one of the Croatia guys also delivered a really weak one that hit the post).

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Croatia advances after winning 3-1 on PKs

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Argentina defeats Australia 2-1

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Netherlands defeats USA 3-1

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

I was telling Newellbany this...regarding the US in the World Cup, I am a normal, healthy f-ing sports fan. I watch the matches, I root for the team...when they beat Iran, I'm like "OK, that's good", and go about my day just fine...and when they lose, like to the Dutch, I'm like "Oh well, strong effort", and go about my day just fine.

Contrast that to my unhealthy devotion to Cal sports or the Niners, where if they lose, my entire weekend is f-ing shot. Damn.

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I am mostly the same way but even less engaged with soccer than you. I am happy when they do well but I don’t follow them and when they lose it just gets a shoulder shrug.

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I'm a long time fan of proper football (aka soccer) and I root against the US team in international competition simply because most Americans don't care about soccer and some are hostile to it, few understand the game. I prefer to see countries win where people are passionate about the sport. Let the U.S. win in basketball and baseball and let the rest of the world enjoy footie.

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I support the US against anyone but Scotland, I do worry though that the more the US gets incrementally better the more we risk going from being the "scrappy and friendly enthusiast" traveling support to the "annoying Americans" for yet another sport. Can't fight progress I guess.

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Every team that has success will see their fans become annoying. Just part of the deal.

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Americans DO CARE! You are STRANGE!

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I would argue that's it's generally better for "the game" to get countries like America more interested in the sport. If Team USA does well that is more likely to happen.

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I am a loyal and patriotic citizen -- of Finland.

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England defeats Senegal 3-0

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I had 30 minutes of hope before Senegal's "all gas no brakes" tactics came unstuck. I am not comfortable with an England team that is increasingly made up of stylish and likable players.

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France defeats Poland 3-1

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those 2 goals by Mbappe were amazing to watch.

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My brother was saying that England's best bet against France is that Mbappe starts channeling his inner Cruyff and refuses to score goals that are neither difficult nor beautiful.

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Moore County, which is two counties south of me, is without power because some terrorist shot up two electrical sub-stations - reportedly to stop a drag story time event.

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DC Bar's Board of Professional Responsibility will start hearing on Drunk Uncle starting today. This will likely last through the week. At stake is his potential disbarment in DC.


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Trump had undisclosed debt to Daewoo into 2017


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I had no idea Daewoo was still around.

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I'm guessing we'll see a lot of "Trump had undisclosed debt to XXX" in the coming weeks.

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You should probably do some soul searching if you can't pass muster with the guy who praised Hitler


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In related news, looks like he's off his meds again


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Cheney calls Trump ‘enemy of the Constitution’ after he proposes terminating it


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Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution so that he can be installed as POTUS.


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Kedon Slovis to the portal. Jerkovic takes his spot at Pitt


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Why not play somewhere else, got to keep pace with JT Daniels

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UBC Thunderbirds defeat Simon Fraser Red Leafs 18-17 in the first Shrum Bowl played with American rules in 21 years.


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Coach Prime HC of the CU Buffs

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Hoping this brings needed excitement to the Pac. Nephew hoping to be headed to CU in the fall, he may be in for an exciting season.

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New Mexico State becomes bowl eligible by beating Valpo 65-3 thanks to literally having the weakest schedule in the FBS with wins over Hawaii, New Mexico, UMass, Lamar (FCS), Liberty, and Valpo (FCS).


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The Fighting Tedfords defeat Boise State 28-16 in the MWC Championship

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Nikko Remigio 70 yard punt return for TD...

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Is he available in the portal?

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He is and has been as scary as anyone in football with the ball in the open field.

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Troy defeats Coastal Carolina 45-26 in the Sun Belt Championship

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Toledo defeats Ohio 17-7 in the MAC Championship

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UTSA defeats North Texas 48-27 in the CUSA Championship

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Tulane defeats UCF 45-28 in the AAC Championship

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Green Wave first appearance in a major bowl since the 1930s. Great accomplishment. Will be interested to see how USC approaches the Cotton Bowl, not their first major bowl in that time frame, though their first in a few years.

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Tulane v USC Cotton Bowl is going to be ultimate David vs Goliath. Any hope for that slingshot?

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Tulane has a good offense, better than ours so they should be able to move the ball and put up points. If Caleb is healthy and plays, USC should win a high scoring game. Without Caleb and Tulane has a legitimate chance of winning.

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I think that's exactly it.

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Without Caleb Williams, who knows. I guess it depends on how bad his hammy is.

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Clemson defeats UNC 39-10 in the ACC Championship

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K-State defeats TCU 31-28 in OT of the Big XII Championship

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As I noted elsewhere earlier, atrocious BIG XII officiating opened the door so Sonny could slam it on is own foot, and the Frogs chance at a conference championship.

However, in a remarkable stroke of Sonny luck, it didn't affect TCU's placement into the playoffs one bit.

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Duggan's final TD drive in regulation was incredible. The playcalling on the goal line in OT was incredibly bad.

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Split Zone Duo said it wasn’t necessarily play calling but the K State D stepping up. And in the post game presser, Sonny said they’ve had problems all year in 3/4th and short situations.

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Agreed. TCU/Dykes had some strange end of game play calling in this game and the Baylor game.

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Michigan defeats Purdue 43-22 in the Big X Championship

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Georgia defeats LSU 50-30 in the SEC Championship

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Did you all see that highlight of the Georgia d-lineman picking up the LSU QB *with one arm*? god-damn

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Utah defeats USC 47-24 in the Pac-12 Championship

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Hats off to Utah, that's where a little more depth and a clear playing style over multiple recruiting cycles really paid off - Utah had SC's run game sussed out almost completely and once Williams was injured, it was pretty much game over.

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Panthers releasing Baker Mayfield


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Just in time to sign with SF!

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Cam Bynum's last second interception seals Vikings win...


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Hearts vs. UD Almeria "friendly" abandoned after this altercation. https://twitter.com/days_scottish/status/1599380436370661376

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pretty unfriendly imo imho

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Jimmy G out for the season. Arise, King Brock Purdy. Niners defense leads them to a 33-17 win over the Dolphins


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Man, Kyle Shanahan has had horrible luck with QB health during this stretch. Sure, you can say some of that is Jimmy G being made of glass, but they also regularly see the other guy get hurt too and have to play the 3rd string QB.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

I’m no fan of Purdy - dude cost me a lot of money v Clemson in the bowl game last year…

I was impressed with his effort yesterday tho…maybe Shanahan can coach him up down the stretch and they can win the NFCW, maybe a playoff game. But think their chances of beating Hurts, or Allen/Mahomes in the postseason are shot.

Bad luck.

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Yeah, they should still be a good team, but hopes of a Super Bowl run are probably out. Unless we get some real Nick Foles magic here.

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I wonder if they take a flyer on Baker Mayfield...he knows the system.

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I don’t see why they wouldn’t. It’s low risk and high reward.

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Herbert should not resign with the Chargers and try to hit FA and sign with the Niners.

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I am not a fan of Staley and Lombardi. You can’t be .500 with Herbert, Derwin James, Asante Samuel Jr and Khalil Mack..

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Yep, they both need to go if the Chargers miss the playoffs. For a defensive coach, Staleys defenses aren’t very good and Lombardi isn’t maximizing Herbert’s talents on offense. Is is the worse of both worlds.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Their Super Bowl window just shut.

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I don’t know, that defense is really good. Outside of Dallas and Philadelphia, NFC is fairly weak this year.

It might be worth it for the Niners to actually lose the division and get the the wild card spot that plays the NFC South division winners. Hope that Philadelphia and Dallas somehow get matched up in the divisional round.

Hurts looks great but he is still young so the Niners defense could make his life tough in a matchup.

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Thanks,, SGB, for running my suggestion for a WFC poll. Curious to see what the final numbers look like.

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Go Bears!!!

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[WBB] SMU pulls away in the second half, defeat the Bears 70-56 in the Raising the BAR Invitational. Cal's record is now 6-2.


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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Author

THAT effort beats UC Davis, UCSD, Texas St and probably Southern.

Unfortunately, even if that effort becomes consistent, now that the schedule is ramped up, it may not result in wins.

You gotta like their chances to get off the schneid v Eastern Washington now, tho. Watch Knowlton extend Fox after the first W of the year....smdh.

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Yup, that team would win 5-8 conference games. We got the best versions of Devin and Lars. Let's hope we see more of that going forward.

I am wondering if it's time to reduce Joel's playing time.

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CAL BEARS BACK-TO-BACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONS IN WATER POLO. An amazing come-back - perhaps the best win ever by a Cal water polo team. Down by four with under six minutes to play. They come back to tie it on MPSF POY Papanikolaou's stunning SEVENTH goal of the match. Then Cal has a penalty, giving USC a powerplay in the waning moments. Then this happens...


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Well done to the Bears, and I think it's important for SC to acknowledge that UCLA came in third.

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I was walking to dinner with my coworkers with about 3-4 min left in this match. I basically ignored them for the first 10 min in the restaurant. The comeback was amazing.

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Transfer portal opens today and gosh am I nervous.

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Updated list of 5th year Cal football players:

Sirmon*, Lovell, Cindric*, Plummer*, Alftin, Young*, Robinson, Longhetto#, Zellers#


Updated list of 4th year Cal football players:

Woodie, Croteau, Woodson, Williams, Brooks#, Jernigan, Tagaloa, Patu#, Smith#, Antzoulatos, Puskas*, Driscoll, Coleman*#, Rohme, Sessions, Mojarro, Rogers*, Johnson, Rask*, Ikahihifo, Starling, Sheahan@

# - already announced grad transfer, * - walked during Senior Day, @ - declared for NFL draft

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So far we are dodging bullets. Hope today is quiet in terms of announcements.

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Champ Johnson is in the portal

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Chris Street is in the portal

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Oof...so basically Ott needs to stay.

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Femi is in the portal

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Well that's a bullet.

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Well, shit.

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Ya...fear it's just gonna get worse.

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This really sucks but I still have some trust in Wilcox on defense. I think we'll have next Kunaszyk, Weaver, Sirmon, etc. But if we start to lose some skill players on offense....

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