
That time when North Carolina confiscated the Bill of Rights back from an Antique Roadshow guy


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Neat story

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Korea Post going full humbug.


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Taking steps to prevent "malodorous seepage" is usually a good idea.

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commentary on last night's football game goes in the PRO section I think

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proper packaging prevents "malodorous seepage" regardless of shipping delays. Also, ew.

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British government tells residents to not hoard ahead of January crash out. You'll never guess what happened next.


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Favorite spot?

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the green spot for weeknight drinking

the yellow spot for something a little better

both are pot still Irish whiskeys

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Montenegro is beautiful. we did a 10 day hiking trip there last summer.

it is also a very rocky and hilly country. the joke is ... "God lost a bag of rocks in Montenegro." people were very warm and friendly. food was not fancy, but really tasty country-style food. lots of roasted meats inland. lots of fresh seafood near the coast.

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as dumb as a box of rocks

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seriously, when you make a golden retriever look like a genius, it's time to hang it up

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Elsewhere in college

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ICYMI: The end of the Ball State vs. Western Michigan game.

...he gives it to... the ball is still loose... oh, the OTHER TEAM IS ON THE FIELD! HE GOING TO GO INTO THE END ZONE. We still don't know if it will count. There may have been an illegal lateral...


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Wow. Forward pass in there, though.

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And a rather obvious forward pass at that.

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Also no marching band. Pretty crazy though.

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CU Buffs end season, will not seek non-conference replacement game


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they got hosed by the conference

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Notre Dame DC Clarke Lea named Vandy HC


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(USA Today). LSU skirted Title IX sexual misconduct issues by purposely keeping investigations in house and then doing nothing.


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Biden taps Mayor Pete to be the new US Sec'y of Transportation. Bye, Elaine Chao.


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A good choice and a safe "sandbox" for the former mayor to practice his political and administrative skills while still a pretty young guy.

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Man, did that Monday night game deliver the thrills. Pretty epic.

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A neighbor from downstairs and across the hall is from Bmore. Every once in awhile I would hear a scream and change the channel on the TV to see the replay. I was in bed for the end so don't know how crazy he went.

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What happened? I didn't watch it.

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Just an exciting game, started slow, Ravens built a 14 point lead, Browns battled back to take the lead in the fourth quarter with Lamar Jackson out. Lamar comes back in at the end of the fourth, leads them down field to score winning field goal.

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and dont forget the bizarre safety on the last play of the game that flipped the spread

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and the rumors that Lamar Jackson's cramps may have been of the intestinal kind rather than the leg kind.

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Yeah, they didn't do a good job of the hook & ladder play... which got me thinking, the only way "The Play" worked was due to the fact that 'Furd wasn't really expecting it, so they just tried to tackle everyone quickly.

Nowadays the other teams play it more like a pass play, and spread defenders out.

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I had Cleveland +3.5....DAGGER!!!!!

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Jared Hyder may be cleared to play this season for men's BB, pending an NCAA rule change that could come this month according to Mark Fox.

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No he won't, because CAL

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Give Fox another year and he'll understand. He still thinks there's a chance.

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This is likely on the Cal Compliance Department finding some new, creative way to screw up the waiver process for it's student-athletes....having worked previously in the Cal Athletic Department, my money is on some sort of breakdown at the University level.

Not to give the NCAA a pass, as they are inept as well, but Hyder's inexplicable denial during COVID has me convinced that Cal is doing something wrong.

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College Football's early signing period starts tomorrow. Hopefully our verbals will commit.

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Here's hoping the elite TE we have committed actually signs, and enrolls....this Musgrave O is crying for a game changer at the TE position - one that actually catches passes (sorry Tonges)

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Jermaine Terry? He's a lock.

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Well, didn't we have a stud TE signed on for this year and he didn't enroll...I believe...

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According to the Chron we will have nabbed four of the top 10 recruits in the Bay Area, which is better than we have done in a long time. (Here's hoping they sign on the dotted line and "fax" in their NLI's, though)

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Missed out on 5-star WR Tony Franklin from Menlo-Atherton, however, he's signing with Oregon.

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I personally think he is really overrated. He obviously has some skill but not the number 2 receiver in the country especially when he plays in a damn pee-wee league in comparison to the rest of the pack. All i heard about on end was how he was so good and his team would end us at Levi's Stadium in 2019. We proceeded to massacre the state champs 38-13 and he only got 6rec for 59 on Hitch routes the whole night, nothing special to me.

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This is why we can't hand-wave away the poorly run coup attempts:


Former Houston police captain accused of violent attempt to prove election conspiracy was hired by GOP activist's group

Mark Aguirre is accused of running a man off the road and threatening him at gunpoint. The ex-cop was hired as a private investigator by a group whose CEO is GOP activist Steven Hotze.

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I would never hand-wave away any coup attempts, no matter how poorly run.

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My sister has been coming home singing 3 little birds by Bob Marley from school for like 2 weeks now and I've just found out why.

[Keep reading]

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Wait, what? Since when do you have a sister???

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It's a tweet! Someone else's tweet!

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Great song. I have the children’s book of this same song and inspired by the song that I read to my kids.

Side question: what is your favorite Bob Marley song?

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either "You can't blame the youth" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C5vatOBV4M or burning and looting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0hSmgpFFL0

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I was discussing with YWC about what the absolute best Simpsons episode was. I think I landed on Last Exit the Springfield - it has jokes including Big Book of British Smiles, Why Must You Turn My Office into a House of Lies, Dental Plan/Lisa Needs Braces, "The Japanese! Those sandal wearing goldfish tenders!," "Now do classical gas!" and all of Homer's negiotations with Mr. Burns.

I also think Marge vs the Monorail is my second favorite.

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That's my favorite as well, by a good margin. I think my second favorite is Homer at the Bat.

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I haven't watched a Simpsons episode in a very long time. I remember when one of the Fox channels did a thing where they were showing all the episodes in order, all the ones that I thought were funny enough to watch were in the first 3 seasons or so, and I remembered about the marathon when they were in season 4 😬

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FXX still marathons them in order once in a while, but only ~3 hours at a time during evenings. So they'll have a week or two of good episodes and then it seems like the rest of eternity is spent on the unfunny seasons.

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I think I downloaded and watched the first few episodes of this season. The first episodes I've seen since maybe the early 90s.

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Haven't seen it since the 90's...

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It hasn't really been great since the 90s.

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My fave is the Sideshow Bob episode on the boat with the Gilbert and Sullivan theme.

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Cape Feare

Weird thing about that. About 7-8 years ago there was a play based on that episode called Mr. Burns- A Post Electric Play. I saw it with Twist. We were supposed to go with CBG (RIP) but you know... Anyway, this play was fucking weird. It starts after some unspecified apocalyptic event with a group of survivors sitting around a campfire trying to recall this episode. The second act moves onto several years later with them having started a theatrical troupe who perform Simpsons episodes from memory so the basics of the episodes are there but not exactly. The third act is set even further into this dystopian future with a retelling of the Cape Feare episode and is completely off the rails. The characters are mixed up (Sideshow Bob and Mr Burns are now one in the same) and the story doesn't make any sense. We sat there dumbfounded at how bizarre this whole thing was. When it was over, Twist asked someone to take a picture of us with the empty seat we bought for CBG. The look on Twist's face says it all, just 100% confusion.

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That sounds just bizarre enough to be worth attending. Maybe.

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The year i lived in China (the first time) one of my co-teachers was a guy from Cornell. Since we didn't have TV or the internet, we spent a lot of conversations going "Hey, do you remember that Simpsons episode with "Bake Him Away Toys?" and us sitting around for a satisfying 45 minutes trying to re-tell all the jokes.

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Whoa, that sounds completely surreal.

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Ah, the rake scene.

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If pressed, I'd say Monorail is the best. But really it's just about every episode from Season 3 through 7.

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