
Gina Carano fired from Star Wars franchise due to her social media activity


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Well that's too bad, but she played herself out, I guess.

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It really amazes me that some people can't just shut up about something, even when they have every incentive to do so.

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Well everyone NEEDS to know that "conservatives" are being persecuted just like the Jews in Nazi Germany!

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So who is canceling whom?

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Spite House

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the app? That is something which is passing me by

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For a moment...

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A town in your state that sounds differently than it is spelled

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Too many of them (but nearly as bad as Massachusetts)

Bowie: BOO-ee

Cockeysville: COKE-eez-ville

Herefore: HARE-ford

Havre de Grace: HAVE-er de grace

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FWIW the pronunciation of Bowie in Maryland is closer to the "proper" pronunciation. There's no accounting for Cockeysville though.

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My guess is it's an aversion to saying "cock"

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but you need that full mid-atlantic accent for Bowie. The former mrs is from Annapolis and to be in Maryland and hear people say it is much different than reading a phonetic approach

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the Maryland "o" will throw you for a loop for sure. What's funny is that once in a while my daughters will say something with that sound - like "coke" - but mostly not. No idea how it happened for a couple of words but otherwise not.

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Bowie almost comes across as monosyllabic

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It's just north of Durham.

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Zzyzx, California

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TIL: I've been saying it wrong my whole life

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So say we all.

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I hope they one day open a UC Zzyzx.

Where you see...Zz

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every town in central Texas with a German name? Gruene being the prime example... (Green) although I live on the edge of Manchaca (Manshack)

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Heh, when my Mom was working for Pac-Bell (while my Dad was attending Berkeley working on his PhD) she pronounced a local city as Valley-Joe.

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Yachats, OR

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a) I would have never guessed YAH-hahts

b) This town is whiter than some rural counties in Iowa

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It is also has a smaller population. But a VERY good seafood restaurant. (Priorities.)

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is it in the state of jefferson?

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Nope. Central coast.

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Not my state but any town in Massachusetts.

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3.14159265359/19 bc of too much pie.....

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Good way to go though!

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2/19 physically

5/19 mentally 😂

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About the same.

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for my age? probably 10 to 15/19. overall? 5 to 10/19. not inflexible, but could increase it pretty easily with some stretches.

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I'm fairly flexible, because I have to be to avoid re-occurrence of FHL, which is no fun at all.

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I can bend down and touch my toes while stretching. not sure what. that gives me. Maybe 11?

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Hmmmm. I would consider that like a 3. That's really baseline being able to move. Can you touch your nose to your knees with legs straight? That's maybe a 10. Vertical splits? 15. Horizontal splits? 18. Pull your foot above your head like an ice skater? That's 19.

On that scale, I am maybe a 6. I used to be an 18, but life.

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Nope I can't touch my noes to my knees. Maybe 4 inches away. So I guess I'm a 3 or a 4 on the Scootie scale. I guess I'm much worse than I thought I was. @Thanks Scootie@

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What really matters is whether you can move the next morning! Some of us are still surprisingly flexible and capable briefly, in the short term. Being able to walk from the bedroom to the kitchen the next day can be a whole different deal.

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Me too. I thought I was pretty limber (and nimble) but I might be considered a physical wreck according to the Scootie scale.

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Well, I mean really flexible is really freaking flexible. I am astonished what other people my age can do, especially if they're yoga freaks!

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Ha! Tennis is more my thing. Not a yoga person. But I am a big fan of yoga people! My doctor tells me (frequently) to stop playing tennis as it is destructive ( I keep tearing my calf muscles). He suggested yoga instead. I suggested that he “....go to someplace .” He then suggested a prostate exam...My attitude quickly improved Maybe yoga is a better alternative.

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somewhere close to 1.

currently i have some plantar fasciitis which seems to be due to lack of stretching of calves.

aside from that i have never been able to touch my toes w/o bending at the knees.

i try to do some post-cycling leg stretches but usually i am just tired and want to flop on the couch

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Once upon a time I was pretty flexible. But over the last year or so I've gotten lazy so the stretching/yoga after my run has gone away.

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Elsewhere in college

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Valpo is abandoning their Crusader mascot. Unconfirmed report indicates that some of the other names being considered are "Sports Team", "Human Beings," and "Violent Lutheran Warriors"


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ASU doing the to-whom-it-may-concern approach


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Which FBS football team has a lot of natural disadvantages (eg, remote/ugly town, extremely good or bad academics, small/poor/disinterested alumni base)?

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Vandy, all the Armed Forces, Temple, Rice, New Mexico, SJSU

And until recently, Idaho - Wazzu and Boise State's smarter, older brother

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I'm not sure Utah St. (3rd fiddle in the Salt Lake Valley) isn't more challenged than New Mexico. But both are in beautiful settings a lot of people will never see.

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Cal checks a lot of these boxes.

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Stanford checks all of them.

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great academics + cheap, disinterested alumni donor base

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and f*ck the city of Berkeley

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-Great academics

-Disinterested alumni donor base

-Homeless/weird vibe of Berkeley turns off a lot of people

-City of Berkeley issues and politics

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Texas Tech. Ok school, but Lubbock Texas is not very scenic.

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Texas Tech on location alone, which overcomes strong academics and a huge and supportive alumni base. In a similar vein, Oklahoma St, & Kansas St.

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Wazzu to an extent.

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D-Rob returning to Georgia in 2021


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Should never have transferred. Was a star in the making at Cal.

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maybe if Cal had admitted his sister he might have stayed

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Why can't we offer scholarships via UC Extension? I mean, we could have put Eddy Ionescu (Brother) there too. Sabrina's revenue impact on the Oregon program was quite large. Home attendance tripled during her reign.

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Feb 11, 2021Liked by SGBear

I blame Twist on that one. Coach G walked by our tailgate with Mr Ionescu and we collectively gave her a shout out. Twist proceeded to engage her a little more and she introduced him to Mr Ionescu and asked Twist to pitch Cal to him. Needless to say, she chose Oregon.

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David Schoen went on Fox News rather than be at the Senate proceedings.


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WaPo: Biden admin to announce procurement of 200m additional doses on top of 100m already obtained. 100 mn each from Pfizer and Moderna. No word on what they'll do with the extra 70m doses for people who will refuse to get it.


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That's only enough for 150MM people. Should be about right, there are 210MM 18+, and by the time all the adults are done I'm guessing teens will be eligible.

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Maybe donate them to another country or WHO.

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Work on the wall cutting a river in two on the Arizona/Mexico border...just heard that someone has welded the floodgates shut so they cannot be opened in the past couple of days....bad for migrating animals, amphibians, and fish....


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Nothing that can't be reversed with a cutting torch.

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Or neglect and let nature take care of it.

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Yeah, one flash flood should do the trick.

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Senate Impeachment

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New video was a revelation. But it probably will have no impact on the Republicans decision, or lack thereof.

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If you haven't seen the part by Stacey Plaskett (D-USVI), it is chilling. Plaskett showed how close the insurrectionist got to Pence and Pelosi. Officer Eugene Goodman is a national hero.


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so i get that the Democrats are doing what they "need to do" but the reporting makes it seems like there is some doubt as to outcome.

there is close to zero chance Trump gets convicted, much less barred from holding office again,.

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Secret ballot? 89-90 votes to convict him I'd guess.

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I keep thinking about how many of them have Presidential ambitions, and by not convicting they are ensuring they won't be the nominee next time and maybe even the time after that. It's fascinating.

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It’s a double edged sword for them. They have Presidential ambitions so they would like him out of the field but if they vote for eliminating trump from running they will have killed any slim chance they currently have for getting the Retrumplican nomination.

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Good point, but the counterbalance is the loss of party $s come reelection time, and the backlash from Trump loyalists. In a lot of cases, it would be political suicide. At this point, wresting the party from Trump is going to be tough and dangerous lift.

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It seems pretty clear to me that McConnell would like to do it, but can't drum up enough support within his own caucus.

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the minority whip needs to get those votes

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At this point I assume the Democrats know there is no chance, but at least it gets the republicans on record as voting not to impeach. It can be used against them in the future, not that it means anything for their voters.

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Republican senators just asking questions about the constitutionality of the impeachment like they were just asking questions about the election results: a smokescreen for something they know damn well is true, but are choosing not to admit for election positioning.

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Yep. That is the answer to all the questions about why this is happening. Its about creating footage for use in campaign and fundraising commercials.

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if anything i think the litmus test is the opposite.

most Republicans said they would hesitate for a senator that voted to convict Trump.


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Litmus test for Retrumplicans but it could cost them independents.

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It does help set the stage for actual criminal and civil suits.

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This year's SuperBowl logo confused me. They put the Lombardi Trophy between LV and made it a similar height, which made it look like LIV


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I kept thinking the same thing during the game. Partially superimposing the L and V over the trophy or making the trophy notably larger/smaller would have helped.

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Same here.

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KC Chiefs have apparently fired Coach Reid


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Made me do a double take.

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Pitchers and catchers in 6-7 days, varying by team


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This season is already a loss in my head. However, I have committed to going to the 2022 Florida pre-season.

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To what end? The Dodgers already purchased the championship.

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A's sign Jed Lowrie (again!) to a minor league deal with an invite to Spring Training. John Fisher shopping in the bargain basement once more. However, it appears that he will get a chance to make the team. Last year's 2nd baseman Tommy LaStella cut a 3-year deal with the Giants.

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So that would be an infield of Chapman, Andrus, Lowrie, and Olson...

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This cool article on UC Berkeley-related Dark Matter research.


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i hope the find the dark matter in my lifetime. it is the primary reason i kept w/ physics/astronomy for so long.

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Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

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Cool! Also Happy CNY Eve!

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Just something quick. Croissant with ham and American melt in the oven. Had to get to the Honda dealer to get a clip that I broke to fix my door lock actuator.

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French toast. It was amazing.

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Grilled cheese sandwiches.

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Those can be tasty, hadn't one in a long time recently, out of lunch meat, made one and thought "why haven't I been making this more often" - true it takes a little more effort than my usual meat/cheese/red onion/tomato combo, but nice change of taste.

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Mmmmmmm... Leftover roasted Feta & veggies over orzo.

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Chilly and light rain. But snow not far north or higher up. Starting overnight, will be on the verge of snow/sleet/freezing rain continually until around mid-day Saturday. Welcome back winter; the Beaver at the zoo that does for us what the groundhog does back east called it.

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we fly out Sun morning to CO for a week of skiing.

it is supposed to snow 3-5 inches overnight, so i hope it doesnt mess up flights and things'

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on Sat night that is

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Is NY still requiring 10-14 day quarantining when you go back?

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y, but you can reduce it w/ PCR tests 3 days before and after.

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the turnaround on tests here is 24-48 hours. also, it is free, walk up w/ no appt, and no questions.

i have had 8-9 already. batting 0.000

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My daughter had a 15 minute turnaround test when I dropped her off at Vassar on Tuesday, supplemented by something more rigorous the next day. Not messing around.

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What a mess all over. Big crash in Dallas, where it's in the 20s, because of icy conditions.


When I checked this morning it was -8 in Iowa where my sister lives. It snowed lightly while I ran this morning but nothing was sticking because it was in the mid-30s.

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I Think the midwest got an ice storm. Was supposed to be lots of ice in Louisville yesterday I think. I wonder how much they actually got.

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