This year's California commercial salmon season could be half the size of last year's


The main reason for the shorter season is the smaller number of adult Sacramento River salmon expected to be in the ocean this spring and summer. While commercial fishing boats were permitted to go out for 167 days total last year, the three proposals for the 2021 season would only allow fishing for a total of 78 days, 94 days or 104 days. After the public has a chance to provide feedback on the proposals, the council will announce its final decision in April.

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Some of these are quite sweet; some of these are downright hilarious: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/m2u2dc/what_did_you_not_know_or_realize_until_after/

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What time do you guys want to do the small (in contrast with Imax's 500-person) Pi Day Zoom on Sunday? 5:00 Pacific? 6:00? 7:00? I made note of MoriBear's email from yesterday, but if you think I don't have your email, find a way to let me know. I'll send out the link today or tomorrow.

You are still encouraged to go to Imax's 500-person Pi Fest!

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all good for me

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I seriously doubt I'll get more than 10 people who actually come to say hi

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"In Search of A Flat Earth"

Starts off in well-worn territory (exploring Flat Earthers), then takes a hard turn. I thought that this was very well done


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Daylight savings

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Was it D$ who always reminded everyone that it's Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight SavingS Time?

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That sounds familiar. I always think of that whenever I hear someone someone say savingS time.

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That sounds like an Atoms thing.

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Abolish it! Standard time year round.

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BOOOOOO! This man!

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I'd prefer DST year round,

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The problem with that is it means kids going to school in the dark.

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Kids already go to school in the dark in lots of places. Let them have some light after school.

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School ends at like 3:00. I don't think there's any time of year where kids don't get some light after school ends.

If anything, having year-round Standard Time would make it so they don't have to go to bed when it's still light out.

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this is one of those "tell me you live on the eastern edge of a time zone without telling me you do" things, I think. I've mentioned it before & the permanent DST believers aren't having it.

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I don't live on the eastern edge, so I personally would be fine with all DST. But I am also able to hear other arguments and recognize that all-standard would be the better-balanced arrangement if we wanted to do away with time changes. It was "standard" time for a reason!

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Time is meaningless

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Daylight is sunny

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No, it's a flat circle.

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Jeremy Bearimy?

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True Detectives, Season 1

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Episode 4 remains one of the more intensely riveting hours of television you will ever see.

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I'm looking forward the having daylight past 7pm. I'm not looking forward to darkness at 7am.

I'm hoping DST helps Cf-98's sleep schedule jump forward an hour. I wouldn't mind if she starts waking up at 7:30am rather than 6:30.

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Reminder: Daylight Savings Time is 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 14.

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Actually looking forward to it because now I can barbecue when it is light outside.

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I got up early this morning to try to ease into the change.

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Apple Pie

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One of the best things in the world!

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Pie Hole's apple pie is delightful

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Have not been there in a long time. Maybe I'll try it after everything opens up.

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Decades for us, used to like their cheese puffs.

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this is true. i like their olallieberry pie best.

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Also, what are you guys making for Pi Day?

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@A cake with Euler's number (e) on it@

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is much easier to make than I thought it was

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a la mode

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in Wisconsin there used to be a law that if your restaurant serves (apple) pie, you are legally required to offer it with a thick slab of melted cheddar cheese on it.

it is actually quite tasty even though i probably would just prefer vanilla ice cream

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I blame this on the Wisconsin dairy and cheese lobbyist run amok.

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I guess I'd try it but that sounds horrific.

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Yeah, it sounds terrible.

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I think I'd pass on that. Apples and cheddar are good friends but that seems like a bad pairing.

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I've had apple pie with cheddar baked into the crust before and it's not bad: it just adds a little more saltiness

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Cheddar baked into a crust is fine but a slap of melted cheese on top of it sounds terrible.

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trust me, it is GOOD

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Meh. I'd prefer many other desserts over Pie in general.

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Cake? Pudding? Ice cream? Fruit?

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All are excellent choices.

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i like a good apple pie, but would much rather have cherry, berry, pecan or key lime.

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All are excellent choices.

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House. The #1 US coffee brand until the late 80s. They had 4 plants, the last one in San Leandro closed in 2016.

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my customers in NOLA, when I used to go (heavy sigh) were not too far from the Folger's plant - weird to have the entire outside smell life coffee.

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I liked it when the Hills Brothers plant was still working in SF. You'd roll down 80 out of SF across the Bay Bridge and be scent/sent off with the smell of medium roast coffee. That, and the CH Sugar sign next to it that had shimmering lights.


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I kind of liked the coffee smell when I was south of Market. My second start up was a steaming media company on Brannan. We would open the windows in our office and get the coffee smell, then would head over a block to South Park and go to a cafe for espressos.

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I’ve always enjoyed the scent/smell of coffee much more than the taste.

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I used to be repped by an art gallery on Brannon, friends with the guy the owned the South Park Cafe.

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typo...should be "streaming" above.

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's Silver Hammer

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I used to see him running up in Redwood Regional Park. He didn't look like a typical distance runner because he was pretty short. My brother was friends in forestry school with a guy who ran track and cross country. They put together a team for a relay from Half Moon Bay to Santa Cruz and I got roped into running a leg the week after I did a marathon. They had also roped Maxwell into running our anchor leg. Didn't turn out well for me since I ended up messing up my knee trying to race hard so soon after a marathon.

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Ms Maxwell running for Stanford - that's cold blooded!

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My favorite flavor was the Vanilla Crisp ones

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I had them for the first time at an event in New Orleans and like them the best out of any type of athletic bar I've ever had. Close second is the White Chocolate/Macadamia Clif Bar.

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Today in Covid

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older daughter, 16, qualifies to get vaccine because of all her volunteering at soup kitchen.

in NY they just added soup kitchen workers in the same group as grocery store workers.

so she is going to Walgreens on Mon for her 1st shot.

add that to the fact she can drive and has a car ... WATCH OUT

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Great speech by the Biden hologram/robot last night! The Democratic IT/programmers did a great job with its programming as it didn’t have any noticeable glitches.

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some would say that the absence of glitches means that they have some more work to do in making it fully realistic

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North Carolina accelerated vaccine group 4, plus accelerated even faster (next week) those who have higher risk health factors like me. I have smoked more than 100 cigarettes in my lifetime, have asthma, and am muscular enough that my BMI technically qualifies me as "obese".

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go for a huge run right before you get to the vaccination center so you go in short of breath.

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Honestly, there is no way to check the things that qualify you for specific groups, so it is all on the honor system. I am sticking to my group, but I know a lot of people who jumped the queue.

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I dutifully took my proof of employment / eligibility for group 1C vaccination in MD with me today, and nobody cared. My wife is volunteering at a vaccination site today and is sending pictures of centenarians getting their shots so I'm not feeling guilty at all.

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Elsewhere in college

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Nebraska is scurred. They’re trying to cancel their game with Oklahoma on Sept 18 which marks the 50th anniversary of The Game of the Century


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Former USC/Pitt QB Max Browne highlights what it's like to be in the transfer portal. Also, 7 minutes into the video, he drops the bomb that the first place he wanted to transfer was Cal.


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the SC coaches really wrecked him, mentally. He's surprisingly good as a video analyst though

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if you can't beat out Cody Kessler...

Throwing him out as the sacrificial lamb to that absolute beat down by Alabama was never going to be good for anyone's psyche.

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I mean I couldn't beat out Cody Kessler... one of succession of well meaning, hard working kids who took a beating when they could have been perfectly successful somewhere else

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PMG DeJoy gives himself an A grade


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I will say however, that 95% of mail within the greater Bay Area is on time - 2 days.

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A check mailed to Utah 3 weeks ago never got there. Things be fucked up you moron.

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I mailed four packages first class on February 12. The first one to arrive got to its destination in northern England in 4 days. One to LA arrived on day 5. The one to Massachusetts got there on day 16. And the one to North Carolina took a full 19 days to arrive. Absolutely ridiculous.

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It really is a joke. The USPS is a complete waste...birthday & anniversary cards routinely take 4+ days to go from Santa Barbara to North County San Diego.

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There was a stretch of time when it was consistently taking a month for my CA family's USPS packages to arrived here in MD. Things have improved over the last month, however.

Meanwhile I had a package ship from Naples, Italy last Friday and it arrived at my house Monday afternoon (via DHL).

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Unfortunately it's almost getting to the point where if you want something to arrive in 2-3 days you need to spend the money for UPS/FedEx/DHL.

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USPS also makes an effort to deliver priority packages, I find.

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The two I sent that were majorly delayed were both 2 day priority. The first definitely was due to the weather. The 2nd may have been because it was around the snow in Texas.

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Over christmas I sent No 1 a package. Philly had huge backups and he didn't get the package until the last week of Jan. Part of the issues were the bad weather, but I assume the other were staffing issues thanks to DeJoy. I was worried his christmas present and some of our wedding silverware was lost.

I went a package to No 2 that took well over 2 weeks to get to Nashville. Was stuck in transit for a long time.

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i think the package you sent me got lost too. you might want to resend it!

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Profitability in Q4 but at what cost to everyone?

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I sent a letter by certified mail to my son in Santa Monica and it was never scanned, no signature was obtained so I did not know whether he got it until I checked in with him. Took 2 days but it was a fail.

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Alabama state's lower house passes bill that allows yoga in school, but specifically prohibits chanting, mantras, or greeting people with "namaste" because... brown people.


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Heh. Unbelievable.

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Twenty-five representatives in the 105-member House voted against the bill. Gray said some House members said they, “got a lot emails about it being part of Hinduism.”

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I’m more shocked that their constituents identified and called it a part of Hinduism rather than satanic worship.

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A's cruise to 6-0 win over Brewers, pitch a no-hitter until two outs in the 7th. Once again Buddy Reed does something cool.


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Actually the Texas Rangers, KD struck out twice.

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James Wiseman gets bench for first half of the Clippers game for forgetting to get Covid test.

Sometimes I forget that despite being a skyscraper of a human being, he is still just a teenager.


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Crazy game last night, both teams shooting poorly/playing great D - whichever you prefer; the Buffs got up by 12 with +/- 5 minutes so I was sure we were going to lose, and then finally Bradley made his first basket - and we came back, took a final 3 with seconds left to tie the game, but it rimmed out.

If Bradley has a normal game, we win that one easily. He was o-for the first 35 minutes.

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I'd rate it ~ 60% poor shooting/offense/40% good defense. And 75% starting the game after the time of the night it should have been over. Can't imagine how that was conducive to anything positive.

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Kind of a depressing ending because we had the momentum in the last two minutes. If Foreman had made the shot and was fouled we might have had a chance to win in regulation.

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I turned it off and went to bed with around 5 min left. I was shocked when I saw we only lost by 3. I though for sure it would be double digits.

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If this team figures out how to defend, they can maybe recapture some of the momentum from year 1 of Fox’s tenure. But they’re still way light on talent, esp. on offense, and a good 3-4 years away from sniffing the bubble conversation. Fox’s lack of any type of scheme offensively that can generate consistent buckets really puts a ceiling on this program. There are just way too many empty stretches.

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Go Bears!

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Cal football team has a new grad assistant. While JaKori used to be a running back and coached as LB/RB/Special Teams at the JC level, he will help out with QBs


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JH Tevis' dad and uncle played football for Stanfurd


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They are friends of mine. Uncle John Teeuws (the original spelling of their last name, dad Mike changed it because it was easier to deal with for business purposes) was a fraternity pledge brother of my FurdieBro's. The whole family is awesome (though I haven't seen JH since he was about 4).

The Tevis family upped sticks and lived in Provence for a year or two (just for the fun of it) when JH was little.

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Cam Rogers earns 6th at NCAA Indoor Championship with a personal best of 22.08m (72'-1.75"). Teams from the South dominate T&F, so even attending is an honor.


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