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Go Bears!!!

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Local Nevada newspaper picks Nevada to go undefeated, including beating Cal in Berkeley 38-24


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when is this goddamn site going to let us embed gifs?

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was looking into plane tix yesterday for TCU game. only $100 RT on Delta for non-stop flights to Dallas from LGA.

granted it is a bit more if you dont want basic economy, but that is about as low as i have seen any flights recently of any reasonable distance.

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It looks like both United and American are 300 RT. I can use miles so I'm going to wait to see if prices go down. I figure I'll get a ticket and if work says I need to be in Denver for the event then I'll tell them I already have tickets to go to the game and will have to miss the first day.

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Re: the cartoon; I always eat the crust.

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i never eat crust. just save room for more pieces of the middle of the pizza

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Heathen! Heretic!

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Me too, especially Zacharys

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Happy St Patricks Day

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I did make an effort to wear green today.

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Got me some corned beef in the slow cooker, should be ready by dinner time.

(I'm only about a quarter Irish, but since it's on my paternal grandfather's side I got the Irish name.)

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Same. We have a 7lb slab of corned beef slow cooking and some Harp to wash it down (not much selection of Irish beers when the missus checked the shop yesterday). The potatoes and cabbage should be going in pretty soon and then we feast.

And I'm barely Irish (maybe 15% even though I have a pretty Irish name). My wife is not very Irish ~30% but it's her largest national heritage. And because we're both so diverse with little in common, Cf-98's largest nationality is Irish (and to top it off, she has a common but very Irish name).

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I did the 23andme thing and found out I'm 63% British Isles, 15 % Scandinavian, 10% German and French, 6% South European, 4% East European, and 2% Middle Eastern. (Not sure who in the heck that was). To top it off, I have more Neanderthal DNA than 80% of respondents. So that explains a lot. 😺😺

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So you were for lifting the mask mandates I guess. 😃

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Dang, and me completely out of Guinness.

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i have a good stash of Irish Whiskey

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OOOOoooooOOOOooo I do have some Red Spot for later, forgot about that.

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i only have green spot and yellow spot.

i have a bottle of Connemara as well that i have been enjoying recently.

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normally i try to make some related food or drink. but given the injury i just picked up katsu-curry for dinner since i was driving around NYC.

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A farm in northern Virginia sells bison meat at the farmer's market in Arlington. I buy it maybe once a month for a change of pace.

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we get ground bison quite often - brings a little more flavor to dishes wherein my wife might use ground beef or worse yet ground turkey

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I enjoy eating bison meat. I buy is maybe once every couple of months in the form of sausages.

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Are We Ready For The Coming Feral Hog Invasion?


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I have 30-50 feral hogs as a final four in the twitter person of the day tournament

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almost certainly not. Maybe we could tell the locals they're all illegal immigrants.

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already been in Texas for years. Shit is cray, man. Incredibly destructive

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I guess that means bbqing them en masse has not been a successful means of reducing the population

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i have heard the meat is gamey as all hell. No thanks

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Hmmmm... in Italy when we stayed in our friend's country house, they made tasty sauce for pasta & sausage out of the wild boars they killed. Very tasty.

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that's because they insist on calling beef barbeque in Texas I think. Need to get some folks in from the Carolinas to help out.

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Barbecue is a noun and it is always pork.

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When I was a Cal student, during one summer home I found that my parents realized that eating everything on your plate to not waste food was not always a good idea. And that eating more food than is good for you is wasting food.

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Eating more food than is good for you is not an issue that college students, especially ones in their first year, often encounter.

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This is generally true, but I can recall a few who seemed to be having that problem. One fellow gained 80 pounds during his freshman year.

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Exclusive of football linemen being introduced to a training table, that's hard to do; that's a LOT of Top Ramen.

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There's so much I can say about microaggressions against Asians, the model minority myth, the attacks, the misogyny. There's so much that has been said. None of that changes the fact that these people don't consider us to be people.

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The murderer yesterday was clearly a racist, misogynistic, and incel. I’m sure Fox News will focus on how he was a “good and religious” boy who was pushed to the edge when he found out he could no longer read Dr. Seuss.

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Those people don’t consider anyone other than their group people.

Republicans love this country, they just hate half the people in it.

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After 9/11, anyone who looked remotely middle eastern (eg, people from India) was similarly endangered. I suggested to my friends that they wear American flag pins. But somehow I'm not sure if that would be helpful in the current environment.

Historical note: During WWII, my grandmother (Chinese ancestry though born in Hawaii), living in California, wore a button that said "Not Japanese".

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Sikhs had it particularly bad after 9/11.

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Yeah that was awful showing the pall of ignorance in this country.

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I got my first shot today (Pfizer). No ill effects, except I took it as a good enough excuse to take a nap. Also found out the hard way that because vaccines are experimental, none of the manufacturers have test data on kids - so nobody under 18 will get one until they do. They're doing trials now and my son signed up for a Pfizer trial for 12-15 year olds slated to start in December. The rest of America's kids apparently won't get vaccines until 2022.

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got my first shot today as well

fizper (the p is silent, so put it where you please imo)

no ill effects

in fact the wife asked if we could drink sans adverse side effects

to which i replied "obviously, we are now bullet proof"

but we did not drink

i actually exercised, lofted some weights

and if they can call the virus a hoax

i can call the side effects a hoax

altho i have been itching for some VLOOKUPs

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16 and over can get it. my older one (16) and i go tomorrow.

13 yr old is going to be only family member w/o vaccine.

from what i understood, Pfizer trials already underway for 12+

and apparently Moderna is testing in very young kids and babies already.

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I guess the good news about kids is that the virus isn't particularly deadly for them, so once the adults are vaccinated things should be fairly safe again.

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Great news. I'm still waiting to hear, probably will be awhile.

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Got my first shot today! No ill effects in the first few hours (Pfizer).

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Trump touts Covid-19 vaccine safety amid skepticism from Republicans


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But he quickly speaks out of both sides of his mouth and in the very next sentence defends those who don’t want to get it because of free-DOOM!

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it's kind of impressive that his supporters are like "oh not they got to him, we must stay strong!"

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even when he dies, his philosophy of dumb and tacky will live on.

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Getting the vaccines developed quickly is one accomplishment he can tout.

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Maybe, can't offset 500,000 dead Americans though

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Fucking Kiwis, stealing our cup!

"Team New Zealand retained the America’s Cup on Wednesday, speeding away from its Italian challenger Luna Rossa to claim sailing’s biggest prize in its home waters off Auckland.

The victory was the second in a row for a syndicate representing the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, and the fourth win in the finals since 1995 for a team from New Zealand.

It also marked the second victory in a row for Team New Zealand’s 30-year-old helmsman, Peter Burling, who added another title to a résumé that already includes nine world championships and Olympic gold and silver medals."


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That they beat an Italian boat, because the Americans couldn't qualify for the finals, should set aside trash talking the Kiwis.

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Andy, I'm joking.

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(...it is totally a joking matter. IMHO ridiculously expensive sailing competitions are the antithesis of true sailing, however impressive the technology is)

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Contrast with F1, bobsled racing, cycling, etc.? The old saying in any number of forms of racing applies; "Speed costs money; how fast can you afford to go?"

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The US also didn’t have the Larry Ellison bankroll factor this time around either.

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Pretty interesting stuff on the tech front. These boats are getting to 52+ knots in ~15 knots of wind. First time racing with foiling monohull boats, so the competition for NZ will only get tougher the next go around.

Also our chances were severely hampered when the USA boat capsized and was damaged in the preliminary stage.

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2021 NFL free agency grades: Buccaneers, Chiefs, Jets leading the way with smart signings


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Pats signed ERRYBODY

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I think the Los Angeles Chargers have also made some good FA signings.

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Mack back to the Bay Area

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Elsewhere in College

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and yet Cal and and the Cal fan base are content and more than willing to give Mark Fox a third year.

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I guess he had two losing seasons recently - but overall a nice win percentage.

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Looks like he had a Tedford trajectory. Rebuild a floundering program, enjoy a high level of early success, and then slowly descend into mediocrity.

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But in Cal’s case we let Tedford linger longer than he should have. Utah at least is pulling the plug early before it gets worse.

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Yeah, we let Tedford linger for 1-2 years longer than we should have.

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Bounce-back teams in college football: How these six programs can re-emerge as contenders in 2021 season


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