
Housebuying madness

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Looking to move back to the Bay Area this summer (son is going to Cal, wife and I both have jobs lined up). Of course the market is crazy, but what's crazier is here in rural WA. I'm 2.5 hours outside of Seattle, in an agricultural town of 10,000 people. The house has already appreciated almost $100K in the 3 years we've owned it. It will go on the market next week. We expect cash offer within hours over our asking price.

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Apr 22, 2021Liked by BentPawn

I have some rentals in West Oakland.

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Interesting. What's the best way to follow up from this forum? Send me some info please to rentalinfo@bentpawn.com. Thank you Cugel.

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@now you're going to be forced into going to Pi Day hosted at Cugel's house@

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And drinking my Bourbon & Rye? Oh poor dude.

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Apr 22, 2021Liked by BentPawn

Good luck to you! Look forward to meeting you at a future happy hour.

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CGBVHH, hopefully in a couple of months

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My sister-in-law is trying to buy in Darien CT in her attempt to get out of Brooklyn. She is bidding $100k over asking and is consistently well down the list. Sellers are doing things like 15 minute tours with bids only accepted within the day. She has bid on a bunch of houses and the winning bids are all-cash.

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My friend used to live in Darien and I used to go visit all the time. It was a huge house. Never even cared back then, but it must have been a super expensive house.

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not surprised as Darien is pretty desirable as CT suburbs go.

on the main train line to NYC, good schools, UPSCALE neighborhood.

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A friend of mine just put their small 2 bed SF home on the market, asking $1.2MM, hoping to get $1.4MM but really unsure whether they would, and within a week they got 33 offers, and the winning bid was all cash, 10 day close for more than $1.7MM.

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excuse me

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good god

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my sister is looking to buy a rental property and was initially thinking about Reno but found similar madness. now she is looking Littleton CO after her son had such a hard time finding a summer rental and hearing about housing market there.

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Yeah, Reno is a terrible housing bet right now.

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Science Projects that answer tough questions. Does your cat's butthole touch what it is sitting on?


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Rewatching Ted Lasso. Man that show is so good. Finished Ep. 7 (Road Trip to Everton) last night and it's definitely my favorite episode. My fave moment of the season is coming up next episode when Ted plays darts with Rupert. Excited for season 2 now that the trailer dropped.

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E7 = "Make Rebecca Great Again"...that's the Everton game one? Def my fave...the karaoke scene. I get chills every time I see it!

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It is so good. That whole episode is amazing.

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oh I need to watch the trailer for season 2. I really liked it.

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Yup! Me too, I was just asking this weekend when season 2 might be out.

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Uh, I'm not rewatching, just excited that the new season is not that far off.

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On Sunday I watched a new episode of The Simpsons for the first time in about 15 years (mainly because I heard it was about Morrissey becoming Lisa's imaginary friend). Wow, those voice actors have aged. Marge sounds like an old lady now.

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I watched the first 30 minutes of Thunder Force (Netflix) last night because I was in for a mindless slapstick farce. Zero laughs. J.F.C. My wife and I were like "who were the guys who wrote, directed, and edited this". I just found out this morning that the writer and director were the same people - Ben Falcone (ie, Melissa McCarthy's husband). (0/19 WNB). Simply awful.

I watched a re-run of Archer to salvage the night and laughed my ass off.

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I watched the trailer and made it 30-40 seconds in before deciding not to watch. It just looks awful

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McCarthy is a very talented comic actress who does her worst work when making films with her husband, something she insists on doing repeatedly.

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Really? We watched most of that movie last night (we have about 20 minutes left of it). We thought it was cute, completely mindless fun. (12/19) I especially liked the fact that there was no pretense of taking itself seriously at all. My 11 y.o. son and I have a similar sense of humor in that we find stupid to be pretty funny, and, boy, was a lot of that movie stupid, which my son and I (and, occasionally, my wife) found hilarious.

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Wife and I started watching The Knick and Warrior. Always a good reminder to see how racist NYC and SF were in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

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I started American Gods. I'm 3-4 episodes in and I have no idea what the fuck is going on. There was a viking battle, a man being sucked into a woman's vagina, a slave ship mutiny resulting in a burnt, sunken ship, but it stars Ian McShane, so I'll probably keep watching.

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The book is better, actually quite good, but the show's ok as well.

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I watched all 3 seasons and still don't have much of an idea what the fuck went on. Apparently it was not renewed for season 4, but a movie is being talked about....

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Watching Last Chance U (Basketball) - this one seems tougher to take. Not sure why.

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Mare of Easttown just started so I gave the 1st episode a watch, and will watch another. It's your typical heavy, depressing HBO drama about Kate Winslet's rather miserable life as a divorced, alcoholic police detective in a small, blue collar, Pennsylvania town. She's great, tho, Guy Pearce is solid, and a couple of other HBO-series staples are in it, including Jean Smart & Julianne Nicholson. Oh, and Roy from The Office as the ex-husband is good too.

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My favorite pop culture podcast (The Watch with Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald on the Ringer) has two guys from Philly as the hosts. They interviewed Kate and super leaned into the DelCo accent. "Can I have another HOAGIE from the WAWA" - super fun interview.

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One of my all-time favorite commercials remains the old Jack in the Box ad where Jack sends his new, squeaky clean trainee Kevin to Philadelphia to learn everything about making the Philly cheese steak...kid comes back in a white tank top, a fat neck chain and a big a$$ mullet - "Yo Jackie, how's it hangin' bro. I soaked up Philly like a SPONGE....." Classic.

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heh...I had to find it.


How you doin?

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Sounds a lot like Happy Valley - which was very well done, but honestly, I just didn't enjoy.

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One of the main take aways for me from the 1st episode is that I don't have Mare's life...so there's that, which is positive.

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Made for Love (HBO Max) is fun and weird.

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Both leads were excellent and I'm happy each of them is getting more work. The show itself is pretty decent too! 14/19 WB

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Gotta love Billy Magnussen -- Game Night is one of my favorite movies of the past five years.

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Age of Samurai: Battle for Japan on Netflix

i enjoyed the first couple episodes, but fell asleep watching the 3rd episode. maybe i should go back to watching Cobra Kai ...

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I watched the whole series. (8/19, WNB). It's okay. It's in English and borrows heavily from some specific Japanese acting styles (Kabuki-style melodramatic overacting), but it's not great. BTW: Kurosawa's Ran is now on Amazon Prime Video. The best was the 1980 miniseries Shogun. Save for Richard Chamberlin's 1980 haircut, it's timeless.

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Speaking of James Clavell (author of Shogun), I used to work in Hong Kong and Singapore as a stock analyst, covering some of the Jardine-Matheson group. In 2001, I frequently interacted with then 27-year-old Adam Keswick as my main contact. At the time, he seemed like any dude that age. He was 2 years younger than me and woefully under-experienced to be a CEO. But he tried to grow into the role, was nice, humble, smart, and not tainted with the arrogance that comes from being an heir of an insanely huge fortune. It thrilled me to know that he was likely to be the eventual Tai-Pan. Clavell's book Tai-Pan is based on the Keswick family. The Keswick family is reportedly one of the 50 richest families in the world.


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Have you seen Noble House? I re-watch it every few years with white friends of mine who grew up in Hong Kong (so very much 1 degree removed from the wealthy expat trading house scions of Noble House) and its still the funniest thing ever. But also really has us nostalgic for 1980s era Hong Kong.

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what I want to know is why didn't I name Junior "Chippendale"?

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Last night I watched a 1989 Cal vs Oregon State MBB game on YouTube. Observations: Harmon was untouchable; Ralph Miller coached until he was preposterously old; offenses were unimaginative and frustrating to watch then; Leonard Taylor was way more of a beast than I remembered; Matt Beeuwsaert is straight out of a Brett Easton Ellis novel; and Gary Payton is not to be f'ed with.

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Curious, I also searched Beeuwsaert and was disappointed to find he's become an anti-vax / chem trail conspiracy nut. Better than a serial killer I guess.

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Jeez, his Facebook posts are so bad that one of them even has a Facebook "this is false" label slapped on it.

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I'm not even gonna look for them!

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flashbacks, man!

LT's team losing in NIT to Uconn on a missed last-second shot, iirc

I was at Juan's Place in Berkeley a few years ago and there was a chem trails meeting going on. all hippies. Anti-vaxxers seem to be MAGA. an odd pairing...

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I have zero recollection of that Uconn game (just the one when we lost to them the following year in the second round of the NCAAs), though I know I would have gone if it was a home game. But I also seem to recall us playing one of the Cliff Robinson Uconn teams at some point.

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I think you're right. I'm conflating a 1989 NIT game with the subsequent year's NCAA loss against UConn. I recall listening to the end of UConn at my girlfriend's place, and that apartment was the year after I graduated.

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I know we lost to LMU in the NIT in KJ's last year. It was our first post-season game in decades, so Harmon so loud it was borderline unhealthy to be there. We lost, which was unfathomable given the energy in the gym.

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I think we got beat pretty good in the NCAAs UConn matchup. It was the first game of the Saturday slate, so I remember how odd it was to watch basketball at breakfast. I remember falling in love with the Israeli guy UConn had, Nadav Henefeld. Thought he would have an NBA career.

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I remember a couple of Israeli guys in the mid 90s (maybe). Shaheer Gordon (left early for military service I think) and then Amit Tamir.

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1989 was the Beat Villanova year (regular season)

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Fun game. Campinelli was so stoked to compete against his idol.

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Technically 1988 for that game, since it was non-conference

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I've noticed the anti-vaxxers fall into two camps--right-wing conspiracists, who either think it's a hoax or that we're gonna be implanted with microchips or hippies, who seem to think vaccinations are more unhealthy than catching COVID.

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yeah...before Covid, a main tribe of anti-vaxxers were in Marin

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Tho not much better.

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When she was twenty-five, Ursula Pike boarded a plane to Bolivia and began her term of service in the Peace Corps. A member of the Karuk Tribe, Pike expected to make meaningful connections with Indigenous people halfway around the world. Instead, her time there caused her to ask: What does it mean to have experienced the effects of colonialism firsthand, and yet to risk becoming a colonizing force in turn?

Join Ursula Pike in conversation with UC Berkeley professor Estelle Tarica as they discuss Pike's memoir chronicling this journey. Those who register for this free event will also receive a 20% discount code from Heyday Books to purchase the book.

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Went for spring break of my freshman year of college on a worktrip to a boys school there. Beaches were amazing, jungle was incredible, and its always been surprising to me that it isn't more popular.

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And English speaking! But I've been told Belize City itself is very dangerous - don't know if it's true, but that's the reputation.

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Had a co-worker from there. Every so often he used to buy used jet skis to ship down there for a family business.

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I had a floormate at the dorms who was from Belize. She blew my mind when she told me she was Belizean (born and raised) because I had no idea she was not American.

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Secret Beach

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For SF, Black Sands beach in Sausalito was my "secret beach". Close, not crowded, good beach. It is/was a gay nude beach, but I didn't care and that kept the crowds away.

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My brother and his wife recently bought a condo on Maui. It's not a secret beach, but a beach they walk most mornings has a webcam. If I remember, I check the cam about the time they'd be walking to see if I can spot them.

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Our Crumbling Democracy

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[Fox News] McEnany unironically says that Presidents should "stay back, to not inflame the tensions"


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Sure thing, Barbie.

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As if Trump's little walk across Lafayette Park wasn't the ultimate in inflaming tensions.

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Amazingly, Trump does not seem to be in the news today...

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Today in Covid 19

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The situation in India is 😬


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I have a friend who flew home to Chennai about three weeks ago to visit his mom. I worry about them.

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my 75+ yr old uncle in Kolkata just recently got diagnosed w/ coronavirus. he was in hospital for few days but back home now recovering.

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hope he gets well soon

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A's & Twins, tied 10-10 in the 10th

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Patrick Marleau passes Gordie Howe for the most regular season games played in the NHL.


It's a shame the Sharks could never win a Stanley Cup for he and Jumbo Joe.

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Las Vegas Raiders owner Mark Davis 'meant no disrespect' with widely criticized tweet


So Mark Davis tweeted "I CAN BREATHE 4-20-21." Says he made the tweet not anyone else from the Raiders.

Says that he "took the lead" from Floyd's brother, Philonise, who said following the verdict, "Today, we are able to breathe again."

I'm trying to figure out if I believe him or not. As a football team owner, would he be stupid enough to post that if it were meant to back Blue Lives Matter? That's somet

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Sounds like George Floyd's brother supports the Raiders' tweet.


"On behalf of our family, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Las Vegas Raiders organization and its leadership for their support of our family and for our nation's ongoing pursuit of justice and equality for all. Now, more than ever, we must come together as one and continue on in this fight. For the first time in almost a year, our family has taken a breath. And I know that goes for so many across the nation and globe, as well. Let's take this breath together in honor of my big brother who couldn't. Let's do it for George," Philonise Floyd said.

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That's something Jerry Jones would do.

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And yet not as bad as what Pelosi said.

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I saw that on TV. She shouldn’t have said that.

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Which was?

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"Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice"

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Makes me wonder why there aren't folks rushing to challenge her in the Dem primary. Pelosi's statement is head scratching. What was she thinking?

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🙄 Nancy, really?

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@Surprise!! Steph didn't score 30 yesterday@

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Streak ended tonight :(

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Washington crowded him, double teamed him, defended him physically. Had a chance to tie the game and WIggins missed the layup. Was a tough one though.

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Wiggins does that. A team w/ Andrew Wiggins will always have a defined ceiling...

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The Warriors play in DC tonight. In the past they've stayed at the Four Seasons in Georgetown and I've seen a small crowd gather outside to try to get autographs. With Durant gone, Klay hurt, and crappy weather expected this afternoon the team may get a pass today.

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Game #17: A’s breeze behind Sean Manaea shutout and Mitch Moreland homers


Let the good times roll.

The Oakland A’s won their ninth straight game on Tuesday, in the first half of a doubleheader against the Minnesota Twins at the Coliseum. Sean Manaea led the way by pitching a technical shutout in the abbreviated seven-inning affair, and the lineup tacked on three homers in a decisive performance.

When we last saw the A’s lineup, Mitch Moreland was driving in the walk-off run on Sunday, for the second time already this season. The DH continues to own the Coliseum to an uncanny extent, and today he wasted no time picking up where he left off. In the 2nd inning, he went deep to give Oakland an early 2-0 lead.

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Game #18: Doubleheader shutout sweep! 10-game winning streak! Luzardo pitches lights out!


Are you not entertained?!?!

If not, I don’t know what else a baseball team could possibly have to offer.

The Oakland A’s won their 10th game in a row on Tuesday, and in the process they swept a doubleheader from the defending AL Central champion Minnesota Twins. The final score at the Coliseum was 1-0 in seven innings, and combined with their 7-0 afternoon victory it marks the first time the A’s have tossed shutouts in both halves of a doubleheader since Vida Blue and Catfish Hunter in 1974.

And to top it off, Oakland moved into a tie for first place in the AL West, just two weeks after narrowly avoiding their worst start in franchise history.

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The Asstros have more payroll on the injured reserve ($71m) than the A's entire 26-man roster ($69m)


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Giants use 6-run 8th inning to fuel comeback win


The San Francisco Giants hit five home runs on Tuesday, and each one felt very important, in the heat of the moment and in hindsight.

Let’s take them in chronological order.

The first came in the fifth inning, with the Giants trailing the Philadelphia Phillies 4-0. It came from Buster Posey, and it was merely a solo shot. A solo shot doesn’t do all that much to eliminate a 4-0 lead — a four-run deficit doesn’t feel much bigger than a three-run deficit.

But it broke the ice for the Giants, and even though you didn’t expect them to rattle off nine more runs, doing so suddenly felt possible. You quickly remembered Duane Kuiper and Javier López telling you just minutes prior that Philly is a place where a four-run lead isn’t safe.

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This seems like something the Giants have endured from other teams. Nice to see them inflict it on someone else.

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Dodgers need every bit of Julio Urias’ gem to make 1 run hold up


Julio Urías ferociously attacked the zone on Tuesday, striking out a career-high 11 in a ... win over the Mariners on Tuesday afternoon in Seattle.

Urías entered Tuesday already atop MLB with an 80.5-percent first-pitch strike rate, but ramped that up a few notches against the Mariners. The left-hander not only threw first-pitch strikes to 19 of his 23 batters faced, but started 0-2 on 13 hitters.

That allowed Urías to complete seven innings for the second time in four starts this season, matching a career best. His 11 strikeouts were two better than his previous high mark, set both on April 18, 2019 and in Game 4 of the 2020 World Series.

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Other College

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Gonna start an anti-Super League of college football teams who do nothing but blow leads and cause chaos, it’s like Pitt, Cal, both Arizona teams, and Auburn so far

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I think one should add the school that uses its own mascot as a verb for blowing leads.


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Yes, any such list must include the punks from Pullman

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Add Georgia Tech. I'm sure even the college teams in ATL blow leads

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Seven college football coaches under the most pressure entering the 2021 season


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I'm a bit surprised Chip Kelly isn't on the list.

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Nobody expects that much out of UCLA until they remember that they're in the same recruiting region as SC.

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Who comes to mind when you think of a touted HS recruit that didn't have his stint at Cal pan out?

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Zach Kline.

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I know his head coach from Indiana State (where he transfered to after Cal) and he said he loved him but he just couldn't do it in games. He was great in practice and it never translated.

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I feel bad for Zach. I know how much he wanted to be the guy at Cal.

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Erik Brown (4-star WR from Summit HS in Fontana). Recruiting class of 2014. Redshirted. Then didn't play his RS-FR year. Transferred to JC for a year. Then went to UTEP for 2 years. He totalled 24 catches for 352 yards and 2 TDs as a back-up (1.4 catches per game, averaging 20 yard per game).

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yes we cannon but honestly things are going pretty well so maybe not

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but never got to fire the cannon.

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i can't believe you've done this

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Zach Kline, Marquis Kately, Gary Franklin, DJ Seeley,

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Justin Vedder was billed as the second coming of Jake Plummer.

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Veder came to Cal from a JC with a record of success. It did not translate well to Division I-A.

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It certainly didn't. Nice kid though.

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Jelani Gardner. . . definitely Jelani Gardner. To some extent Grigsby as well, though through no fault of his own (injuries).

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yeah he was one of the ones I was thinking about for 90s basketball player. And Tremaine Fowlkes.

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And Ray “Circus” King. I owned him for a couple of games at RSF. It’s true. There were even witnesses. But they’re all dead now.

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Kyle Boller, up until his senior season. He did start all 4 seasons but I imagine his first 3 were Jesus in Cleats successful.

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Great combine-type guy without the other, more important QB skills. So never would have been a truly great QB IMO. But Holmoe certainly didn't help unlock whatever potential he did possess.

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And I do wonder how Cal Football would be different if Kevin Riley threw the ball away. Would Tedford's future also have changed? Did that play break him?

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Similarly, if Bob Bockrath didn't chase Bruce Snyder away, I imagine Cal football would have been a powerhouse in the 90s and maybe even longer.

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This. That will always be my biggest Cal football what-if.

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Although there could have been a partial save by hiring Mooch then instead of Gilby. No one thinks twice about hiring coaches in their young 30s now.

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Same. :(

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I think we were probably not as good as our record to that point suggested (that Oregon game could have gone either way), given how the rest of the season went after OSU. It would have been nice to have been #2 for a week, but I think our reign there would have been brief.

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Maybe, maybe not. College football is such an emotional sport, winning that game and being number one would have been a huge lift - and for sure then Tedford would have started Riley and let Longshore heal properly.

You never know.

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We would have been #1!!!!

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Remind me, did Riley start at QB in the following series of losses, or did a hobbled Longshore start? I'm truly forgetting which way it went.

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Riley did not get a single snap until Armed Forces Bowl when we were down 0-21 and he led us to a come back victory.

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Hobbled Longshore, and you could tell he was hurting, and got worse as the game went on. The next game was UCLA after a bye (IIRC) and he threw picks in the 4th quarter.

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Marc Hicks. Before my time at Cal but I attended the game where as a freshman running back he picked up a fumbled snap and ran into the end zone against USC. Cal won. Some prognosticators put him on Heisman watch lists. But he got injured and never did much else.

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Marc Hicks!!! I was at that game! Cal won 14-7. We went nuts in the stands and then had the biggest street party I can ever remember at Cal (completely shut down all of the streets - the SC people couldn’t leave. Marc Hicks was so fun watch. Hardy Nickerson was a defensive stud. Even back in the 80’s there was nothing more satisfying then beating USC.

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Two big guys come to mind.. They didnt necessarily "not pan out" depending on how that's defined, but I had perhaps unreasonably high, multi-year all-conference type of expectations for..

Viliami Moala, 5 star DL. Did contribute but declared early for the NFL draft despite not really being an NFL prospect at the time.

Semisi Uluave, 4 star OL. Looked like a beast on day 1 in practice as a true freshman, then never became a starter and kind of faded out of mind as a player (but not as a singer).

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oh man, where to start...

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Demetris Robertson

Chris McCain

Carlos Strickland

Brendan Bigelow

Tiny Moala

Matt Cochran

Semisi Uluave

Jason Gibson

Cedric Dozier

Ed Tandy

Lonny Powell

Russell Ude

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Also Jaden Casey, DJ Rodgers, Taariq Johnson, McCallan Castles, Freddie Tagaloa, Trejaun Briggs, Aaron Cochran, Gabe King, Nick Forbes, Cecil Whiteside, David Wilkerson, Spencer Ladner

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oh man I thought Gabe King was going to be dominant.

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You forgot the biggest name of them all. Chris Martin.

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Plenty of basketball players in the 90s and early 2000s.

On the other hand, we do have the players that exceed expectations like the entire 2009 basketball team including Jerome Randle, P-Chris, Theo, Jorge. I don't remember how highly rated Allen Crabbe was but I'm not sure if Pac-12 POTY was the expectation.

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He was a high 4 star recruit. P. Chris was top 75 (and our highest rated recruit for a number of seasons)

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Go Bears!!!

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