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Today in CV19

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Fbook just showed me an ad for "Stanford continuing education." I reported it as misleading/scam.

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SSI and Trevon Logan Huddle on "How much is a 5-star recruit worth?"

Thursday, May 28, 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


The most elite players in college football increase revenue for their school football programs by an average of $650,000 a year, a first-of-its-kind study suggests.

Join Trevon Logan, co-author of the study, professor of economics at Ohio State and SSI's executive director, to discuss the implications for college sports.

Amid the continuing national debate about compensation for college athletes, this study offers the first solid numbers on the financial impact of players in the highest-revenue college sport.

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Currently watching this stream, and it might be interesting to some of you: https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live-the-path-forward-the-food-industry/

Apparently, Beth Ford is the first openly gay CEO of a Fortune 500 company (Land O Lakes)

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We get "Lessons Learned" emails about safety. This one came in today:

A worker performing activities for an Oil & Gas company used an alcohol-based hand sanitizer as recommended by current hygiene recommendations in the Site COVID-19 plan. Just after the application to his own hands, but before the liquid disinfectant had evaporated and completely dried, the worker touched a metal surface. On this metal surface, an accumulation of static electricity created an ignition source, and the disinfectant (ethyl-alcohol based) flashed, resulting in an almost invisible flame (blue) in both hands. The contractor managed to extinguish the flames but suffered from first and second-degree burns to both hands.

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Customer: hey the software vendor says X is an issue, anyone looked into this?

Application/ server admin: looks like this issue was addressed from this hot patch release, we could apply that. (Quotes release notes summary showing patch was issued earlier this month)

Customer: why wasn’t this addressed when we upgraded?

We upgraded in April, which is how I know the customer didn’t read the patch release notes summary before replying.

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Nice poem. With threats to shut down social media companies trump has completely lost it. How can we get this bozo out of office?

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