
Name a song that should be included in the DBD's protest playlist

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Promote a black business, artist, or something else along those lines.

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Lemon Tart

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After much much procrastination, I have finally baked my first banana bread ever this past weekend. I know, this was all the rage like a lifetime (12 weeks or so) ago.

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Satisfying entertainment.

The other day for my daily long walk, I downloaded several Husky related podcasts where I would first listen to the preview and prediction of the Cal game last year and then listen to their post game versions. Much out loud chuckling.

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I somehow missed DBDing at all yesterday, but congratulations to Bk on the bébé!!!

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Whoa https://twitter.com/KayteSB/status/1270361531251855360?s=20

@KayteSB: Wow. The BTK killer was identified by forensic testing of his daughter's *pap smear* from her university clinic.

As we reconsider the police's role in a just society, good reminder that data + specimen privacy (+ the line bw healthcare + forensics) is more important than ever.

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Cooked chicken fajitas in the slow cooker yesterday, 6 hours cooking time. Delish.

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Bon Appetit Fall Out

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This week in Covid-19

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Our Crumbling Democracy

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