
Have you been in the Asian food aisle at the wypipo grocery stores? Rickshaws and panda icons, fake calligraphy font, ching-chong names, and shit like that.

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“Wypipo” is a new one on me

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That?!?!? Trader Jose? Dang

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I think maybe do away with the random Chinese name for the Asian products, but the variants of Joe in other languages seems less racist than naming them all Joe imo

I would also support "Trader Joseph/Yosef" for anything Jewish/Middle Eastern/biblical

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It's everything about it. "Asian/Chinese salads" just make no sense, because there's usually very little Chinese or Asian about any of it. Not to mention "Asian" food doesn't really exist aside from maybe white rice.

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They use other "Joes" as well. Like Giotto for Italian food I think.

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Oh the horrors 😱

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I'm not seeing anything there.

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Frustrating football season, full of highs, lows, and an epic Big Game victory. Probably the last gasp of the Tedford era and perfectly sums up the Tedford era.

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The Big Game was followed by a dispiriting blowout loss to a not-very-good Washington team and then of course the Poinsettia Bowl. It really looked like we had clawed our way back to respectability after starting the season ranked and then suffering the terrible Oregon/USC blowouts and Jahvid Best's injury, and then a couple of big ol' faceplants again. There was really no good reason for it.

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That blowout loss to UW was terrible. The Poinsettia bowl loss hurt but wasn’t as difficult to watch as the blowout loss to a bad UW team. Once we lost to UW I was off the Tedford bandwagon. Watching Riley airmail swing passes in the 4th quarter of his collegiate career only confirmed my feelings they Tedford was playing on borrowed.

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2009 was the year we really should have been back in contention for the conference title. In 2007 we had the Longshore injury that derailed everything. Okay, so that's a mulligan. In 2008 we had lost a lot of talent on offense and had to rebuild, so 9-4 was a pretty good record for the roster we had (and IMO we should have been ranked after the bowl games). 2009 should have had us back in the 2004-2006 ballpark with Riley healthy all year, but instead we backslid. I was not shocked that 2010 was a trainwreck.

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I agree with all this. Everything set up for 2009 to be the year we competed for the Pac 10 title. 2009 started out with so much promise and then it all came crashing down with those back to back blowout losses to Oregon and USC.

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Yup, terrible loss to Utah with a freshman QB

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That Poinsettia bowl game loss summed up our 2009 season. Fast start, jump out to a fairly good lead, defense and offense playing well to start but then fades down the stretch. Riley went ice cold and couldn’t hit a simple swing pass out of the backfield. Just brutal.

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I really started to question Tedford's QB coaching when he couldn't get good performances out of Riley that late in the season.

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Keep in mind, there is a reason Riley wasn't any place in the PNW.

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That was the other part of it: if this version of Riley was the best we had (and 2010 showed it definitely was), then what did we have?

There had been previous years with bad QB play, but they could be explained by injuries to Longshore (Ayoob not being ready in '05, and Nate being hobbled in '07). Now our #1 guy was just average. Yikes!

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And he didn't know how many points he needed in the Poinsettia Bowl!

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Mike Mohamed!!

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It is a year that I vaguely remember

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There were a few memorable moments. But I'm also finding I have to think carefully to determine if some events were that year, or in 2010, or even 2011.

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One thing about enduring the Riley years at OSU is there were enough unforgettable mistakes most every year that the exact timing and sequence is hard to keep straight, even though it is impossible to erase from memory.

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It was the first summer that my wife and daughters spent in Vermont; this is the first summer since then that they have spent in MD and they have thoughts about the summer weather that they have been missing

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I bet they do.

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It’s not quite as hot here today as what D$ is experiencing but 24 of the last 25 days have had high temperatures over 90 (without “feels like” qualifications) and there is no obvious end in sight. Even by local standards it’s a lot.

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Happy Silver Anniversary, Clueless


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We watched "Lola Montes" this weekend, I liked it; the girls, not so much.

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I've never seen Clueless, or Mean Girls.

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Clueless is a terrific movie.

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We own it. My older daughter and her bestie watch it regularly. I think she might have won over my younger daughter as well.

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I liked both movies.

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I did too, but Clueless is truly great, and may be the best Jane Austin film of all time.

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DBDCHH after all this shit blows over!

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I might have seen Clueless through my older sisters, but I would have been too young to care or pay attention beyond it just being background noise.

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I went to see it with the family back in the day because my sister wanted to go. I was surprised how much I wound up enjoying it.

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What?!? Clueless is great.

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that's what i've heard, but never gotten around to watching.

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Also apparently the anniversary of Revenge of the Nerds


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Wormser’s a master of aerodynamics...he’s designed the javelin to go along with Lamar’s limp-wristed throwing style.”

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Big hit at MIT back in the day

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As was Porky’s

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I know the producer of that movie. Hilarious film.

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15 year old me loved this movie. Revenge of the Nerds 2, not as much. I think I may have even seen 3 on cable but that was horrible.

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A mostly good movie that unfortunately gets a bit rapey for a while.

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Never seen it.

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“I totally paused!”

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Elsewhere in college

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University of Hawaii (via a news article) claims that all their players have a clean bill of health. Player respond through cryptic tweets that they haven't been tested.

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I see the AD developed their plan with the Donald Trump testing method.

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I was thinking the same thing.

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Today in Covid 19

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Meanwhile, in Portland [kinda NSFW]


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Per CNN, these are the countries that Americans can visit without restrictions:


Dominican Republic




North Macedonia




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i thought Tanzania was on the list. was looking into it mostly because my daughter was supposed to go on a 3-wk trip this Jul

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I thought I read an article that Uzbekistan was not only open but they would pay $3,000 if you contract Covid while visiting.

So who is coming with me to Uzbekistan?!?! I heard it is lovely this time of year and a top 5 “Stan” nation to visit.

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Dunno, Golden....if you wouldn’t eat at GRUB in Carmel Mountain b/c my sis and I ate there on patio last month, I don’t see you traveling to ANY ‘Stan...unless they move the 2022 Rose Bowl to Turkmenistan & Cal faces Penn St of course... ;-)

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This is true. I’m not sure I would travel to Turkmenistan in the best of times, let alone the age of corona.

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How many Stans are there?

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Nope 7

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Although, I wonder is Azerbaijan a "stan" with a slightly different pronunciation.

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Sure why not

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I thought the mexican boarder was closed except for 'essential' travel?

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The land crossings are closed to everything except 'essential travel', but you can still fly in. You need to fill out a Covid questionaire and agree to have your temperature taken going through customs, but those are the only restrictions. I don't know what happens if you have a temperature at customs.

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I see we got the cold shoulder from the Bahamas

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When do you set you alarm for these days?

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trying for 6:45/7. Trying to get in a mix of exercising, prep for fall semester, and relaxing, and I gotta cycle early if I'm gonna beat the heat

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6:50 or 7:10 depending on if my first call is at 7 or 7:30.

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545 on Tues and Fri and 645 other days during the week. Stupid calls.

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My children are my alarm.

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6:10. same as during the before time.

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On workdays, 6 AM just for precautionary reasons. If I forget to set it, the dog or a cat usually takes care of the problem by ~ 6:15.

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I wake up at 6 a.m. every day, no alarm necessary.

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same .. it is not always exactly 600a, but somewhere between 600a-630a.

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I wake up by 7 regardless

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what alarm?

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So weird. When I went to bed last night, there was a DBD ready to go today. Then I wake up and it didn't publish. No sign that it even exists. Maybe I angered the WFC spirits. Maybe I dreamt it all. Maybe I published something naughty. To make up for it, everyone gets a sexy painting of Hagrid.

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It looks like it accidentally published on Sunday July 12. In the process of unpublishing it, either it got rescheduled and there was a Substack glitch or there was human error and it wasn't rescheduled for today.

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Human error? On WFC? Fie!

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sexy is not the word that jumped to mind.

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An especially disturbing one at that!

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“Expecto a-bonum!”

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When I saw the DBD title I thought of the sorting hat. Can't say I anticipated the picture though.

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I signed up for a Trump rally in NH, using a Google Voice phone number. The rally was cancelled, but now I get texts 3 times per day. They are crazy. They're breathless money raising text with bullshit like this last one:

"Don Jr: You hit the jackpot! Pres Trump sat down with the First Family & chose 10 donors to get today's 6X-MATCH. You made the list! Claim here: bit.ly/3jp2uG0 "

They are about how you are specially picked supporter, some massive discount or huge magical donation matching, and a quick expiring deadline. It's like the QVC of political money raising. That being said, the GOP is kicking Biden's ass in terms of scope, scale, and depth of their machine.

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It is a bit like he's doing a trump impersonation.

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Another day, another lie


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One lie per day would be a substantial drop for that buffoon.

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The problem is that he lies so much that it's virtually impossible to anticipate all of them to disprove them on the spot.

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So much going on here...


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But stickers!

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Does it only work if you’ve been having sex with Shaq?

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that's where you get the 52% success rate....

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Trump is PISSED, no doubt.

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He wouldn't do it but I would love to see Trump fail bigly at throwing a pitch.

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Trump will only throw out a first pitch the Taft style...AKA from the stand

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Go Bears

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Jermaine Terry II enrolling early


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So realistically, if high school sports are postponed to spring, and they are at Cal in the spring, they will not play football during their Senior year of high school.

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Recruiting team sends up the bat signal again. Incoming commitment?


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My guess is either Dylan Jemtegaard or Patrick Histake.

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Signs point to o lineman, so probably Jemtegaard


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It is Jemtegaard. He commits via Twitter.


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Hope so. Parham appears to be a safety candidate. Lots of pass-breakups and INT's as well as blocked kicks.

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sup all

returned from a camping trip this weekend to discover my HVAC went out

currently it's 87 and FEELS LIKE 110


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That’s toasty

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you ever looks outside and see it foggy when it's this hot? this is a first for me

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Not necessarily during the day but if it gets humid enough here it looks that way at night

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that's brutal. good thing you're only renting right now.

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looked to be an electronics issue; I searched for the error and I think something on the board needs to be replaced. They're coming out tomorrow, fortunately

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Going off the grid for 5 days (backpacking) is amazing -- until you turn your phone back on.

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yeah, our campsite was out of cell service and it was absurd getting to within cell range of push notifications and seeing various political BS flood into my phone

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Reading the top story on the NCAA required procedures/conditions a season is looking highly doubtful. Pack it up until 2021 folks (if then).

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I can't see any fall sports with those conditions. Unless you do what Hawaii is trying to do. No testing, no positive results.

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