
Trinity College tears up its turf. Let's check back in a year to see how this goes.


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Hong Kong disqualifies large portion of opposition party from running, delays election for a year.


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Trump's recent tweets make it seem like the US could be on a similar slippery slope

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The only 2 countries out of 196 that have purple anywhere in their national flags are Nicaragua and Dominica. TIL: there's a rainbow on the Nicaraguan flag. And I learned from visiting that Dominica is pronounced DomiNEEca as a way to differentiate it from the DoMINican Republic.

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My favorite color! Probably largely influenced by a love of The Phantom comics as a child.

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my ex loved purpose so I'd always get her purple tulips, her favorite flower.

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Alabama fan/nut who poisoned Auburn's trees on Toomer Corner dies. He defaulted on the $800k penalty. His son's name is Bear Bryant and his daughter's is Crimson Tyde.


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I don't generally think that the sins of the father should follow the children. But in this case, I'd not be too put out if they let the penalty stay on his estate (i.e., kids still owe it).

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Well, he’ll always be a slightly natty footnote in college football history I suppose.

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What's the dumbest way you've injured yourself?

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Spring Break...drunken night in Palm Springs, climbing over fence to get to the pool after closing time, foot slipped through one of those wicker pool chairs and ended up breaking/hyperextending a couple toes. Did not know it until next morning when I was sober again. Drove back to Cal and the went to student medicine to get them xrayed and splinted.

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BentPawn, more like BentPaw!

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I tore up my shoulder stretching when I was asleep. I am having surgery in 3 weeks.

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Shoulder impingement, perchance? Are you a side sleeper?

I have a lingering case of shoulder impingement because I don't want to undergo surgery.

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Oof...I think I've done something similar, though not bad enough that it needed surgery. It did take 6 months before I was able to rotate my left arm as well as before.

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Pulled a groin getting out of the shower... it’d be no surprise if my outta shape ass did so now but this was in my 20’s...

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My fingernails were so long that I accidentally scratched myself deep enough to bleed, scab, and scar while changing my clothes.

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Packing for a work trip, stuck my laptop in the outer pocket of my wheelie bag, didn't zip the pocket, lifted bag off my (rather high) bed, laptop fell out and dropped onto my foot and broke the outer three metatarsals.

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Broke my front teeth at an after school program while playing baseball- tripped over third base and landed teeth-first on a six inch strip of concrete.

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Broke a leg because I miscounted some medication, which caused me to faint and fall awkwardly.

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So many ways first couple of years in college, but one that stands out, running around, slipped on some water on the concrete floor, slid, caught myself on the steel stair banister with my armpit; that bruise was horrendous and turned so many different colors.

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Probably falling over drunk and taking a small chunk of flesh off my wrist on an uncapped dorm bed post, or cutting a roll while it was in my hand and slicing open my left index finger.

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Actually I think the real answer is getting pinched nerves in my right shoulder from poor posture while working 😬

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I was using an immersion blender and didn't unplug it right away when finished I, which I usually do. When I picked it up with my left hand I put my index and ring finger in the blade area, then I grabbed the handle with my other hand and hit the trigger. Thwacked my fingers pretty good with the blades but luckily no major damage. To compound on that stupid injury, when I bandaged them I used plain gauze without any kind of ointment or gel. So, when I changed it later it was stuck to the cuts and ended up opening them again when I, painfully, peeled the gauze off.

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Last year I had a partial nerve separation in the right trapezium region, there was considerable pain for one month and numbness in my right fingers. Happened somehow when I was sleeping. My Doc prescribed 800 mg of ibuprofen per day

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800 mg of ibuprofen barely gets rid of a headache. Your doctor's a sadist.

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Elsewhere in college

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Dude modifies his Prius to have a defense mechanism against trucks who "roll coal" in front of him


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It seems to demolish the windshield with the vibration when it fires.

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Also, it is mindboggling that such a thing could possibly be legal.

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My best record is 11 minutes before it makes me feel like murdering someone.

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I incorporate elements into my regular workouts, 5, 6 times a week.

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I taught myself some basics in my 20s to make sure I was getting some core strength exercise, but wasn’t smart / disciplined enough to stick with it.

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I once took at class through Smithsonian. I'll start again for a couple weeks then stop for months and then get back to it for a week or so. It doesn't really help when I'm that inconsistent.

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Never tried it. Thought about getting a WiiFit board and trying it. When they first came out a friend got one and said it worked pretty well.

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Today in CV19

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It’s not consequential but my older daughter had a little birthday party with friends last night - and when the heavens opened they came indoors, opened windows for cross ventilation, and wore masks. Such an odd time, but I’m glad that they are more responsible than GOP Representatives

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Portland calm after federal stormtroopers withdrawn. Duh.


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The local pro-trump media really had to scramble this morning to find something new to fit the narrative when facts exposed the faulty nature of a week's worth of editorializing.

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Vanity Fair: Kushner strategy - believing that CV19 would affect democratic areas worse - was to deliberately not have a Federal response. If true, this is beyond morally bankrupt. It is downright evil.


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Some state attorney general who wanted some attention should charge trump, and trump administration with murder for all the Covid deaths in the state.

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There's some serious cable news entertainment value to be found there.

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Rudy Gohmert posits that perhaps the mask caused him to get CV19. Not in article, but he apparently gathered his staff in a room and then told them in person that he has CV19.


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Is "Rudy Gohmert" a conflation of Rudy Gobert and Louie Gohmert (both of whom have famously contracted the 'rona)?

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Less “portmanteau” and more port-man-dope

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My wife told me about both of these items yesterday. The mind boggles.

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Chances that he was wearing a mask while telling them seem slim

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probably just his bandana around the neck.

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You know you've done something wrong when you've lost WaPo's Henry Olsen


Also, Olsen's article on the same subject has aged like raw chicken meat:


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I know that the wapo pays him to challenge democratic norms, but if Joe B saw that trump was going to do this back in April, or whenever, clearly it was going to happen. And it would seem the better part of not looking too hypocritical to not get too worked up about it.

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"The Department of Homeland Security has compiled “intelligence reports” about the work of American journalists covering protests in Portland, Ore., in what current and former officials called an alarming use of a government system meant to share information about suspected terrorists and violent actors."


"The DHS memo described the conflict as connected to a years-long history of violence against government personnel and facilities in the Pacific Northwest by “anarchist extremists.” But it acknowledged that “we have low confidence in our assessment” when it comes to understanding the current protests in Oregon’s largest city.

“We lack insight into the motives for the most recent attacks,” the memo said.

Just when you thought the bullshit pulled under the Nixon administration wouldn't happen again... these assholes are the worst.


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jfc. while the PNW does have it's “anarchist extremists”, they are mostly right wing/racist types. Not the 'stop police brutality' and burn down a police station types.

Tracking journalists seems like a waste of time, as they pretty much will tell you where they are and what they are looking into if you ask.

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St. Louis Cardinal player (unknown) tests positive for CV19. Games postponed.


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It’s funny. I really don’t care about NBA or MLB, but I’ve enjoyed seeing sports freak outs return to my Twitter doom scrolling - if only for the change of pace.

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Giants play worst tenth inning in the history of baseball


Tyler Rogers, who had pitched a clean ninth inning, was on the mound. The score is 6-6.

Batter 1: Rogers walks Manny Machado, though in Rogers’ defense, the pitch was blatantly in the strike zone and should have been strike two.

Interlude 1: That bad call knocked the wheels off of Rogers’ bus.

Batter 2: Tommy Pham singles, scoring a run, and the Padres lead 7-6. That’s OK. The Giants get to start with a runner on second, too. They’ll get it back.

Batter 3: Jurickson Profar squares to bunt and Rogers plunked him straight on the johnson. That’ll teach you to play baseball.

Batter 4: Greg Garcia singles, scoring two runs. Now it’s 9-6 and things look bad.

Batter 5: Ty France singles and it’s 10-6.

Interlude 2: Pitching coach Andrew Bailey comes out to talk to Rogers.

Interlude 3: After Bailey leaves, manager Gabe Kapler comes out and calls for a new pitcher.

Interlude 4: In comes Rico Garcia, and out goes Rogers.

Interlude 5: After Rogers makes it to the dugout, the umpires inform Kapler that actually you can’t pull a pitcher immediately after a visit from the pitching coach. It’s a basic rule that somehow the Giants forgot about. Rogers has to face at least one more batter.

Interlude 6: Mike Krukow calls this an “embarrassing moment” for Kapler, then repeats himself a few seconds later.

Interlude 7: Rogers returns to the mound.

Batter 6: Austin Hedges plops the ball right in front of home plate on the first pitch, just far enough for Tyler Heineman to pick it up, dive towards home, and be too late to tag out Greg Garcia. It’s now 11-6.

Interlude 8: For the second time, Rogers is taken out of the game. He failed to record an out in the inning.

Batters 7-10: For the second time, Rico Garcia comes in. He allows a run to score on a single, but otherwise handles things nicely.

That's worse that what Don Mattingly that lead TBLA to call him Donnie 2X. He went to talk to a pitcher, walked away off the mound a few steps, then walked back to let the defense know what depth to play at, and caused his pitcher to be removed from the game. Bochy, I think, protested what he did and got the pitcher removed from the game.

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Here's the final pitch from the Profar at-bat:


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Pitchers are taught with a runner on 3rd and a squeeze attempt to throw it at the batter. Well I guess some are.

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The Padres went into the 9th down 5-4 at Colorado tonight, and wound up winning 8-7, getting a fly out on the 7th straight 4 seam fastball, this with the bases loaded for the Rockies.

The Giants overcame a game leadoff Ranger HR, and a 2-1 deficit, storming back to score 8 unanswered on the way to a 9-2 win.

Bullpens are a massive adventure for a number of teams.

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lol yep, I remember the Donnie Two Times incident. This does seem worse.

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I guess the only thing that makes it less bad is that by the time Kapler did this the game was pretty much already lost. Donnie Baseball's gaffe happened in the 9th inning of a one-run game and directly created a Dodgers loss.

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It was a stunning series of miscues to watch disintegrate.

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WOW, pqtm, that's amazing.

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Dodgers beat the DBacks 6-3. Bellinger and Will Smith still looking lost. Pollack is somehow the best hitter on the team now.

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Seager is alive!

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Go Bears!

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Pac-12 is supposed to have a football schedule announcement at ~ 1 PM. Last minute wrangling over timing of some of the rivalry games and even whether it will start the last weekend of Sept. or the first weekend of October appears to be going on at the highest levels. Not that anything actually hinges on any of this!

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Conference will have no role in decisions about fan attendance. It will be left to each home campus, in consultation with local and state health authorities, on a game by game basis.

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Cal has now canceled all season tickets. You can get a full refund, apply the money to next year, or use it as a donation.

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RedBox Bowl put on hiatus for the year.

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Territorial Cup and Battle for LA on opening weekend. Apple Cup the Friday after Thanksgiving, but not the last game for UW & WSU. "Big" Game 10/24. No-longer-the-Civil War 10/17. Full slate of games 12/4 & 12/5, including UCLA at Cal Friday night.

Weekend of 12/12 reserved for makeup games.

Conference Championship game will be 12/18 (Friday) on campus, at sight of higher finishing division champion. Move of title game to Las Vegas pushed back 1 year.

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Cal gets to go to hot-spot state of Arizona twice in 15 days in November. USC gets to go to the state of Washington in both November and December.

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I think the season will be suspended by then.

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Weeks before classes resume, coronavirus outbreaks linked to college campuses are becoming a growing headache for administrators.

At the University of Southern California, at least 40 coronavirus cases have been linked to an outbreak at the school’s fraternity row, officials said Thursday. Meanwhile, Colorado State University suspended football team workouts after eight players tested positive, and another outbreak was linked to a fraternity house.

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work question:

My friend is a software engineer at a tech company. Her manager asked if she'd be interested in joining another team, saying, "It would be good for you to get some exposure to what they work on."

She isn't sure if her manager really thinks this would be good for her career development, or if her manager just wants to get rid of her.

Any thoughts on what she should do? Should she ask her manager about her performance on her current team? Should she just join the other team?

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IT Manager here, currently in healthcare. A few things to consider;

1. What point is she in her career and with the company? If younger, then the request may have more merit and not be a superficial offer.

2. Is it to expand her industry knowledge or broaden her technical knowledge. Both have value, but I would weigh technical knowledge slightly higher as a software engineer.

3. I always work on a 1/3/5 year planning with my technical employees. How are you working to improve in your current position? How are you working on moving up from your current position? How are you planning for your next position? Does the potential move give her a path for what the next 1/3/5 years look like? I would suggest having that direct conversation with the current manager.

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Thank you, I'll pass this along. She's been in the industry for 10 years and with this company for half a year. Point 3 seems like a good framework!

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its all dependent on her current relationship with the manager and what kinds of convos they have been having about her career. It might be a ploy to get rid of her or it might be a manager who sees someone talented and wants to expose them to other parts of the company.

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Reminder: DBD Zoom tonight at 6:30 Pacific!!!!! Let me know if you need the info. Cugel, just join us on your phone!!!

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It was fun to see folks!

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Also, can I request a naming convention of Real-Name(DBD-Name)? I'm terrible at remembering who's who.

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I'll wear a name tag

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Very excited! Thanks for organizing TBB

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I upgraded internet connection, I think I can do it on the ipad.

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DBD Book Club

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I realized that "talking to ghosts" was a common thread in some of the books I've read this year, so I might as well commit to it. Any recs along that vein?

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I'm on the waitlist at the library for Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.

And there's Klaus in S2 of Umbrella Academy, which comes out this weekend.

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I've recently read:

Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts: Kate Racculia

City of Ghosts +sequel: Victoria Schwab

Ghost Talkers: Mary Robinette Kowal

Things in Jars: Jess Kidd

Thieftaker +sequels: D.B. Jackson

All My Friends Are Ghosts: S.M. Vidaurri

Sheets: Brenna Thumler

The Haunting of Tram Car 015: P. Djèlí Clark

The Widow of Rose House: Diana Biller

Midnight Riot +sequels: Ben Aaronovitch

The Lost Future of Pepperharrow: Natasha Pulley

The Graveyard Book: Neil Gaiman

Lincoln in the Bardo: George Saunders

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DBD A/V Club

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I didn't realize that there was a Pirates of the Caribbean movie I hadn't seen! #6? Dead Men Tell No Tales.

First movie was the best, but I've found the whole franchise to be a good time. Really looking forward to watching it this weekend!

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I knew that fifth one had come out but I never bothered to see it. The fourth one was kind of dull and generic IMO, and the series had already been diminishing returns up through that.

My cousin was in the third movie, At World's End, as a "featured extra." He's one of the Chinese pirates who turns out to have been betraying Chow Yun-Fat's character. Got some nice close-ups and everything.

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dead men tell no tales had some interesting ideas, but is the weakest of the movies, imo.

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That's the fifth. There might be a sixth in the works though?

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Ah, thought it was the sixth because my brain split On Stranger Tides into two movies: the priest/mermaid love story and the Penelope Cruz guest star storyline

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Yes, I want to see more of the priest/mermaid story. how do they work it out?

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Mermaid kisses supposedly allow you to breathe underwater and they hopefully lived happily ever after down there

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😍 I sure hope so.

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/bites tongue

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I do not have any sort of sophistication in my taste in media. I admit this freely.

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Watched the season premiere of Wynonna Earp. Starts kinda slow, but there's a bit of catching up to do (been 2 years since the end of season 3). Sets up for the next couple eps to have a lot of action.

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i just assumed they cancelled it. it was a fun show.

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it was on the cancellation list, but got extended. Then the studio had some $$ problems and so production got delayed a bunch.

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Wynonna Earp is underrated! It's got a great sense of humor

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there was even a crack about how long between the seasons by Nedly in the premiere ep.

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So, absent any help from the Koreans & #1Korean FS, we watched the first episode Crash Landing on You, which is goofy - Dynasty-like fun (well parts anyways).

Watched "The Favorite" last weekend, very good, but was NOT expecting what that was in any way. Completely different from what I imagined it might be.

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Crash Landing on You, while containing significant acting talent, I found to be dull and silly. One those that they had about 6 episodes of content and made a 16 episode show. If you're perusing Netflix and have exhausted all 3 "Reply" series, "Live" is outstanding about police rookies, "Signal" is a really good multi timeline serial killer story, "Miseang" is one of the GOAT K-dramas about a young guy starting out in a business office, "My Mister" is a fantastic story about the non sexual relationship between an older man and younger woman, "When the Camellia Blooms" is a really good part rom/com part serial killer story. All of these I highly recommend. Crash Landing on You is a waste of your time

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Hmmmm... Good to know, the first episode was fun but silly, I was saying "auntie M, auntie M" during the tornado scene.

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Based on the friends who keep talking about it, I think CLOY does land really well with the romance/soap crowd. I think I align with FS's recs more, personally, though at least a couple of those shows are slow burns that might take a couple of episodes to hook.

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there's this one show out on korean tv right now...memorials...and the conservative party is looking at what legal actions it can take against the show 'cause they claim it makes conservatives look bad.

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Also, you what was truly weird? When I tried to search for it, it wouldn't come up at all, then I typed it in, the image briefly appeared, then disappeared, did it again, and finally connected.

Really odd, N. Korean hacking?

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in korea at least, if they suspect that you're a victim of n.korean hacking, they leave a message on your naver/daum/kakao/google.

i was actually watching a show about foreigners living in korea last week, and this one british journalist had that message in his gmail while on the show.

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it also goes by into the ring.

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Watched Cal's 2007 game against Oregon on Pac-12 networks last night. Marcus Ezeff with the jarring hit causing the fumble at the goal line. Ah, those were the days and that was probably the apogee of Cal football in modern history. Next week was the horrific loss to Oregon State that doomed Cal's hope of being No. 1 in the polls. The Riley game.

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I think there was actually a bye the next week, during which Cal watched a bunch of other top teams lose to get to #2 in the polls. And then . . . Cal gonna Cal.

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This week in pop culture literacy: my wife’s birthday was earlier this week and she wanted to have a family film night so we ended up watching Footloose because she was the only one who had seen it. My older daughter couldn’t quite get over the fact that Lori Singer was 27 and John Lithgow 39 when it was filmed. Apparently that was almost too much disbelief to willingly suspend.

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Also, the only thing I know about Footloose is it's referenced in Guardians of the Galaxy.

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But you didn't watch Point Break?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Dude!!!! WAY BETTER

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I thought it might be a bit off to tell my wife what she wanted to see

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Well, I guess was her birthday.

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I noticed Point Break on the Xfinity Guide last night so I DVR'd it.

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