That would depend entirely on what other foo is available to purchase and how much the other food costs. If there is a great variety of food available at a reasonable cost, then I would pay very little for a turnip. If I was starving and it was the only food available and there was a great deal of competition for it, I would probably spend a great deal. Spoken as a true economist, eh?

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there ain't no such thing as a free turnip

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Does Mengjiao mean Jasmine in Chinese?

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I know jasmine as moli (molihua, where hua = flower) 茉莉花

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As far as I can figure, Meng Jiao was a poet who lived from 751-814.

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Other than riding in the back of a turnip truck, I never have knowingly et them.

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Where did you fall off? 😉

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Always, before the USC game kickoff.

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Do you suppose that OnlyFans is too capitalist for tankie pinup pictures?


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Unlike gun girl, this one seems to be carrying her rifle correctly.

Also, not quite a tankie, more of a Leninist vibe.

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people are so weird.

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I am increasingly becoming an Ed Markey fan, not least because he’s decided to say what anyone from outside of Mass might reasonably say about a tedious dynastic future failson


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I'm all for pushing the dynastic failoffspring to justify their existence. I might drop him a few $.

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This Markey ad is 🔥


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Also, the Air Revolution Nike high tops - I have that same pair in grey/black/white

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New saliva test might at least help address the first part of test and trace


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Partly funded by the NBA but open source for fast and less expensive adoption


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This could legitimately be one of the most helpful developments we have seen.

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The NBA is FAN-tastic!

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The Canadian Football League has cancelled (not postponed until spring) their 2020 season.

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Scott Gottlieb on schools overseas and their operational model


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Quarantine dorm at UNC has filled up, now students are being sent to hotels for quarantine.

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My daughter heads off on Saturday, I’ll be curious to see how long we go before I’m trucking back up to collect her.

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I'm thinking 4 weeks before Vandy tells everyone to go home.

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I'm sure that can be sped up if they just recruit a few kids from North Carolina or Georgia.

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They've got at least 5 clusters of students that have it. I'm guessing we'll see it at every college that has students coming back. No way they stay apart and not go to parties.

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13.6% positivity rate at UNC (so far). Nothing to see here.

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That's because they have all been sent home. NC has reversed course to full remote delivery to undergrads.

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The NBA Playoffs officially starts today (Saturday's play-in game apparently was neither a regular season nor a postseason game). I haven't check the full schedule, but I would think that this is not going to take the usual 2.5 months to finish. Maybe the NBA Finals will end before the 2020 World Series?

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Oakland A’s Game #22: No comeback needed, A’s sweep Giants with 15-3 rout


In the first two games of the 2020 Bay Bridge Series, the Oakland A’s authored thrilling last-minute comeback wins against the San Francisco Giants. In the finale of this first installment at Oracle Park, the green and gold took care of business much earlier, leaving nothing to doubt by the 9th.

The A’s scored nine runs in the 5th inning, routing the last-place Giants 15-3 to complete a three-game sweep.

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this whole series was amazing. SUCKITGIANTS

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Scott Ostler: The weekend, collectively, was the worst performance by the Giants in 25 years. So much for the even-year world series meme.

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Certainly the worst managed one.

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that meme died long ago

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Memes never die

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If MLB was like the NBA, the Giants wouldn't have played at all.

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Dodgers hit four homers as they sweep Angels


The Dodgers hit four home runs on Sunday en route to their 8-3 victory, sweeping the three-game series against the Angels. LA has been on an absolute home run tear as of late, so them hitting four dingers shouldn’t really come as much of a surprise.

Let’s kick things off with the first homer and the best one of the afternoon. Keibert Ruiz, who was making his major-league debut, homered in the first at bat of his career. Would you like to take a guess as to who the last Dodger to homer in their first career AB was? I’ll give you some time to think while I show you the homer.

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For once the angels did not play like the 1927 yankees when the dodgers rolled into town.

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I'm still not sure how the Dodgers got swept last year.

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This has to be the best Dodgers bullpen that I can remember. Absolute filth from Graterol, Treinan, Ferguson. Even Floro and the lefties are throwing well.

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When did Cody Bellinger forget how to hit a baseball?

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in the video she goes to a game where Belliger hits a HR. I think that's the game we were at. In the replay shot of Bellinger from the 3rd base dugout on the swing you can see the 4 of us at the very top of the screen.

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Pretty much the entire season up until about the last week. He changed up his swing during the off-season because he wasn't happy how he hit during the 2nd part of last season. Last week he's been barreling up the ball. Next gotta figure out why Max Muncy isn't hitting. I think he's trying to see too many pitches and lets the early pitches right down the middle go by. Though he does lead the team in walks so he is still getting on base.

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I remember Muncy on the A's. He had no power and intermittent hitting success. He changed to an upper-cut swing and became a home run machine with the Dodgers. If his swing has changed maybe that's part of the problem. We've seen the amazing decline of KD's home run stroke with the A's. Not sure if he will ever get it back.

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He was very consistent last two years. He made great contact and had power. It's almost like he's overanalyzing and letting good pitches go. Or pitchers have figure out how to pitch him.

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Just getting the timing down..tough after the break.

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That could also be it. Though I thought I read where he went back to his swing from last year.

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Giants have the decency to get blown out early while getting swept


After two nights of disastrous, soul-demolishing, unforgivably, monstrously stupid blown saves, the Giants bestowed a gift upon all non-Oakland Athletics fans by having the good manners and courtesy to lose the third and final game of the Bay Bridge Series via good old fashioned blowout.

The sweep concluded with Sunday’s 15-3 Oakland win, and it was never really that close.

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I appreciated that by the time I thought to even check a score it was already so bad that I never even had to turn it on.

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Ronald Koeman is the new Barcelona manager


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Barca is a mess and really needs a new board. Hopefully Messi's ultimatum will result in a new club president and not Messi actually leaving.

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I’ll need to read the latest on that, been surprisingly busy all day so far

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Admittedly I have never had a turnip.

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they're great in braised beef brisket cantonese style

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My least favorite common food.

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They’re not on the regular menu at my house. I think the last time I had them was “neeps and tatties” along with haggis during a visit to Scotland and that was a looooong tome ago

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Long time not long tome

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DJ Rogers we hardly knew ye

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What happened there?

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I think it might ultimately have to do with the same incident that got his high school teammate to lose an offer from Stanford.

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So, we can’t have nice things after all?

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is he not coming to play TE for us? I can't be bothered to research recruiting that's what you all are for.

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I don't see anything about it online (but that's pretty much par for the course). Did he get his schollie withdrawn or is he going somewhere else?

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Commit watch!

<google eyes>

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i have no idea what they are supposed to cost and i suppose the only times i would buy one are

- need it for a recipe

- see it at a local farmers market.

overall i am relatively price insensitive when it comes to food and grocery prices. i have in the back of my mind that the cost of food for Americans is significantly lower and a smaller percentage of paycheck than most countries, so i figure it is all on the cheap side, even the expensive stuff.

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This is why I DBD

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I've had them pickled in Chinese cuisine and roasted as part of a medley, but that's pretty much it.

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I've had a lot of daikon

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Oh wait, is that more of a radish?

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I believe so

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Turnip fact: they were used as Jack-o'-Lanterns before pumpkins

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That must have been depressing.

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I've never eaten a "turnips only" dish, but I've eaten them in a roasted root vegetable medley.

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I believe I have led a turnip-free existence, but who really knows? In the UK, what they call turnips (or swede) is a rutabaga in the US. I have no idea what the thing we call turnips here is called there.

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I can’t say that I ever have bought a turnip

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That was my first thought.

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