Getting my flu shot today!

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Yay! Got mine on Monday.

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Good. Got mine on Monday.

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Good idea

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Two different space aliens decide that their galaxies are too far apart. They will always have Meepthorp or whatever they named their kid.


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Fat Bears

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Fat Bear week starts next Wednesday

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But today is the play in round for cubs! Go vote. https://explore.org/fat-bear-week

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I heard the vote is rigged and full of fraud. I’m going to demand an audit.

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My diet starts on Wednesday

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i am a slightly less fat bear than my max weight which occurred a few months ago ...

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Saw a bear in my SIL's yard on Sunday. not a very big one.

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He probably missed a tackle

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If they're charging you just tell them you're a Tight End and they won't see you.

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Haha! Just kill peaceful protestors, amirite Piers?


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I'm always surprised when I report these kinds of things that probably 2/3 of the accounts get susupended.

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Attack against Draco Malfoy was super effective. 10 points off from Slytherin.


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I shouldn't be surprised that Hermione perfected the Petrificus Totalus spell.

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Weekend plans

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I brought a half-dozen each of chickie apples, lemon chickies & kiels from Top Dog & will grill them up Sat night for the game...praying for another lightning storm that sends EVERYONE home.

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yes top dog you love to see it

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this sounds amazing. miss Top Dog

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I might finally finish the endtable I built. Found a polyurethane finish that dries in 30 minutes and looked great on my test wood. Might try to find a place for dinner to watch the Cal game tomorrow since I don't have P12Net.

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One thing I want to do is refinish the wood handle on my e-brake in the Miata. The M-edition came with Nardi wood shifter and e-brake handle. The e-brake handle is in pretty bad condition. I need to remove it, sand off the old varnish/polyurethane, sand it, and then re-finish it. The initial sanding may not be that hard because it seems like a lot of the old finish is gone. Crossing my fingers. Maybe this is a winter job when I stop driving the Miata for a couple of months. That and maybe replace all the bushings.

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Other than watching the Dodgers and Cal games, no plans. I may finish hooking up No 3's dash cam so the rear camera works and the dash cam is permanently powered on. Also change his oil while I'm down in the car. Oh and a tire rotation.

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Oh...I may try my new (to me) pizza oven this weekend. Gotta go get some Molinari and Sons pepperoni.

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Hanging out with some friends in Sacramento and going to the art museum there.

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The Crocker? There is actually quite a bit to see though a lot of the material doesn't really speak to me.

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Yeah, I've never been there, and one of the friends I'm visiting is pretty into art, so we thought it might be cool to check out. We'll also try to go again later this fall because they'll have an Impressionists exhibit.

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The permanent collection has some really nice large paintings that are not impressionist, but from near that era. And some that were 'too racy' for public display when first completed.

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Many errands to run on Saturday. Sunday should be more relaxing.

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Gameday is game night Saturday night (#Pac-12LongAfterDark again). Probably bbq something before hand late afternoon. Fall ball baseball game to umpire Sunday, but the forecast is for rain showers to roll in right about game time, so here's hoping it arrives a little late.

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sushi night on Sat

there is a local Japanese family that takes orders about once a month and then gets, cleans and delivers really amazing quality fish to a pickup spot nearby.

we cut it up sashimi style and make little hand rolls and call it a feast. it iis definitely better than local suburban sushi restaurants. not as good as an omakase dinner in NYC, but those are significantly more expensive ...

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DBD test kitchen

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Today in Covid

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Well, we shouldn't have to say this, but the American Asthma and Allergy foundation has officially warned people to not purposely huff hydrogen peroxide.


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Our county 7 day trailing average of cases is still 16/100K

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Elsewhere in college

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So this is a thing. I must be old as this makes no sense to me.


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Wow that's interesting. His own version of bitcoin. You know you are in a bubble when...

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with Cal's new FTX sponsorship, maybe we'll have our own too

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USC's backup QB Dart has surgery on knee. Out indefinitely. "Source - USC Trojans QB Jaxson Dart has surgery to repair meniscus injury, out indefinitely


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Slovis gets his job back, otherwise the next man up, probably another 5 star QB recruit.

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Trojans will have to settle for starting the Preseason All-Conference First Team QB, who has recovered from injury. Times are tough all over.

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All of that is true, but at the same time it is also true that they are not that good and will probably lose 4 games or so and play some meaningless non New Year bowl against a MAC team or something

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Currently a dream for the California Golden Bears *sigh*

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U Chicago study shows that 1 in 4 Americans think that Trump is the legitimate president or he should be restored to power through violence.


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I am not sure whether to be surprised or relieved that it is only 1 in 4 that believe that.

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Same % of unvaxxed adults?

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JFC. Trump called on Gov Abbot (R-TX) to do an election audit in Texas - AN ELECTION THAT TRUMP WON. The lickspittle agreed within 24 hours. As a reminder, the results of the Arizona Maricopa county audit should be announced today.


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Hahahhh, oh man, Texas gonna Texas. Not a lot of stories about people flocking there anymore…

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Texas is never turning blue.

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Already reports out yesterday that the Arizona audit surprisingly found no fraud.

It is only surprising due to the fact that Cyber Ninjas were a partisan group and it’s owner agrees with TFGs Big Lie.

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Actually did find a few (relatively small) discrepancies. Biden gained votes and Trump lost votes.

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Right but that isn’t fraud. I thought it was great that Biden actually gained a few votes. TFG put out a press-tweet yesterday about the results coming out and praising CN but he quickly deleted that once the preliminary reports started to come out.

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..or back them up AT ALL, the whole thing is a total lie.

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It's just a way to keep getting people to give him money. I bet he doesn't even believe it but the Trumpers will throw money at him.

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I believe Cal won both the Nevada and TCU games based upon four or five issues but I just don’t have the data to back any of them up definitively.

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Best stadium

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Honestly, it's been Memorial Stadium in Berkeley. It wasn't that Memorial is the world's best stadium - Big Game was over 100% capacity, with people standing the entire game, Tightwad Hill was packed, fences were erected to separate the fans, and even people came to Berkeley to tailgate and listen to the game on the radio with any intention of getting tickets to go in. I have not experienced anything better than that. Which reminds me, it used to be normal to stand for an entire game and they'd start chants to stand up if you sat down.

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But that was a game experience, not due to the stadium. Memorial is a poor man's version of Autzen, in that its a single deck bowl. And not one with very many actual seats (vs. benches).

Folsom is a single deck bowl as well, but is quite close, and is a good stadium from the fan perspective. Bronco Stadium in Boise is a good stadium, particularly on the east side (multi deck), so lots of seats are pretty close. Husky would be really good if the upper decks weren't so far set back. Most seats are a long way from the field. After the remodel, Martin Stadium in Pullman is actually one of the better stadiums to watch a game from. Even the most distant seat is closer to the field than the majority of seats in Husky. Single deck bowl, and the concessions and services are at the concourse at the top. But it small enough that its not much of a climb. And one of the better food selections in the conference.

Stanford stadium, and the park-like tree filled tailgating area surrounding it, is actually one of the best stadiums around. Just wish they had better lights for night games.

Camp Randall is pretty cool, but its partially the environment, not the stadium.

The Box, LSU's 10K seat baseball stadium, is unrivaled. Its a football atmosphere for college baseball.

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You got that exactly backwards, Autzen is a poor man's Memorial. Setting counts for a LOT. Does Autzen have Strawberry Canyon? No. Does Autzen have views of the Bay? No. Does Auzten have views of the Golden Gate? No.

Case closed.

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That's what Keith Jackson thought: the setting made Memorial Stadium the best.

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I miss Keith Jackson...some people would want Morgan Freeman to narrate their life story...gimme Keith!

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Sadly only the setting is great. The gameday atmosphere is terrible in Memorial Stadium, at least right now.

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UW calls its stadium “the greatest setting” and it drives me nuts.

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Were you there for the Nevada game?

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This is more about the product on the field than the place.

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The only redeeming aspect of Stanfurd Stadium is the eucalyptus grove for tailgating. The stadium itself feels like an erector set.

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True, but the view from the first row of the upper deck is quite good.

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And if your seat doesn't have a good view, don't worry! Just walk over to one of the open 25k seats for a better view!

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Autzen is not a great place to watch a game. Sitting on the 20 less than 20 rows up and you cannot see the whole field.

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Maracana Stadium in Rio

we lived in Rio for 6 mo when i was 6 about 1975-76. i am not 100% sure but probably we saw Pele play for his local team.

my memories of the stadium was that it was "cavernous." i had never seen so many people in one place ever (or since)

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That’s awesome HSB

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Wrigley Field! I admit I am a partisan on this issue, but IMO there is nothing else like it.

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For teams I don’t root for, Jacobs Field in Cleveland is very nice.

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Apart from Memorial, my favorite stadium that I've actually been to for a game is the Rose Bowl for a Rose Bowl (1/1/97, Ohio State v. ASU). Jake Plummer and Pat Tillman played for ASU in the game that OSU won. I was able to go with Bob Briggs (former Cal Band director) and we had a great time. The stadium itself is actually too flat for my taste, but there's something very special about it when you are there for a Rose Bowl.

For baseball, it's Dodger Stadium (sorry, completely for sentimental reasons).

I'd love to see games at Old Trafford, Maracana, Notre Dame Stadium, the Horseshoe, the Big House, Fenway Park and Wrigley Field.

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Luckily you'll get your chance to go to Notre Dame Stadium in 2022.

The Horseshoe was pretty impressive with all those people. Similar to Tennessee in checkerboard orange and white by section.

I would've been able to see Fenway had the Dodgers not blown game 4 of the World Series in 2019. After Puig hit the HR, I had No 1 buy tickets on stubhub (1K each) and I got flights for No 3 and myself. This was while walking back to College Bart after the Cal/UW game. Of course then the Dodgers shit the bed.

Wrigley is pretty cool, even from my obstructed view seat.

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Fenway is fantastic in a classic way...short on new age ballpark amenities of course, but you can’t beat the history, and the quirks of the park (Green Monster, angular &/deep CF, short RF & Pesky Pole) add character. Wrigley is great too, as were old Comiskey & Tiger Stadium, which I saw on a ballpark trip w/ my Pops in ‘84.

Of the newer, modern parks, Pac Bell is AWESOME, whether you like the Giants or not, but the biggest, most pleasant surprise comes from the Steel City...PNC in Pittsburgh. Just fantastic, & highly recommended for any ballpark trip...

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I saw the outside of PNC since the Pirates were not in town the day we drove through or they were home without fans. It was during Covid and I think opening day was the day we left for the trip.

The ballpark looked beautiful from the outside and the bridge and stuff over the river is cool.

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You're absolutely right about Pac Bell/Oracle/whatever they're calling it now. That's a great stadium. I once refused tickets to a Dodgers/Giants game when they were still at Candlestick cuz that place SUUUUUCKED. Can't do that now...love the classic feel.

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I do NOT miss post-1970 Candlestick Park. Pre-1971 Candlestick Park was a baseball only stadium with open bleachers looking out towards the Bay. But even the baseball only version of Candlestick sucked. Foul territory was one of the largest, if not the largest in MLB. The installed radiant heating was not. And the winds from left knocked down many Willie Mays HRs that were turned into long outs.

Horace Stoneham was sold a bill of goods. He should have simply rebuilt Seals Stadium or expanded it. But he wanted cheap land and freeway access. Which brings up another issue - access and egress from Ol' Windlestick. There were three lanes for access to and egress from the stadium. Plentiful parking made sure that getting out would be a nightmare...and it was. When attendance was above 20K, you could sit in your seat for another 45 minutes after gametime, saunter out to your parked car, and still be in a backup of cars trying to hop on 101.

Even trying to escape to I-280 (Embaracdero Freeway) by way of Gilman Ave amd 3rd Street was a nightmare of slow traffic brought on by other folks trying to beat a hasty post-game retreat from Candlestick.

No bueno.

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I actually liked watching a day game at Candlestick. Nothing to distract from watching the game. Now night games were a different beast.

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I've been to both Wrigley and Fenway, but only for tours, not to see a game. Coincidentally, I was able to get tours during each stadium's 100th anniversaries.

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Back in 1997(?), I had a trip back east that included stops in CHI and BOS. so within a week, I hit Wrigley (Giants) and Fenway (A's). Just a coincidence that the Bay teams were in town. Both lost, but it was a year in which both teams sucked, so no biggie.

Whilst in Barcelona about the same time, saw a game a Camp Nou. Not a great stadium, as such, but massive. And my one and only European soccer game. To get in, we had to scalp tix. Which involved meeting a season ticket holder who gave us their pass in exchange for our driver's licenses. Then meet after game to sway pass for license.

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If he was a dog, those would be called "Wall Eyes".

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Game #153: A’s swept at home by Mariners



The Oakland A’s lost again on Thursday, completing a four-game sweep by the Seattle Mariners at the Coliseum. The A’s took a lead this time but blew it in the 6th inning, ending in a 6-5 defeat.

It couldn’t get much more deflating. After three quiet losses the past three nights, Oakland looked like they might finally have a good day and salvage the finale. All-Star starter Chris Bassitt made his triumphant return to the mound after a scary injury last month, and he tossed three scoreless innings while the A’s lineup took an early lead. But the bullpen couldn’t hold on, and the offense went quiet and couldn’t keep up with Seattle’s attack.

Oakland has 11 blown saves in their past 30 games, resulting in eight losses. They’ve also dropped 12 of their 16 meetings with the Mariners this year.

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NL West lead back to one after extra inning loss


We are at the point in the season when most San Francisco Giants sportswriters spend more of their time thinking and writing about the Los Angeles Dodgers than they do about the team they are paid to cover.

I am very guilty of this.

In past seasons, this has occurred deep into October when we suddenly find ourselves huge fans of people like Brett Phillips and incredibly frustrated with, well, the entire 2020 Atlanta Braves organization.

But we are still in September and we have been in September and we will be in September for a little bit longer and the anxiety has set in, matured, and become a part of biological make-up now. This next week and a half will continue to be defined by constant phone checking, tab juggling, Gameday refreshing, and scoreboard rubbernecking.

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Man, there were a few minutes yesterday when it looked like Giants would win and Dodgers would lose by 5-4 identical scores, and the division lead would be up to 3 (nearly insurmountable with 9 to play). The whole thing flipped quite quickly.

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Yeah when the top of the 9th started in the Dodgers/Rockies game I was trying to figure out he odds if the Dodgers ended up 3 games back after the game. Was worried there for a little bit.

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Max Muncy’s homer in extras helps Dodgers complete comeback over Rockies


What a game. What a comeback.

Down to their final out and trailing by a run, the Dodgers had the bases empty with two outs in the ninth inning. Mookie Betts and Corey Seager delivered back-to-back singles, bringing Trea Turner to the plate. On a 2-1 pitch, Turner singled to left field, scoring Betts to tie the game at five.

After a scoreless inning from Kenley Jansen, the game went into the extras. Max Muncy wasted no time, as he crushed the first pitch he saw over the center field fence for the go-ahead two-run home run.

“He needed it a lot,” Dave Roberts said following the game. “He’s grinding like everyone in September is. It was good. I tip my cap to him for continuing to work. For it to prove beneficial today with that homer today was big for his confidence.”

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GO Bears!!!

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Go Bears!

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I thought I'd look up "petit écolier cheesecake" and came across this site: https://www.mavieencouleurs.fr/cuisine/gateaux/dessert/cheesecake-aux-petit-ecolierr-tendre-coeur

It seemed wrong to click "refusez tous les cookies" (refuse all the cookies).

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Happy to have sent you down that cookie rabbit hole! Now if there were a way to transmit said cake over the interwebs if it's actually made!

And great cookie joke...doing battle with the non-TE tackling bear up above for tops of the day. :-)

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We just need to plan a cake meetup

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Btw, just looked at the French recipe page. How dare they use milk chocolate Ecolier?!?

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Didn't see one today. Anyone watch Foundation last night? I saw E1 only; E2 is tonight. Didn't have time for both and Ted Lasso.

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So we attended Cal Shakes for the first time since the pandemic. Had a delightful picnic dinner before hand, shared a bottle of St. Gall champagne. Saw Winter's Tale, which my wife described as one of the "problem" Shakespeare plays - a term I hadn't heard before, but afterwards, I understood what that means.

I thought they did as much with it as you could, but it was a very strange beast.

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