So now we have 4 PGs on the roster?

Our incoming freshman better be an immediate impact player at the 4, otherwise we will have no depth, or have to rely on an undersized front line with little scoring punch

If Askew isn’t eligible this year we will have almost no offense

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Thanks Nick, great article!

Anyone else wondering why a team with a gaping hole in the post did not add an experienced, let alone impact, big man via the portal? With Joel, Hyder, Celestine, Roberson, Bowser (and hopefully Askew, though he's probably a longshot to play this year) along with Kuany, Obinna, Alajiki & incoming FR Grant Newell on the wing, the guard/wing spots seem set...however, IF Thorpe does not return from injury (which opens up a scholarship), that leaves just Lars Thiemann and talented but raw FR ND Okafor in the post: while Lars definitely looked improved in '21-'22 from previous seasons, he nonetheless struggled to compete v. P12 front courts. Fox historically doesn't give big minutes to FR, so the C and PF position next year figure to be a struggle. Wonder if he plans on having Sam fill Grant's shoes as the stretch 4?

You hit the nail on the head - though hardly a surprise, Fox does not seem to recruit well enough at the Power 5 level. Sorry to say, it's tough right now on paper to see how this team is better next year.

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"Anyone else wondering why a team with a gaping hole in the post did not add an experienced, let alone impact, big man via the portal? "

bc Mark Fox sucks at recruiting?

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

Well, that's the truth. Still, a big body from some mid-major should've been available, even if he was just logging unproductive minutes...Fox seems to have made no effort to even recruit a big, let alone land one...just low percentage shooting guards that turn the ball over.

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Remember back in the good old days of the mid-2010's when a post by Nick or Rob announcing good news like the transfer commitment of a starting PG that has the potential to average 10/3/3 at Cal would garner a whole slew of comments and threads? Only a handful of people even seem to be paying attention to the program now...such a sad state of affairs.

Damn you Mike Williams & Wyking Jones...I wish you both scabies.

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Hopefully these portal transfers will make an impact, though it would be better to get one or two four-and-five star recruits. But I doubt that Fox has the charisma to do this.

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