
A short article from WFC regarding what are the chances of Askew getting a medical redshirt for this year beause of his recent in jury would be appreciated. Thanks.

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It was evident Rodney Brown Jr was fired up playing in So Cal against USC and UCLA. His minutes will likely increase as he adapts to college ball. His contribution makes a huge difference. Forgive me if I’m wrong but I seem to recall that it was said Rodney could possibly help us land some key recruits that he played with on AAU/HS teams. Any word on who is Cals radar?

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I hope Devin can obtain the medical redshirt. We desperately need a mature and experienced point guard. Best wishes to him.

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I'm glad turnovers were asked about. I really like how Madsen set an actual target, which seems like a meaningful way to balance aggressive and conservative ball. Also really like Tyson's answer as well, that he's basically developing PG skills. Without Askew, he'll need them.

Rodney Brown is, no doubt, talented. But I really like how others talk about him as a person. Madsen has built a nurturing atmosphere that seems to have weathered some rough times (and will hopefully prevent portal losses). I think Brown can become a Madsen-style leader over time.

I feel so bad for Askew. It feels like he finally found a place to belong and then the injury bug gets him.

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I really really love Tyson and all of our guys but they’re not natural passers.

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Indeed. Passing is our most glaring weakness and we tend to chain together bad TOs. I'm hoping they can develop their skills and familiarity enough to achieve Madsen's target. They say PGs are born, not made, but we should be able to eliminate at least 4 TOs/game without John Stockton suiting up.

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I was at the UCLA (and USC) games in LA this week - and let me tell you I am so impressed with Rodney Brown Jr. I had seen the team during the hell week in San Juan Capistrano (when we lost 3 games in either OT or under 3 points) and RBJ was struggling and he didn't look like he would be a contributor this year.

Between November and the first week of January - he's grown so much, and his confidence is way up - he keeps playing through mistakes, he's unafraid of the moment and steps up to hit big shots or make a big defensive play.

Just really impressed with him.

I feel so gutted for Devin - who has really bought into the Madsen program and all season, even when he's been injured, he's been committed and coaching from the sidelines and helping the younger players see things and I just wish he could stay healthy.

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Obviously I'm watching from afar and this is just a random guess, but it's something I've felt since our first round of games under Madsen. He doesn't seem to be the type to dwell on mistakes, but instead coaches his teams to play fearless with short memories. He lets them make mistakes on the floor and expects them to learn from them.

If that's true, I'm glad that RBJ is thriving under this atmosphere because like you said...he's made incredible leaps week after week.

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