15-0 until proven otherwise

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Finally. Some positivity. I hope the loss of Johnson does not adversely affect the team's defensive performance.

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Looks like Marek's prediction was submitted before Johnson's injury news.

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Now I feel better...

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Unilateral rose colored glasses.

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I like it. I am still at 8-4, and maybe one more. Looking forward to being at the game Saturday. Thank you to all the contributors at Write for California. We appreciate your good work. Go Bears!

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Just a thought guys after watching a few minutes of games last night (Pitt, WV featuring 2 ex-USC QB's), NAU at ASU where it was 101 degrees at night, and Tedford state play Cal Poly featuring Remigio for Fresno it might be fun to run a weekend open thread on other games so folks can comment on them. If I recall CGB did this and it yielded some interesting perspectives. Also since there is no DBD on the weekend...

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Absolutely right. I forgot about that. I’ll schedule one today since there’s the big TCU-Colorado matchup

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No reason. I just feel like the more people that predict that, the more likely it is we go 9-3.

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Jesus christ Anonymous just started spitting and didn't stop

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They've got me believing.

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Keep the sunshine pumping....love it...8 wins, 9 if you played Rugby!

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