You started the article quite articulate and unbiased. However, when you went to, “While culturally they may be more of an ASU-type party school, their football team is devotedly followed by non-college educated, Walmart-type fans; just like USC.”, you showed yourself to be nothing more than what you accuse. You are not a football observer, as you claim, you are nothing more than an ignorant, uneducated, Walgreens (I.e., not good enough for Walmart) shopper. This is from a true football observer who is an SEC fan, not a fan of either team being discussed by you.

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Oh, how thankful and lucky I am to be blessed by the presence of a true football observer who is an SEC fan. You did a great job of showing that I am exactly "what you accuse", a non-college educated Walmart-type fan (of California, no less). You really burned me there, a very elegant "no u" indeed. Top marks!

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USC catching strays, and I’m here for it!

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All that talk about racism at FSU has me terrified as I'll be there this weekend :(

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Wait, I didn't know Washington went into college playoffs last year undefeated. I must have not cared at all

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I would like to propose “Battle for the Peace Pipe” as the name of this rivalry going forward

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Soes anyone know the status of Reese, Vatikani, McDonald, Correia, and Miller?

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FSU Offense has more drops than the Berkeley Optometry Center

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It was almost painful to watch the Memphis game. Finally get a receiver open just for the receiver to drop the pass.

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Yes, reminds me of Modster, when Chase was injured. His passes were in the receivers' hands but, often, dropped like their were hot lava.

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Go Bears. Pressure the hell out of "Ugi". Load the box.. You've got the best DB's as a group in the ACC or more.

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I was sort of hoping that this entire article would be about the ways in which FSU is offensive, not their football team’s offense.

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I can understand how the first 25 paragraphs of this article might not be enough on that topic.

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Go Bears! Beat FSU! On ESPN2! The nation will be watching. This is the year.

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So, will Sirmon take note of previous FSU games and load the box? Will he blitz? Or will he let DJ look like a Heisman candidate again? There should be no failure by Cal's defense this week. There is too much film on what worked the previous 3 weeks.

Go Bears!!

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It will be ironic and amusing if CAL has a more successful season than FSU and as a result gets a bigger payout than FSU as a result of rewarding success.

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That would be a terrific outcome. I also wonder if we could renegotiate the GOR monies due to our success and meme profile we seem to have developed. We seem to be an asset to the ACC rather than merely the 17th best team in the conference.

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