So, Arizona is now a ........trap game!!!

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Love the grit and grind today, especially against a good OSU squad. Offense was great, defense was complementary. We know what we have to do next week against Arizona. The only downside if any is that the blocked punt enables another year of Ragle lol.

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They played almost a perfect game - no to's, first penalty came with less than 10 mins left in the game...

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Never seen that on penalties before!

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Oct 31, 2021Liked by Piotr Le

Mike Saffell is very entertaining.

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They should fire leaf and hire saffell

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Oct 31, 2021Liked by Piotr Le

No, we can keep Saffel on our team.

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That was a very, very satisfying win. We knew OSU was a really good team, but we beat them soundly. Nothing stupid happened. Boy that was nice. With a few more catches by the WR's that score would be higher, and I give Wilcox real credit for not running up the score. Let's pack the stadium for U$C! Go Bears!

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I hope the game is Pac12 after dark. I just booked a flight to Kentucky that day. After WSU game I decided to stop planning my weekends around Cal football and started filling weekends with activities, but I realized I can't not watch Cal football after all.

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London went down with an injury today, not sure the extent of it.

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Update on London: "Season ending injury". Hopefully this does not lower his draft potential.

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broken ankle - thankfully not a ligament tear. Not that a broken ankle is good but it usually heals more completely than ligament damge

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Agreed - kid is fun to watch at the WR position. Here’s to a full & speedy recovery

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Looked bad - carted off in tears.

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Yeah, I heard of this, which can only help our chances against them. Beating them is so much fun, and rare enough, that we should pack Memorial with fans to help the team win! I'll be coming down from Seattle with my sons to try one more time this season to see a Cal victory in person. 0-2 this year, come on Bears!

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Game two of our six game winning streak to end the regular season. Back-to-back impressive wins. Small crowd again but we were loud and had fun. I'm digging this second half of the season Golden Bear team. Third down efficiency was amazing combined with zero turnovers and one penalty.

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Imagine if Wilcox let his OC's actually run a 2-minute drill...their end-of-half play calling & clock management is laughable. :55 and 3 to's & they sit on it...inexcusable.

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That was such a wasted opportunity. It looks like Wilcox is always confused and never makes up his mind how to end the first half.

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Agreed - I mean, there’s definitely times where taking a knee isn’t the worst thing.

But w/ almost a minute, the full assortment of TOs & an O that was moving the ball - it’s just a disheveled look.

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what i didn't get was . . . if we were going to run out the clock, then why pass at all? If we were going to go for it, then go for it from the beginning. the odd run on the clock, haha, j/k was double weird.

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7 game winning streak to end the season at 8-5. (6-3 in conference)

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A reverse Mariucci, if you will.

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It's great that Musgrave figured out, in Week 9, that this is a run-first offense based upon the personnel we have.

But no turnovers by the offense, defense forces 3 penalties, special teams block a punt and not give up a first down, with only one penalty.

Can't recall a cleaner game played by Cal under Coach Wilcox - maybe the game at Oregon State in 2018 or the 2017 WSU smoke game.

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Very clean game.

Just wish Wilcox would stop coaching to "not lose." :55 and 3 to's at the end of 1H and you sit on it again...it's almost as if this team does not have a 2-minute offense, which is a problem.

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Net rushing yards 255

Net passing yards 262 (at least 2 balls dropped that were very catchable)

Not too shabby and balanced. I agree run, run run cuz we can. Amazing what can happen when an OL dominates.

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They were deep touchdown balls as well. 39 points with some TDs still left on the field.

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I’ll take it, in a win!!!! MFs….

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Offense, defense, AND special teams showing up on the same day?

Feels good, man.

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I have hopes that we may still see a bowl game! That gets me excited for the season again!

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Garbers' best game as a Bear....only took 9 years.... ;-)

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Nice behind the scenes show going on now.

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Before the game, I made a deal with the football gods that if Garbers pulled off some end of game heroics to win it, that I'd finally begin making my peace with the 2007 OSU outcome. Also, because Tedford. Well, they delivered me Garbers heroics in the first quarter. I'll take what the football gods gave me. Very satisfying.

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Cal has some promising DB's: Hearns, Gamble & Young. I like how these youngsters compete so early in their careers.

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Isaiah Young looks like a future star.

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That was fantastic by Young to come in after basically never playing and lock down the receivers. We haven’t had depth like that in a long while

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No more tragedy of Lapite and Logan

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Poor Lapite. Guy came to walk-on as a wide out and is eternally remembered chasing after other wide outs.

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I just looked up Lapite. We don't have to feel too bad for him; he's currently in medical school. May have had some rough times on the field, but moved on and is living his best life. Will be Dr Lapite soon!

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That is great for the soon to be Dr. Lapite . . .but he took so much abuse from Cal fans that year.

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and big, athletic Linebackers.

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OL played so well. Good running game, and Garbers had so much time to throw today.

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Moore’s last run was SICK! Most yards after what he SHOULD have earned!!!

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Obviously the best game Cal’s played this season. Just gonna give us “what could have been” vibes if they had made a few more plays against Nevada, TCU, UW and UO.

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I try not to go there. Yet it creeps in.

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Please don’t. That’s my annual exercise….

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Crazy how three of those had dumb Garbers interceptions too. Sometimes it’s just one guy

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UVA @ BYU is f-ing nuts...Cavaliers up 42-38......at half!

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Write for California on TV now! (Donno who you are)

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