Step 1, Bears outlast USC in overtime. Some unfortunate turnovers, and the inability [perhaps from fatigue or USC's athleticism], to finish at the rim, made this a closer game than it should have been. Now, can we match up to a talented UCLA team that is coming into its own? This would be a critical game win before the Bears head out on the road.

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That was fun to watch! Funny that Aimaq had just 15pts; looked like he could have had 40. Also, thank you, SC, for being true to your lousy record.

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On a mid-week night back in February of 1993 I told someone I was taking them on an architectural tour of Berkeley, which involved a visit to Harmon Gym, always one of my favorite buildings. Recall the game involved was an overtime victory over the Trojans, a key part of Cal's late season run. Have spent much less of my life in Haas than Harmon, but do hope to make it back there soon.

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I tuned in around 1:10 left in regulation but enjoyed about 30 minutes of basketball and a win. Go Bears!

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One win closer to the NCAA"s.

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Does Tyson have any eligibility left for next year? I thought the broadcaster in the ASU insinuated to that he did ...

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He has 1 year left. He can choose to come back, but it's a weak draft class and it would be smart for him to test the waters.

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Is Okafor out for the rest of the year?

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I tuned in when Cal had a 13 point lead early in the 2nd half. Watched the offense shut down, turnovers, and Collier come alive to take it to OT. Only then did I realize my mistake, so I turned it off and went to bed before OT started.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Author

Thank you for taking one for the team.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Sad that this Cal team is like a sand castle - here now, gone too soon. But shows the philosophical differences between Fox (bring in long, athletic types regardless of their ability to put the ball in the hole) vs Madsen (bring in anyone you can who can (in order): 1. shoot 2. shoot 3. defend 4. shoot 5. be athletic 6. shoot 7. rebound 8. shoot 9. be tall).

The dismantling of norms in college sports has created an environment where theses sorts of teams, especially at a place like Cal, will be the rule and not the exception going forward. What successful student at pretty much any school who has shown the above skills in their college playing career wouldn't want to end their journey with a degree from Cal? With his obvious energy, I assume and hope Madsen can make this year's the floor for these kinds of teams going forward, and improve on his skills to have them coalesce over the summer rather than over a season of play.

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I was already lamenting the departure of Tyson as I was watching. Wish we could see a another year of the kid. He's so polished. Not sure another year would benefit his development any.

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He’s not projected as a sure thing just yet, love him to death but what gets players success in the NBA is one outstanding attribute where he - at least to me - just seems very very good at many things. Maybe you could say his elite attribute is a sense of the moment and being able to take over games down the stretch but every NBA team already has that guy. Many have two.

(Or maybe I’m just coping)

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My comp is Tyrone Wallace. Tyson is a slightly better shooter and finisher, a slightly worse ballhandler. They both fill up the stat sheet in multiple categories. Wallace was an end of round 2 pick. Tyson right now would be probably early to mid round 2.

If Tyson could raise his shooting numbers by like 5%, he moves into Round 1 talk.

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To me, they are very different. Tyrone was a natural ball handler. His game was using his size as a combo guard and being crafty. Jaylon is a 3, more athletic, and not just a "slightly" better shooter, A MUCH better shooter. Tyrone really couldn't shoot, but also Tyson is is already pretty efficient (37% from 3, 58% TS% on high volume, high difficulty shots is outstanding). If Jaylon Tyson raised his shooting numbers like 5% he'd be a lottery pick.

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I think Tyson has a lot on his plate with this team. That probably won't be the case when he moves up a level and has more of a minimal role. He has a lot more potential as a shooter and as a ballhandler. His shooting mechanics are natural, but he's also having to score at three levels. Hard to shoot 40% from 3 when you're doing so much else offensively versus spotting up. He'll have more of an opportunity to work on those at the next level.

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Noooo...you're supposed to say he isn't ready for the NBA. The scouts read WFC all the time...

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Shsh . . . it's a reverse jinx.

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No guarantees he'll leave, but I also don't know that he stands to gain much by staying. Career prospects notwithstanding, he's was brilliant last night. He played effectively and effortlessly within in the flow of the game, and then when we needed him to just take over, he did. He's such a sophisticated player. I can't praise him enough.

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Would love it if he stays but will be shocked if he’s back in Berkeley next year.

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The question is whether or not an extra year will raise his draft stock from a likely 2nd round to a 1st round. If not, then...I honestly don't know. It's up to whether or not he believes Madsen can put together a better roster around him next year to really let him highlight his talent in the Duke / UNC games on a national spotlight.

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He's already starting to get some NBA buzz. We're a mediocre team in a bad conference so nobody is paying attention. But once the season is over and people start scouring stats and tape they'll see a guy who has good size, enough athleticism, a decent shot, and a good collection of secondary skills (great rebounder, tough, clutch, can play make a little bit).

Wasserman who is a legit pundit has him at the end of the 1st.


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I hope you're right as I too am taking a similar approach in trying to deny the risk of his departure!

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Don’t know what to make of that game. Definitely a turning point for the program, though not sure what it says about the team basketball-wise. We had some of our most sublime moments of basketball, but also nearly as many of our worst. It was fairly typical of how we’ve played this year, which is a mixed bag with a tight ending. Is our recent game success a product of better basketball or a market correction for all the early season close losses, or a reinvigorated Haas crowd helping us get over those close game humps? Maybe a bit of each?

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I'd have to think coach Enfield read them the riot act at halftime re: defensive effort. It made what Cal was running in the first half much less effective win the second. Our worst moments were not self-inflicted, SC's 2nd half adjustments were primarily responsible. And we had no adjustment to match theirs, combined with the fact that it's tough to score against an athletic team that is maximizing their defensive effort. We need to be able to adjust in-game, not just at halftime.

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We made a ton of unforced TOs. You're not wrong that SC picked up their defensive intensity in the 2nd and played a factor, but our carelessness with the ball was a major theme in our unraveling. Not having a true PG really showed in the 2nd.

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Yes, I've been railing against our lazy or ill-advised passes all season, we definitely had more than our norm in the 2nd half. And it's true that it is no coincidence that SC's run coincided with Cone's absence. But even when we ran well-constructed plays in the 2nd, we weren't getting open looks. I just prefer to think that the biggest difference in the 2nd half (somewhere between 51% and 81%?) was SC's adjustments/effort rather than our failings.

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We’re actually 116th in the nation and third (?) in the Pac 12 for raw turnovers and we don’t play a particularly slow pace

11.6 turnovers per game isn’t bad especially without a real point guard


Were in the 70s in possessions per game - which is pace adjusted

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We’ve made much improvement in the ball handling department, oddly after Askew was sidelined. But last night was not good for long stretches. We would have benefitted from a secondary ball handler once they started pressing us and we started to tire.

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Nothing odd about it. Askew’s primary value was after the outcome was determined. His percentage of Ill-advised/lazy passes was higher when the pressure was on.

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Definitely. I think we also tired out a lot after SC added pressure. We have a smaller rotation (8 to 11) and we were running a lot of motion (and running it impressively well in the 1st and part of the 2nd). But I wonder if we kind of ran ourselves dry a bit with such a limited rotation.

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A heroic victory for the Bears! If I had to limit myself to one word to describe the energy in Haas it would be ELECTRIC!!

Against a talented and explosive SC team Cal found its mojo.

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That 2nd half was rough to watch. But the 1st was beautiful and I love the grit our players brought in OT to will the win. Tyson is so fun to watch.

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Game started too late for me to stay up and follow. A pleasant surprise to wake up to.

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Madsen was giving off Lakers championship energy after the game and I loved it.

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"Coach Madsen lets them play it out - no timeout. " - unless I misheard (or the radio guys were wrong) maybe we were out of time-outs? We called our last one with like 43 seconds left?

I think the athleticism of the SC bigs got into Daws' head a little bit and he was aiming his shots in the second half, instead of shooting it - but he owned the entire backboard. 20 rebounds is a hell of a stat line. USC in totla had 27 rebounds.

Collier is a stud. Hopefully this will be the last time we see him (except maybe in the Pac-12 tourney) he should go take the money in the league next season. Bronny has potential but I don't see that he's ready yet. Kobe Johnson is going to need to work on his shot if he wants to stick in the league. He can defend . . . and that's really it.

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Thanks for clarification on timeout.

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Haha no worries - sometimes(often!) this info is easier when in ones apartment vs in Haas

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Daws was aiming his shots in the 2nd, but his legs were gone. We miss Okafor.

I'm thinking that LeBron's thinking that Bronny has a ways to go.

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I kinda forgot he was out there. I actually feel for the kid a bit. Bad match. He should have got away from home (and dad).

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I don't. He has a supportive father, gets to do what he loves without a real care in the world, be a big man on campus in LA, and has a family net worth equal to a small island nation's GDP.

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Didn’t mean to imply that LeBron was anything other than supportive or a good father. I just think he brings a lot of attention that maybe doesn’t work to the best of Bronny’s development. Already hard enough to have the outside pressure of being LeBron’s son and all that brings. Maybe getting physical distance from that shadow and circus might ease some distraction. Of course I don’t know anything. I’m just projecting. Of course the kid has considerable resources and other unusual advantages, but that’s not what I was commenting on.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I just mean that just about every college player wouldn't mind trading places with him. That shadow cast on him is long, but the circus probably would've followed him anywhere this year.

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We were out of TOs, yes.

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Thanks BP. Quite a thriller. Team continues to show mental toughness under Mark…after a sub-par half of basketball, to pull it together in OT and nail some huge triples and FTs. A beautiful sight.

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Yeah and, IMHO, very much a second half team this season.

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Fardaws hit the wall at the under 12…he really battled through the rest of the way, but he was tuckered. The O just fell apart in 2H…no rhythm, and they often struggle in the half-court set on a good night.

While the guys sometimes play like careless knuckleheads, they do have intestinal fortitude and continue to battle. They didn’t fold when things got frustrating.

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Getting the ball swiped on an inbound, 10 second violation, careless passes... That really could've sank us.

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And it’s happened all season. Cone hoisting a 25 footer in traffic early in the shot clock, up 1 with under a minute left v ASU actually DID sink us. Poor situational awareness sometimes, but a fun team to watch and root for nonetheless, especially after the Fox disaster.

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