I love that he wants to punch Evan Weaver in the face. Remember that former UDUB linebacker who should have been a Golden Bear? Yes, Shaq Thompson spent his career at UDUB terrorizing Cal and breaking our hearts. As the old saying goes; "Payback is a bitch!"

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I'm hoping Weaver will be on the sideline for the game.

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It'd be great if he were on the UW side, just shouting at coach lake. "Jimmy! JIMMY! REMEMBERE?"

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Bob I'm pretty sure we're all pro-Wikipedia here

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Wikipedia requires citations so just follow the footnotes and if those are kosher, then the factoid in Wikipedia is kosher. I'm not sure either as to why people refuse to see Wikipedia as a nice starting base of knowledge.

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no one objects on the premise of reliability or objectivity or any problematic concept, but think it's funny that our beloved friend doesnt understand how ubiquitous wikipedia is, and that one is not providing any service by frequently providing links (see: "and no thanks at all" above). Giving him some grief about has just been light-hearted ribbing, but clearly there is a cultural or generational gap that is keeping it one-sided.. He also might be conflating some of the objections W4C staff have had about posting links to rival blogs or otherwise commercial sites that dont deserve getting traffic from here - especially when the context of the post additionally is ungrateful for the free content here or generally off-base or lacking self awareness in some other way.

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Wikipedia is my go to source.

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What change?

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“Justin Wilcox is licking his lips (yeah)” - lol

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One out of three DawgPounders pick Cal!

In fact, if you read the article, it's really 1.5 to 1.5, so even stephen.


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