And looking at what's happened with the Marlins makes me less confident in the idea a season *should* happen. Whether it will? Who knows.

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I'm most interested in hearing when fall camp normally starts and what the plans are for this year? Have the players been able to do normal summer workouts? Is Garbers throwing to his guys on a field somewhere? I seriously doubt there will a season at all, but if there is, I want to know if we will be well prepared. Or put another way, how much less prepared than normal will we be?

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Great article, Nick. I would love to hear about two topics. On the Offensive side of the ball, how has the implementation of a new offense gone? Has there had to be modifications because of limited in-person practices, or have they been able to work everything out and expect to see the originally planned offense? Question 2, on the D. What is the plan for Nose Tackle? I love our boys in the trenches, but we're somewhat undersized and have had trouble stopping up the middle runs since Chris Palmer graduated. I'm interested in this from both a 2020 season perspective, as well as a recruiting/future perspective. We don't have any DT's in the 2021 class, should we be concerned?

Again, love your reporting, thanks for always being on top of this stuff.

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It was unsafe to conduct outdoor spring sports, which attract far smaller crowds, and unsafe to have spring football practice, and now the Covid numbers are generally worse than they were then. Even though progress on a vaccine is good, it will still be mid winter at best before one is ready. What indicator is there that it will be safer come late September or October, making college football safe in the largest stadiums, though still unsafe in D II & D III stadiums, that ADs are confident in?

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