Pac-12 announces 10-game schedule for Football with flexible scheduling
New schedule announced
The Pac-12 announced the 10-game schedule that only includes in-conference games. The schedule allows for an open date in December so that games are able to be rescheduled if they need to be. Fall Camp is scheduled to start on August 17th, according to the Pac-12. The Bears would start their season by visiting Oregon State and then SC in Week 2. They would have their bye in Week 6.

Cal Home Games:
UW - 10/10
Stanford (Big Game 2020) - 10/24
Oregon - 11/7
Utah - 11/21
UCLA - 12/5 (Friday Game)
Cal Away Games:
OSU - 9/26
SC - 10/3
WSU - 10/17
Arizona - 11/14
ASU - 11/28
Bye Week - 10/31
Open week to move a game: 12/12
Some twitter notes from the Pac-12 Press Conference with Comissioner Larry Scott, AD Ray Anderson, HC David Shaw and Dr. Doug Aukerman:

Stanfurd getting a Bye before the Big Game sucks. But watching the problems the MLB is having after only 1 week of play tells me that football should be cancelled this year. Yes, the mortality rate for young people is low, but what percentage have to live with pulmonary fibrosis afterward giving them constant pain, shortness of breath, and a shorter lifespan? Or how many go on to develop a debilitating stroke or blood clot? How can we say we support our team when we ask them to put their health and livelihood on the line by traveling to a new location every week? How many PAC12 players are we as a fanbase willing to sacrifice due to the elevated risk we're asking them to take on? To be clear, football is a dangerous sport, meaning players have always had to tolerate some risk to their health and livelihood, but where is the line?
Interesting tidbit by Larry Scott is that there is a scenario where they start the season, and if need be finishing it in the spring.