2 sequences speak volumes to the lack of coaching and thinking on the sidelines and I was yelling at my tv even before the snaps…

On defense on the 2nd FSU score we were in what looked to be a 2 high prevent look with a 2 point lead and 10 minutes or so left.

Ja’ir Smith our nickle back is alone on island against Douglas who is most likely a day 1 pick…Woodson crowds the line on the trips side on the other side of the field along with Williams and Harris and even Buchanan.

Then post snap the weak fs (I couldn’t tell if it was Myles) commits to the trips side leaving Smith all alone in prevent where his job is to jam and drop.

What the @$*k!!!!

Who is coaching?

And on offense on the last drive I could call out a million things but I’ll call out 3…

1.) the run on first down followed by hurry up resulting in the false start and then runoff in lieu of a timeout followed by a sack and then taking your timeout anyways. Am I missing something here? That is horrid game management. Keep the timeout and throw a wheel route or throw it away and at worst kick a field goal with 1:20 left with 3 timeouts.

2.) we were in f’ing 10 personnel with Ott on the strong side leaving a banged up Morrow alone against an all American in Payton and a safety showing blitz. Not just on 3rd down but 4th down as well leaving Dyches and Endries on the sidelines and instead fielding smaller bodies with Grizzell being the lone receiver above 6-1 in the red zone.

I dunno man.

That was bad! Bad! Bad! Coaching.

If I was a player I’d be like CJA was to Tedford right now. That was not good.

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Maybe this is a stupid question, but when these sorts of mistakes are blatantly apparent to fans, and yet they keep happening, and we keep losing winnable, turn-the-corner-as-a-program-type games in the same infuriating ways, how the hell are they not being corrected? And why do none of the reporters/beat writers press Wilcox on this? Does Cal Athletics threaten press credentials if you actually ask the coach a real question? Like I have virtually no x's and o's knowledge and it's painfully apparent to me when some of our plays are doomed from the start. The game ending sack on Mendoza... why'd we even bother running a play - anyone with half a brain could see that a sack was coming. Might as well just hand the ball to Florida State and walk off the field and save Mendoza the abuse. Especially in light of the fact that Wilcox once again gagged the clock management when he burned one of the timeouts and there was no chance of getting the ball back. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills watching this staff.

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You must have been a coach or a player at a high level because you are right on brother.

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Thanks Nick…great article.

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The call not to go for it on 4th was, I assume, because he thought it would be a field position game. Similarly, FSU was playing field position as they punted from around mid-field when they got it down to the 1 or 2 yard line.

Putting that aside, our 4th down conversions are horrible. We're ranked 110 out of 126 in 4th down conversions. https://www.teamrankings.com/college-football/stat/fourth-down-conversions-per-game

In fact, here's what our 4th and short attempts look like:

* davis: 4th and 4 - success

* sdsu: 4th and 1 - turnover on downs; 4th and 1 - pick 6 (but penalty); 4th and 2, turnover on downs

So we have a 25% success rate with 1 time resulting in a near pick 6.

I think there is a case to be made to go for our as our ability to generate 3 yards on 3rd downs is fairly successful. But 3rd down is not 4th down. Anyway, I assume Wilcox is looking at our ability to convert on 4th and short and doesn't have high confidence in it. It's a similar call to him opting to punt rather than try the FG after the missed FG's against Auburn -- play field position.

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I dunno if 4 plays is a meaningful sample to judge our ability to pick up yards on 4th down, but the larger point is that even a conversion failure just isn’t costly when you’re set to gain so little field position

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It isn't. But I can see why Wilcox would choose not to go for it and I don't think it's him playing scared or being super conservative.

There's two paths:

1) the probability of getting the first down and continuing the drive vs

2) the probability of punting, getting good field position.

If we fail to convert on path 1 -- which has a good chance of happening -- their probability of scoring goes way up, especially if you consider how they have a good kicker.

If we succeed on path 2 -- which has a high likelihood of happening -- our probability of scoring also is higher.

That is, in field-position games you probably have more scores off of field goals than you do touchdowns, which ended up being the case for this game.

Also factor in a strong field position likely results in more pressure to FSU's passing game which was theoretically a better matchup for us (DJU vs our passing defense). Given the number of 3rd and longs, I think this was the way to play it. Where we were let down is that we couldn't get to the QB in time and he was able to get first downs.

In fact, if you look at the subsequent drive it ended up in an interception.

I'm not saying what Wilcox did was the best call or the call I'd make. I'm saying that I can see a decent case to be made for punting and it's not so clear cut as people make it out to be.

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I look forward to your well-reasoned takes each week, Nick. Especially after the postgame threads tend to contain quite a bit of hyperbole.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Each season of Cal football is a matter of sunshine pumping, enthusiasm, and hope. We drug ourselves with this stuff in heavy doses. Eventually, most usually by the second or third game, the results of the season kick in and we sober up to the reality that is Cal football.

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Just saw that the Miami game is on ESPN at 7:30 Pacific time. National ACC after dark broadcast

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

Boo…hate the 7:30 starts ;-)

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I give Bloesch a D grade so far. The O line has far too many penalties and they have not been taoight how to handle a defensive blitz.

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I really doubt if an O line coach can be a good offensive coordinator. It's obvious we are lacking a good one.

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He can’t handle the double duty.

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Thanks for the analysis and thoughts. These post-close-loss posts can't be fun to write.

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My #1 post game thought after four games of inconsistent and troubled offense? We have talent, so what is wrong. My number 1 thought right now is Bloesch the right guy for OC? This team has never been fully prepared on offense and even lacks plays for situations that should be a part of our playbook.

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What can be done to fix this offense that has so many great competitive talented players? It is so frustrating and confusing.

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Better preparation and more attention paid to details.

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I guess my question is can the level of preparation and attention to detail needed be obtained with the OC being the OL coach? It hasn't worked so well so far. Do you think it is possible for Wilcox to see that and make the changes that would ultimately help the team win?

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Most likely not much can be done in season. Wilcox will probably need to hire a dedicated OL coach going into next season.

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If he’s even still the Head Coach.

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Cmon Jimmy, other than some major off the field scandal or going 3-9, Wilcox will be back next season and the season after that.

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The Hell of it is, Bloesch is a Hell of an Oline coach

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Well hell, more of the same for the rest of the season is just such a waste of talent. Thanks for your replies.

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IMO, Cal did not outplay FSU. FSU won the trenches and that was the difference.

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But to the extent that they won in the trenches, it didn’t result in better per play performance

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Probably more accurate to say Mendoza outplayed FSU. Without his improbable plays, stats and field position would have looked much different.

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Well said. 4th and 3 Wilcox punts. Weak.

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We punted once after calling a time out. We were in FSU territory. Punt ended up on the end zone. Should have just taken a delay of game penalty and punted. Maybe we could have pinned at 5 instead.

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Put the coordinators up in the box (press box) so they can see what the f### is going on. You can't see S### from the sidelines.

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Bloesch when asked about the press box stated he had to be on the sideline to speak w/ his OL.

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Which makes sense but also shows why we should have a separate OL coach. Our OL hasn’t proven to be good enough to the point where it doesn’t need a full time position coach.

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Not having a dedicated OL coach is malpractice and yet another example of how lost Wilcox is.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

I completely agree. I see people upset at Bloesch but Wilcox is the one who approved this and thought it was a good idea. Wilcox should never have let Bloesch have both responsibilities. Wilcox deserves the blame on this.

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That 4th and 16th at the end. You see 7 FSU at the LOS. Cal's in 10 personnel so you know that there are 4 WRs for 4 DBs. And... we couldn't get the pass off? Can't we get the ball in the air!

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Tunnel screen anyone?

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Reminds me of Goff's first year.

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Go Bears!

10-2 is still doable.

Which Cal fan will not be delirious if we get that done?!

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By the way, Nick great job expressing some silent thoughts.

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Ditto! As always….

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