Keep Ragle as Recruiting Director (And SHINE 💯🙌✨🎯)

Musgrave get up in the Box to call the PLAYS (U don't need to feel the game..U need to see the Game) Musgrave called his best game to date .but still made 2 bad calls on 3rd and short..which could've been 4th and short. We are really weak at INSIDE LINEBACKER (huge hole on the team) it's hard being a diehard super fan of the Bears...I really like WILCOX. For everyone's info Sonny Dykes who I didn't care for is undefeated at SMU and beat TCU last weekend. U have to remember Football is super emotional and it's a grind...

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"Why must these UW games so often come down to a dramatic final drive of the game?"

Probably because that's as good as it can get given Cal's recent/current talent/depth portfolio?

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Berkelium97

ICYMI, I addressed the media this morning and figured I'd post the transcript here:

WilderThanGene: There's been speculation that I was involved in the 100th Meeting bias that occurred on "Rating the Bears: Cal at UW"

Reporter: I'm sorry, but do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard with a username that conveniently appeared, despite the fact that you--

WilderThanGene: I know that it's confusing. It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I'm a superhero.

Reporter: I never said you were a superhero.

WilderThanGene: Didn't? Well, good, because that would be outlandish and fantastic. I'm just not the hero type. Clearly. With this laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public on W4C.

PryorToRichard: Just stick to the cards, man.

WilderThanGene: Yeah, okay. Yeah. The truth is.. I am Centennial_Man.

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I think there are signs of improvement both on O and D, if we can continue this we will win some games, however going 5-3 in conference to get a bowl bid looks a bit daunting.

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Lots of peeps lament coaching (GA) and yet to a person the coaches and players when asked what changed on defense in the 2nd half responded, "we didn't change scheme we just executed better".

My critique of Sirmon is the following: he should either bench Hicks or move him back to corner, Hicks hasn't produced in pass defense although he's been solid in run support. Tattersall, should get less reps. While he leads Cal in tackles, I'm guessing he's also a leader in missed tackles. You can't have that from an ILB. His technique is frankly terrible. He runs full speed to the opposition only to be easily juked out and left flailing with his arms. He has to go in under control and target the mid section of the opponent.

On the flip side, Sirmon and staff have done a good job developing players. I would highlight the play of Saunders and Roberts. Both played great and were disruptive in the interior of the DL. Should McKenzie be healthy (and I hope he is) I would still favor reps to Roberts and Saunders. McKenzie has been consistent but not disruptive like the aforementioned players.

At ILB more reps for Olajedo and Paster in place of Tattersall would serve the defense well, IMO. Hearns and Gamble are both improving although it is too early in their careers to ascertain how good they can be. A thought on Iosefa, incredible talent let's hope he can improve in all aspects of an ILB's responsibilities. He's still young but has enough experience now to become a disruptor game in and game out ~ if that is indeed were he will evolve to, TBD. It's possible (likely) my critique of Tattersall and Iosefa is too harsh given that we are expecting Weaver like production at ILB, but Weaver was a special/unique talent and we got spoiled.

The defense, IMO, will continue to improve each week. This week will be a challenge for the DB's when Wazzu shows up w/ their masked idiot coach. But the lads will be up for the task methinks.

My critique of Wilcox is as follows: 4 years ago, it was reasonable that Wilcox had the mentality/philosophy of, "we will win ugly". I have no problem w/ that for the first few years of his tenure. Where it becomes a problem is if that philosophy then become the teams character and or goal. Well fuck that at some point competitors want to step on the neck of their opponent and fucking annihilate them! So, Wilcox needs to develop a killer mentality for himself and by extension his team. As a former Cal rugger, we never went into games with a mentality of surviving, it was always complete destruction. I feel Wilcox is on the right track overall and that brighter days are just ahead for this team.

Go Bears!!

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Speaking for myself only of course, but my comments regarding missing GA are referring specifically to how he coached up players' technique so that you didn't see things like poor positioning, missed tackles in the secondary, etc. When players need an entire half to "start executing", they weren't prepared. One or two players means maybe it's a personal thing with that player. If it's a whole position group, that's coaching. GA's secondary rarely if ever got caught flat-footed.

I distinctly remember the first Wilcox season wincing whenever the other team would wind up to throw it deep, and being surprised (and later accustomed) to the opposing team being well-covered and shut down (whether it was man coverage denying them the catch, or a shifty safety in zone jumping the route for a tip/pick). That has been happening less and less since GA left.

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welp, Scott, Hicks and Chiggy were all coached by GA & only one of them is producing this year. Perhaps this lot of players aren't as talented as Bynum, Hawkins & Davis?

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If GA had been here coaching them for the last 20 months then I suspect they'd probably look better. The staff set an extremely high bar in 2018 and 2019, but it's still disappointing to see how often DBs are slightly out of position resulting in a big gain by a WR. It's not like when Sonny was coaching and they weren't in the right zip code, but it's still a notable step down from '18-19.

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To my untrained eye, Scott actually seems to be the best of the DBs actually

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But that's part of my point; they all looked promising under GA, and then their development just kinda... stopped?

Bynum, Hawkins & Davis weren't NFL caliber defenders before they were developed in our system. Scott especially has flashed and had some amazing picks. I believe the talent is there and isn't being coached up.

Might be a matter of different perspectives, but just my two cents.

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I don't think we could have matched NFL money.

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Bimage played well and I suspect will continue to be a spot player for now. In one of these chats I posted his interview, which is worth watching. He discusses his position change.

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