The reverse Pony express
Zero expectations for this game so I won’t get hurt
A couple of outside hopes:
1. With the two ringer receivers, our go routes become more of an option and, so, open up middle range passes and the run game.
2. Our Oline continues to improve, rallies and congeals for a stout final stand in the regular season.
This game does matter.
For Seniors, this may the last game they ever suit up for.
For the whole team, there's a chance to redeem our heartbreak in the Miami game.
For Wilcox and the staff, a chance to prove the team really is on an upward trajectory.
For Trevor, a chance to continue his awesome vigilance and tackling skill.
Pride is worth fighting for.
Go Bears!
Zero expectations for this game so I won’t get hurt
A couple of outside hopes:
1. With the two ringer receivers, our go routes become more of an option and, so, open up middle range passes and the run game.
2. Our Oline continues to improve, rallies and congeals for a stout final stand in the regular season.
This game does matter.
For Seniors, this may the last game they ever suit up for.
For the whole team, there's a chance to redeem our heartbreak in the Miami game.
For Wilcox and the staff, a chance to prove the team really is on an upward trajectory.
For Trevor, a chance to continue his awesome vigilance and tackling skill.
Pride is worth fighting for.
Go Bears!