Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022Liked by Nick Kranz, SGBear

The quality of articles like this is why I'm now subscribed for a year. The articles are just not the typical cliche game write ups, with the typical stats, etc. Yes, stats are important to analyze a game, but most of the sports write-ups read like they are written by a computer using a template.

In fact, that IS the case for some websites ... just an ugly thought, but I read an article about how this is happening. A computer writes up an article based upon info available about the game on the internet (e.g. box score, play-by-play) and the draft goes to a (real) person who might tidy it up and add a couple points. Who enjoys reading a freaking AP writeup of a game?

But here the articles are not only interesting and unique, but they often contain the emotions of being a fan of the team, and these days, the emotions of a cal basketball fan are pretty fragile (and other things)

As for this game, I feel good for every player and coach on the team. Something positive has to happen for the team to feel good about themselves, and it's been too long for anything positive to happen for Cal basketball. They also needed to prove to themselves that they can win without Kelly, can win on the road, can win in a tight game, and basically can win!

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

Agreed. I'll read a Nick Kranz article ANY day! Along with the other writers here, but I love the NK insights....

Would the distinction you note be the difference between a "recap" and an "analysis" of a game, with the former being a plug and play? I'm sure there's a better term than analysis.......

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example from calbears (I'm not dissing calbears ... they aren't a fan sports board):


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And indeed, they call it a "recap" and there's no author attribution.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022Author

I am shocked how far Oregon State has fallen compared to the hot streak at the end of last season. They were due to take a step back but to take one this far back is something else. Just goes to show much Ethan Thompson was that team, through and through on both ends. As for Cal, good on them for playing hard and keeping at it, especially when it looked as rough as it did. I admittedly didn't think they would win another game so I will gladly eat crow. Who knows maybe there is an upset down the line somewhere against Colorado or something.

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Ethan Thompson was the glue.

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probably the most complete game we've seen from Brown. Probably most impressive was 7 assists to 1 TO, and locking down Lucas


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Good win, and yes Go Bears! I will say it's probable that Mark Fox is not a great coach, but I have been impressed with the fight these Bears have had, even though this losing streak, and a fair number of close losses.

He at least is doing one thing right.

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But can he elevate the players and the program, C, or is this it?

Agreed - these kids play hard, but they’re still mired in 10th place, are set to lose their top 3 contributors, and have 0 available scholarships, pending transfers. Where is the path to improvement next year?

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Good win! Go Bears! Fire Fox!

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Yes, yes and yes

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It's like Fox must have told Brown "Well, the points have to come from somewhere. Get to the rim". And to Thiemann "Well, the points have to come from somewhere, crash the offensive boards". And they did.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

This game was interesting to consider while reflecting on the two coaches. What Tinkle did last year was remarkable, yet how much was him and how much his players? Age old question. I've always loved the saying that great coaches will beat you, and then take your team and beat their old team. Fox is perhaps not among the ranks of great coaches, but I think the greatest critique is his recruiting, since his current squad plays hard for him, and given their lack of talent, plays fairly smart. Tinkle is not a bad coach. Tinkle is not a great coach. Tinkle is just a coach. Fox is just a coach. The number that can elevate a program far beyond their talent is remarkably few. The number that are mediocre coaches but great recruiters is many. Bozeman. The Montgomery's of the world are precious few, who do alright in recruiting, and teach those guys to play incredibly cohesive smart ball. Ramble done.

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Fox needs an Ethan Thompson to bring this team of contributing role players together. Jordan Shepherd just isn’t quite it.

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Nice win and Go Bears!

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agree with Bob

I would add that as a ref it is incredibly hard to tell as the play is usually unexpected, there often is an obstruction to viewing it clearly, and it happens so fast

I would add as a player, this is debated in street ball on the cement courts on a daily basis ... last night the argument went on for 3 minutes, until I said "shoot for it"

It's the equivalent of calling a jump ball in college ball

But then what would fans of the losing team talk about after the game???

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