Will you all please go back and read who Cal beat out for the commitment of this talented young man? Wow!!!! Not only does that show the caliber of player he is, but the quality of a Cal offer under Coach Wilcox. I mean wow! Congrats to Coach Toler and the Bears!

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J. Michael Sturdivant

Marcus HS – Flower Mound TX

4 star WR

6-2/185 lbs

J-Mike had a whopping 32 Power-5 offers, including LSU, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, ‘furd, and Michigan. Depending on the source, he’s a top 100 US recruit and top 20 state of Texas recruit.

He had an official 4.67 40-yd dash (meh speed) at The Opening in April 2019 and self-reported 4.31 shuttle (okay quickness) and 34” vertical (good). When you watch his tape, you can tell he’s not a burner. Why is everyone so gaga over him?

First, he’s getting great stats in his division, which is one of the better divisions in Texas. First team as a junior, which can tell you that he is a top achiever against good competition already.

Check out his highlight tape:


On it, you’ll see J-Mike’s relatively slow footwork. Slow enough where you’re wondering if he’s running full speed or not. And then he blows past his man and weaves past everyone. Woah. Let’s watch that tape again. Hold up. What did I just watch? He’s got fantastic change of pace.. He lulls you to sleep with his slow pace but is able to accelerate through adding power rather than faster footfall, resulting in a butter-smooth stride. I am in love with his stride.

And lots of balls thrown on fades. Oh… that ball is overthrown. You see J-Mike track, accelerate, and he grabs it. In a world where cut + acceleration + height + reach = the size of a receiver window, J-Mike is blessed on the last three elements. He makes impossible window for mere mortals into doable receptions for 30 yards. And he also tracks a ball well with good body control to twist for passes behind him. Ungh… when was the last time we had a 6’3” outside WR who could do those sorts of things. I long for the day that we can beat ‘furd with their own style of weapon and he is it.

He got some wiggle in him after in the open field. Good balance and demonstrates he can break a tackle, so he’s a threat for some YAC. His bread and butter routes are top-of-the-tree routes.

Some upside includes his footwork and route running. I mean, he showed one very good out route in the reel, but I want to see more where he can show the complete toolkit of footwork to get open in the Pac-12. Unlike other recruits where I am thinking that he’ll be good **if** he learns required skills, I am thinking he’ll be good regardless, but may be unstoppable if his underneath routes are developed. His other stuff is that good.

He reminds me of Maurice Harris – tall, skinny, acrobatic rather than fast, and the guy who becomes WR1 when you get within the red zone. How long has it been since we’ve had a WR when you leaned forward in your seat in the red zone rather than sat back and negotiated with the gods for a miracle?

You know what I predict? [**Tightwad Hill Cannon fires**]

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Been waiting for this! Thanks for such awesome insight! May Strawberry Canyon echo with continuous cannon fire!

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My predictions are worth every penny you pay. But I predict QB depth starts the same as it ended: Garbers, Modster, Brasch. Modster is good - but football is a game of inches and fractions of a second. We only remember him for his mistakes. But when it comes down to him vs. Brasch, Modster has a better body of work.

QB tends to be too difficult a position to transition to P5, so it is unlikely that incoming freshmen Jaden Casey or Zach Johnson have any shot of breaking the top 3 - especially Johnson since he was not an early enrollee. I predict Rowell to return to Scout Team (ie, not be in contention for 4th string).

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Our Sturdivant Golden Bear

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Hopefully he can play as a freshman in 2021's season.

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Great pick-up. Spreads the field laterally, stretches the defense vertically and gives Chase another weapon. Exactly what we need. Welcome to Berkeley Mike!

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Things are shaping up for this to be a pivotal recruiting class. As in pivoting, up!

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Go Bears!

🐻 🐻 🐻

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I'd settle for 1/32 Keenan, 1/32 Marvin Jones, and 15/16th's signed NLI and in uniform!!

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and 100% reason to remember the name!

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Well played!!!!!

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Thank you, Mr. Sturdivant. I needed some good news.

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Didn’t we all!!!!!

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Go Bears! Some good news for the fourth of July! Welcome to Cal J. Michael!

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Love the Half Keenan, Half Marvin comment...We CAN have nice things...GO Bears!!!!

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We are 4 star!

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Future Power Rankings just got a bit more fun to write.

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a FOUR STAR!!!! YIPEEEEE GO BEARS! Now that's some fireworks!

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4* U, Go Bears!

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