Something is weird here. FBS allows 85 scholarships. Cal is at the 85 limit. That means that the position group that would bring our scholarship numbers below 53 would need to account for 22 to 23 players. What position group do we have that has that many players. The O-line has 18 players and WR's and DB's are at 17. It would have t…
Something is weird here. FBS allows 85 scholarships. Cal is at the 85 limit. That means that the position group that would bring our scholarship numbers below 53 would need to account for 22 to 23 players. What position group do we have that has that many players. The O-line has 18 players and WR's and DB's are at 17. It would have to be one of those groups but we would still have more than 53 available to play. Perhaps because the entire position group was quarantined the PAC12 recognized the issue and abandoned the game, but however it happened it has not been reported correctly.
Ah!! Thanks Rick. So, irrespective of the 53 scholarship rule you need a minimum number of a certain position group to be eligible to play. Now that makes much more sense. I've seen this reported elsewhere and I thought the original source may have been told something incorrect. It's not a big deal, it was just puzzling. You have answered my question!
It’s odd because it’s a bunch of OR statements. You “can’t” have fewer than 53 scholarship players or four defensive linemen or seven offensive linemen or one quarterback.
What makes it more confusing is a team can choose to play without having the minimum number of players, so it’s not a hard rule. Coach Wilcox didn’t want to play because so many players are affected and there is no one else to substitute in for the defensive linemen.
Something is weird here. FBS allows 85 scholarships. Cal is at the 85 limit. That means that the position group that would bring our scholarship numbers below 53 would need to account for 22 to 23 players. What position group do we have that has that many players. The O-line has 18 players and WR's and DB's are at 17. It would have to be one of those groups but we would still have more than 53 available to play. Perhaps because the entire position group was quarantined the PAC12 recognized the issue and abandoned the game, but however it happened it has not been reported correctly.
You need at least four defensive lineman or seven offensive lineman or one quarterback.
We updated the story based on Jon Wilner from The Mercury News' reporting (tweet above) that the position group in quarantine is the defensive line.
Ah!! Thanks Rick. So, irrespective of the 53 scholarship rule you need a minimum number of a certain position group to be eligible to play. Now that makes much more sense. I've seen this reported elsewhere and I thought the original source may have been told something incorrect. It's not a big deal, it was just puzzling. You have answered my question!
It’s odd because it’s a bunch of OR statements. You “can’t” have fewer than 53 scholarship players or four defensive linemen or seven offensive linemen or one quarterback.
What makes it more confusing is a team can choose to play without having the minimum number of players, so it’s not a hard rule. Coach Wilcox didn’t want to play because so many players are affected and there is no one else to substitute in for the defensive linemen.
Gotcha. Thanks again.