I’ve entered both!

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Apologies to all who unsuccessfully tried to join the league on Sleeper. We've gone back to Run Your Pool, who hosted our league last year. Check the updated post for details on how to join.

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Is it too late to move back to Run Your Pool.....?

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Not at all! We've updated the post with the new league details for Run Your Pool

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Cannot join unfortunately. Won't take me to bracket challenge

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I hereby pledge (along with Warren Buffett) $1 BILLION DOLLARS to anyone who can get a perfect NCAA bracket and choose every winner in the tournament ($2 BILLION if you get the women's tournament right as well). The winner can elect to receive the entire award or donate half to our beloved alma mater so it can hire a new chancellor and athletic director. Please submit your perfect brackets on April 2nd to WFC and NO CHEATING!!!!!!

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terrible UX. link doesn't lead directly to pool... there is no way to navigate to it... if you download app, it stalls at login... love to join but need to fix link....

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Hi. How do we locate the pool on sleeper? thanks

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