His incentive would be to build a true legacy at the university instead of shirking away with a buy-out of his contract after he gets fired. Once that happens, he will never be a head coach again IMO.

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Sorry. got cut off. Wilcox should do that because he supposedly loves Cal and wants to make it work here. Stranger things have happened. Taylor currently has the number two FCS team in the country and is making it work by platooning two quarterbacks with totally different styles. Who else does that?

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"I’ll just enjoy the sunshine….wait. why is raining?" This is a bad omen. Even the Cal sunshine pumpers that were predicting an 8 win season back in September have stopped pumping out the sunshine.

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"Another game where we just hoped it ended in a tie or both teams take a loss." - once again we see part of the Cal problem; hoping for things that are literally impossible to have happen.

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Impossible is nothing.

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TD_24 is right: What the hell did we witness at Colorado? The Buffs have proven one thing: They are not the worst team in college football. That distinction belongs to US! Holy cow, how did things get so bad? Cal may have to completely blow up the program and start over. If there is a silver lining in this putrid mess of a season it is that there are good, young coaches waiting for their shot to turn a program around (look at DeBoer at UDUB, Dickert at Wazzu) so we aren't completely without hope. However, the trick is finding and keeping them. Football gods, pray for us.

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Here's what Wilcox should do (....but he won't). He should go have a cup of coffee when the season is over with Troy Taylor. He should offer Taylor a co head coaching gig with complete control of the offense and the play calling. He should also give up $1 million of his bloated $4.75 salary to make it happen. Why would Wilcox do that, you ask? Be

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RemovedNov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022
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Particularly after the Chancellor's 'winning-is-not-that-important' e-mail.

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The back-up QB is always the most popular player on a struggling team! (I think I'd start Plummer, but give Kai a couple of quarters.)

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Agree. Plummer has a bad leg and is essentially a statue back there. Millner's mobility gives another wrinkle to the offense.

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