Where cal really failed in the last decade was a failure to attract “t-shirt” fans. The majority of the eyes on USC and UCLA’s games are in LA, are fans, but are not alumni. This is where the money is in a large market.
We absolutely should be doing everything we can to fill the east bay football void left by the raiders. Hell run promot…
Where cal really failed in the last decade was a failure to attract “t-shirt” fans. The majority of the eyes on USC and UCLA’s games are in LA, are fans, but are not alumni. This is where the money is in a large market.
We absolutely should be doing everything we can to fill the east bay football void left by the raiders. Hell run promotions for a free cal hat if you show up in raiders gear, have a “black hole” night, do something to attract non-alumni and alumni alike.
Where cal really failed in the last decade was a failure to attract “t-shirt” fans. The majority of the eyes on USC and UCLA’s games are in LA, are fans, but are not alumni. This is where the money is in a large market.
We absolutely should be doing everything we can to fill the east bay football void left by the raiders. Hell run promotions for a free cal hat if you show up in raiders gear, have a “black hole” night, do something to attract non-alumni and alumni alike.