I love this decision and am super hopeful about it. We all know lines win and lose games. Jim Mahalizek or however he spells it was the last great OL coach I can remember. I don't recall who was coaching the Oline for Dykes. In any cased, he seems intense, which I like in a coach, and the players must like him on a personal level. I'm delighted Wilcox got to keep him and that Bloesch seems to see himself at Cal for a few years. I understand that calling plays is an art form that few master, and I don't know how he will do at that. Wasn't he OC at North Texas? Anyone have film on him calling plays?

The big nasties will love this. I love the big nasties. I like warriors in football, and Bloesch seems like the kind of guy you don't want to mess with. I get the Pete Carrol temperament, but someone on your coaching staff needs to be the kind of guy who guys will fight for with blood on their shirts. Bloesch seems that sort. Go Bears and Go coach Bloesch. I'm excited for him and us both.

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for schemes Mike Pawlawski broke down his schemes here:


A lot of it is mostly about the run game, which is what you saw a lot this season with Miller and Session as well as the TE moving to create a point of attack with motion tasking the rest of the OL to wash out the remaining front 7.

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Great link, thanks

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Coach M was a great OL coach, but I don't remember him being an excellent OC. So while I love Coach Bloesch, I am still a bit worried about his OC abilities. I hope he will be a great play caller.

It would be nice to hire an experienced QB coach/Pass game coordinator.

We might get a TE/QB coach, or maybe a new WR/QB coach, or replace one of the two DB coaches with an offensive assistant.

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There is always concern about it, but Coach Michalczik never was an OC once elevated. In the case of Bloesch he spent 3 years at UNT as the OC, 2 of them as OC/OL and 1 as OC/QB, in all years fielding good offenses.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Piotr Le

Oh ok, thanks for the OC experience info. That's a good point.

Btw Coach M was an OC for Cal for about 3 years after he returned from the Raiders.

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ah good correction, thanks!

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He’s been an OC before, no?

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North Texas. And the stats are great!

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A bit off topic but speaking of OC and Dykes, Pierre Ingram, an Anthony Miller look alike who was our RB coach under Dykes before being arrested for soliciting prostitution, has been coaching in Japan and is now an offensive coordinator for Fujitsu Frontiers.

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Agreed that this will place the proper emphasis and value on our O-line.

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Not to get too personal, your endorsement of blood sport, so to speak, surprises me and I will say, "Yeah, GO! BEARS! Let's play smashmouth football!"

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I think the OL coach under Dykes was a young Zach Yenser who was a buddy of Rob Likens. I forgot who replaced Yenser after they left.

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I would not cite Sonny's OLine performance as desirable.

I remember Jared Goff and The Three Alligator Offense.

If he did not throw within three seconds, he's either scrambling or sacked.

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Brandon Jones

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And so smart.

Go Bears!

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Cool. I hope he has the game calling mojo, and ability to do half time adjustments.

Go Bears!!

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

Wilcox’s biggest job is to hire a quality QB coach to help Mendoza improve. Maybe it’s the kid in the green shirt that would always be talking with Nando.

But Mendoza’s improvement is vital for this program to evolve.

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Adjustments will be at a disadvantage facing entirely new set of ACC opponents.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

I feel good about this.

I have been listening to an audio book, Football Done Right by Michael Lombardi. It was recommended by GrEAT a.k.a. Taco and it really does lay out what separates good football from great football. The one constant is controlling the middle of the field. John Madden said every team, he put together, he would build from the line up. Makes sense. Like a foundation for a house, nothing lasts without a sound foundation.

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Probably our best option, especially since he has some OC experience. I don't necessarily know what to expect but I do know:

-he's a great OL coach and it's good to keep him

-given Wilcox's potentially precarious position after next year and all the weird realignment issues, there may not be much outside interest. Internal candidate likely best option.

-he's been an OC so it's not a huge stretch

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HIs stats from North Texas are awesome.

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Yeah he'd be a good candidate even if he weren't already on our staff.

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Continuity on O is huge.

Keep Ott, keep Uluave, hit the portal for some big uglies and WR.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

If I’m Ott I’m transferring. His talent is being wasted under Wilcox

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Troll alert.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

The obvious and easy choice, no surprise here. Fits into Wilcox's conservative approach to the game, run the ball and "win ugly". Hopefully Bloesch has a sound understanding of the aerial game, prefers up tempo, and calls plays over the top of the defense. If not, in this day and age what kid wants to play in an offense of "3 yards and a cloud of dust"? Will Bloesch be able to recruit top talent at QB, RB & WR? tbd...

It does keep some continuity within the program and the OL did, in fact, improve this year. Albeit it will take a MASSIVE success in the portal to keep the OL performing given the graduates and transfers already known.

Kinda meh about this "safe" choice but not surprised at all.

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It’s definitely not sexy, but given Wilcox’s spotty hiring record, there is something to be said for maintaining a semblance of continuity on O. Bringing in an entirely new system for the 3rd time in 3 seasons would really be a challenge.

Keep Ott and get Cardwell healthy; transition Sammy Jax to a slash player/WR in the Kordell Stewart mold to add some speed to take the top off a D; feature Endries, feature Trond. Recruit the OL…it could look worse.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

First and foremost, put Endries & Trond (both walk-ons) on scholarship and give them some NIL.

Second, fire Sirmon, fire one or both DB coaches, hire a ST coach & TE coach

So far, Wilcox has made the easy choice (Bloesch) now the nut sack choices are just around the corner. Let's see what he does with those. That will be the difference between creating a winning culture or continuing with his status quo, which is his M.O. Is he a CEO or is he a "loyal to a fault" at his own demise fool?

ADDITION: It will be very interesting to see whom Bloesch/Wilcox pick to be the QB coach. This could be a make or break for Bloesch me thinks.

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Very important to get someone to develop QBs.

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Though I’m unabashedly critical of Wilcox, I’ll give him his due for getting this team bowl eligible, given the schedule. In my idiotic opinion, I always considered a bowl game of any kind a success for this year…so well done.

That said, I have zero faith in his CEO abilities, which has always been his Achilles heel and is largely responsible for his mediocre program. I highly doubt Sirmon is going anywhere.

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Wilcox can't fire Sirmon, so some FCS school needs to hire Sirmon as their HC.

Then we hire Gerald Alexander as our new DC.

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Coaching DB at Steelers.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

"Why can't that rule be changed to add one more?"

Are you serious? They already increased the number of assistants a team can have. Why would they change the rule again?

We can't seriously expect that NCAA will change rule on number of assistants. We can just get rid of one of two DB coaches and add an offensive assistant.

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I believe Jackson V has spent a fair amount of his football life at WR. Would be great to get him involved in a slash mode, could add A LOT of wrinkles to the offense.

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I'm thinking, given how our DBs were getting burned, I gotta' wonder if Sam could go both ways WR/DB (unless that's what you meant by a slash player). Just spitballin.' But him on the bench is leaving money on the table.

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I think this move was a no-brainer and am impressed and pleased that we got it done so quickly and effortlessly. No hire is full proof, but If we wanted to keep Bloesch on staff and retain some continuity with our offensive system, attempt to mitigate coaching turnover that might otherwise scare off key offensive talent like Ott, Mendoza, etc., this was the best and only move.

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Love this promotion for bloesch. His work with the O-line this season was nothing short of magical. I’m excited to see him lead play calling duties. Cal could become a smash mouth football team.

I would be disappointed if he let toler and AT go. Both have been loyal to Cal and have been solid recruiters.

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I like this hire a lot. He seems like a solid leader and he was a successful OC for North Texas. This was the right move.

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This is great news, especially after checking out the numbers for his UNT offenses. Solid internal promotion.

As for position coaches, keep AT; I'm ok replacing Toler given our WR blocking issues this year.

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Yes, some of his numbers were in the National top twenty.

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"I'm excited about this opportunity and prepared for it," Bloesch said.

^^ bringing in three former OCs this past offseason, perhaps this was the plan all along #Hogs4Bloesch #GoBears

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Iono man he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page

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Maybe someone from WFC should compile a wikipedia entry with links to other wikipedia entries.

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Neither did Clint Eastwood's character.

He, too, is the man with no name.

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So...promotion for Saffell to O-Line coach?

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Said he would retain the Oline duties.

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That's cool. Probably better for now.

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This pleases me greatly.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

Side chatter: undefeated FSU getting left out of the CFO in favor of Alabama means Cal has just joined a DOA conference. We'll be back in conference purgatory in just a few years as money rips up yet another storied brand.

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We're going to 12 teams next year, so in that format FSU would be in. So in the unlikely scenario where Cal wins the ACC, they would be in

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May be first time I’ve agreed with Bob Dole since the Simpsons.

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Looks like there's no guarantees.

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