
The "THE" in front of "University of California" is something new, right? Not sure that I have noticed that in other sign/branding until now.

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Time to abbreviate ourselves as tUC now?

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Gimme a lower case t!


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There's no Pac12 logo. That means we are moving to a new conference.

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If they were serious about merging brands they'd put "California" in one end zone and "Berkeley" in the other.

As for the new field, I like the gold end zones. Did not expect to see Scriptifornia associated with football but, hey, why not? It's not my favorite logo but it's a fun change.

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The end zones can be magenta and say Tasman Sea for all I care, so long as Cal finds it early AND often…

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If this is the branding direction, then I fully approve.

1. California as the sports brand.

2. THE University of California. We are the flagship. Funny, but I lectured this month both at The Ohio State University and Ohio University. You know what? People make fun of 'the' but it did its job. There is no confusion.

3. Berkeley is our academic brand. Use it when you're targeting students, not athletics. I'm from SoCal, and live here now. So what if someone can't put two and two together that Cal and Berkeley are the same. It literally doesn't matter. As long as they recognize that California (and Cal) are an athletic team. Not one single person who can get into Berkeley via academic is gonna get confused, or care.

4. This is step ONE. Step two? Control your marketing narrative. We need to ditch the outside narrative that is 60 years old...hippies smoking weed while rioting in People's Park. BUT...we can lean into our 'weird', but from OUR POV as a positive. I told Knowlton this, and hopefully, they'll follow.

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Looks good. Best look for the football field in some time.

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what does "New turf has been sod" mean?

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I thought for a moment that we'd switched back to natural grass.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

I really wish. I miss the real thing.

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Never liked the Sather stripe, and am glad we are no longer associated with the pyramid scheme that was ftx.

New look is sharp!

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I'm Ok with FTX so long as Cal was able to liquidate the cryptocurrency and get real $$$.

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Do need to get a new sponsor though. Maybe other sponsors like Gilead Sciences or Bank of the West (now BOM subsidiary) will step up.

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Thank god under armor is gone, everything they did with uniforms was awful! Not a big fan of the california script in the end zones. I like block letters better, I hope Mike will get them on the right track with uniforms

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But no “Berkeley” anywhere? Provisional or preemptive or what?

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Me Likey!

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I like it just fine. I liked the prior version fine too. Just variations that in the range of fine to me. I do think it is interesting how this relates to the yet unfinished effort to consolidate the Berkeley/California issue. This may be premature and unrelated to that. I hope the new turf is yet more forgiving. I've been following with interest the NFL players like Bosa coming out for grass fields since it saves their bodies so much. I get the economics of college ball may preclude fancy grass management, but turf can be more or less forgiving.

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Now that more money is being invested in athletes themselves in the form of NILs, I wonder if there will be more of a move to invest in protecting those investments in the form of grass fields.

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Loads of colleges still use grass. Tennessee, I know, because I read what their groundskeeper had to say when given one week to replace and repair after the Vols torn down the goalposts following their Alabama win.

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The problem is that you can't practice and play games on the same field; it tears it up way too much. CAL uses Memorial Stadium for practice. Many other schools will have a complex with several or more practice fields and a game field that only sees action 6 Saturdays a season. A grass field can handle 6 days a year.

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Well, that’s a good point: the field Turf is necessary for that reason alone. Plus, wasn’t CMS one of the first schools to install the artificial field Turf surface?

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How about Strawberry Canyon and/or Kleeberger? If they are still called that.

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Strawberry Canyon is the Witter Rugby Field and they already use Kleeberger for a practice field.

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I like that one sideline says "This is Bear Territory"

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Nice look. Are card stunts still done?

I was under the impression that we were the first school to do card stunts.

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I love this look.

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