6-6 feels about right for the current coaching staff.

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Excellent analysis, as usual. Regarding the Sunday practice notes delivered recently, similar kudos to TD_24 with one grammar note: Correct is, “There are still myriad battles…”. Incorrect is, “There are still a myriad of battles … “. Myriad is synonymous with many. My lonely campaign continues. 🙄

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not sure about that, when used as a noun, I think "a myriad of x" is correct.


though I guess it should be "there is a myriad" rather than "there are"

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Now THIS is why I choose to hang out with Berkeley folk. I stand corrected, educated and relieved that my crusade may now take on a more nuanced form. Thank you, OldSoCalBear.

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I had a boss who once told me, "Everyone has a gift. Your gift is finding fault in others."

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What a wonderful portrayal of the zeitgeist many of us feel. I do. As a perennial sunshine pumper, the seals have been getting leaky in my pump and not so much sunshine gets lifted as before from down below as I push the handle. Yet, it is there down there. My love of Cal, my love of Cal Athletics. I'm convinced we are sleeping giant. The current landscape could shape up to be best football/basketball combo in a long time, if if if. Go Bears!

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As Meatloaf once famously said, you took the words right outa my mouth.

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I'd settle for a sleeping taller, bigger than normal person.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

For those of our ACC conference mates, who might be trying to sort out what kind of program Cal is, this is Cal sports in a nutshell:

"We’ve spent ample time in the past documenting this reality; both by living in the day-to-day fan misery of following a school that doesn’t take athletics seriously, and by looking back at past failures."

"The Bear does not quit,

The Bear does not die."


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Aug 12·edited Aug 14

This is our Battle of Helm's Deep.

There is no walking away from failing this season.

We must charge against greater numbers set against us.

We must persevere against all odds.

This must be the turning point of Cal football.

Cockiness and overconfidence will not win.

Deep desire and commitment are the only path to victory.

Our fate, grim, bold, fell, and joyous awaits us.

Behold the Bears to victory or glorious defeat.

To war go the ursine warriors!


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A competent and thoughtful analysis. Let's hope there is more than optimism, there is performance. As I have said previously, the first three games will give us a good indication of our level of performance, along with an injury free season.

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If optimism won football games we’d have been national champs for decades…..

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