I think this one falls into the category of non-threatening warm body with some game experience....just in case.

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If he can ce as good as Plummer, he would be a decent third string.

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Now that's funny! I don't care who you are!

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We could have the Second Coming of Aaron Rodgers. But if we can't protect him, it's not going to work. Those successful Tedford years were all characterized by awesome O-Lines: Marvin Phillip, O'Callahan, Aaron Merz, Alex Mack, Noris Malele, Tepper .... What we have now doesn't come close to those guys.

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Grad transfer with 3 years of eligibility remaining? Wow

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He'll need to enroll in a PhD program to play for 3 years as a grad student.

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I know plenty of grad assistants well into their tenth year on campus. 😄

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Would he be able to transfer again for a PhD?

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Lots of comments about adding another 3rd stringer... Remember the team needs more than just top level talent. Particularly for QB (but also in general) depth is critical. Who are your 1s and 2s going to practice against? You need to run some bodies out there every week to simulate the opps and you want decent or better players developing to challenge each other. Also, when was the last time CAL had problems because the coaches only played one QB and he became unavailable...? Oh, was that every time QB1 got hurt in the past 50 years...??? At least this guy has practice coming off the bench! As comments also note... 3 years eligible as a grad transfer? He could be a 1st round NFL draft at age 25... it could happen... and I don't often pump the sunshine...

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J Torchio?

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Last year's QB starter at North Carolina State transferred out of the program. So everyone moved up a notch going into Spring Ball. Finley still was the number three guy after the Spring showcase and buried on the depth chart. That's a far cry from Davis Webb in 2016 and Jack Plummer last year. That explains my non excitement, but you make some good points. I just hope he is not Kelly Mcgonigal coming in to replace Dave Barr in the Washington game.

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Yeah.....Cal and Washington were both 5-0 going into that 1993 game. Cal was ahead in the game and looking great until Barr got slammed to the turf and broke his collarbone. In comes the totally unprepared Mcgonigal, and the idea of a dream season ended right there. You tend to remember these kinds of moments because Cal has only has five or so great teams over the last 40 years.

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I remember that game as well. Unfortunately, not the only time a promising team had their season derailed when a QB broke his collarbone.

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After it happened, I recall seeing Dave one day sitting in Memorial, alone, looking heartbroken AF. Poor dude...his career and Cal's season evaporated in one tackle.

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Past 50 years?

I remember Riley played really well as RS Freshman after Longshore got injured.

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Since a) it was hyperbole and b) one bonehead play does not a career define... I will refrain from suggesting you search on cal riley oregon state

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People forget that Riley played a really good game vs OSU 2007. Except for the end, he was amazing in the 4th quarter

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Hi. Who else is Cal now targeting in the portal.

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Hopefully he'll turn out to be like Russell Wilson

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Hmmm....Cal's last two QB transfers were guys who could not crack the 2-deep at their previous schools. Jackson was third on the depth chart at TCU last year, and Finley just finished spring ball at NC State as the number three guy without getting meaningful snaps in the Spring showcase. I was hoping it would be Chance Nolan because he was the fourth highest rated QB in the Pac 12 in his last full season in 2021 at Oregon State. Ironically, TCU just grabbed Nolan out of the portal.

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In Jackson's case, he backed up a Heisman finalist and the guy who beat out the Heisman finalist on a national champion runner-up team. Absolutely fantastic pick-up for a high-ceiling, developmental prospect. However, we needed to pick someone up who is ready now, and can play competent ball, even if they aren't going to be world beaters. Someone like, at worst, 2011 Zach Maynard, but hopefully closer to Garbers. I also have serious doubts that Finley is it.

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To be fair, Jackson is young and has amazing athletic ability. Starters don't transfer unless they are going to a great program and/or get big NIL $$ (like Caleb Williams). Would have loved to pick up Dart but he went to Mississippi and you can understand why.

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Plummer was a starter and he transferred not to a great program or NIL

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There are plenty of QB's who start in college football who are not very good. Plummer had a very good arm. The two things that kept him from being a really good QB were: 1. his inability to read the defense, make adjustments or call an audible (and he was said to be a very cerebral QB...after watching film you could have fooled me), 2. he was scared to get hit and would flush from the pocket early which led to a domino effect where pass pro broke down, he was late on throws and was throwing on the run. We weren't going very far with him and it's why when Spav looked at his film he let Plummer know he was going a different direction.

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Certainly the play was wanting. Lack of mobility and missed throws also were a problem. A better QB might have beaten SC and UCLA two games where comebacks could have led to the Bears being bowl eligible. And the CU performance was inexcusable

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Yeah I know he wasn't very good. He was awful in fact. I was just pointing out starters do transfer to smaller schools, not just for Big school or NIL $$$

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Plummer is not one of the "last two QB transfers"

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No, you did not read Steve's comment correctly. He wrote "Hmmm....Cal's last two QB transfers were guys who could not crack the 2-deep at their previous schools"

He is referring to Finley and Jackson

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

I tried to do some reading on the games he started. Good win against ranked UNC but my sense is that the defense was the bigger force. With 3 years of eligibility (though maybe could transfer again after a Master's?) I'm not sure I've seen enough to consider him the proven starter. Plus he's pro style, unlike presumed frontrunner Jackson.

Glad to have Finley in the competition but I would not be surprised to see us still in the market for another QB (especially Buchner. I don't think this signing would deter him either.).

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I'm not keen on either Riley or Buchner. fUCLA spring practice ends on May 5, let's see if any of their QB's go the portal route.

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Martin is whom I had in mind.

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Dante Moore I think is QB1

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Of course Moore is number one on the depth chart. UCLA quietly promised him he would start to secure his commitment in the same way that Cal promised Jackson he would start. It doesn't matter who else Cal brings in from the portal for the so-called fall camp QB competition. Jackson and his 10 or so snaps of experience in college football will be the starter out of fall camp.

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RemovedApr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023
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JMichael is dead to me…he’s chosen his loyalties…

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Buchner to Bama. We'll see which other names surface in the portal while it's open.

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There were a few, but they went to programs with proven track records and good NIL programs. We aren't quite there yet. But I do like it when we pick up good players from good programs...we may need to coach them up, but they at least have talent.

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You are still typing in the "Write a comment" box than instead of hitting the reply button at the end of my comment.

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It must be the W4C email link that I use to respond.

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Did you actually hit on the "reply" button? Because if you click on the email link, it takes you to the comments and there's a "write a comment" box above the comment. That's not a reply. You have to actually click on the "reply" button at the end of comment.

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Okay well that's weird then. I never had that issue.

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I think he started because the actual starter was injured at Purdue. I think a lot of QB;s that don't get a chance to start at a bigger school go to smaller schools with the hopes of starting and getting game experience, with a goal of later transferring back to a bigger school that needs a QB with game experience. It's become clearer and clearer that without a really good QB a team won't go far, and many teams don't want to risk an unknown with out game experience. Wins are just too important.

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Come on Rugbear, you really need to use the "reply" button.

I was talking about Plummer as a starter at Cal. He was a starter at Cal, but then transferred somewhere else that I don't even remember where.

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Sorry, I thought I did hit the reply button. I get emails on my computer and hit the button on the email to respond. Apologies if it does not end up as a reply to your post....must be a glitch in the way the email reply is posted.

As too Plummer leaving CAL as a previous starter, I agree, but it was under very unusual circumstances. If Musgrave would not have been fired I'm fairly sure Plummer would have come back. But with the change at OC, I'm sure Spav took a look at the game film and decided that Plummer did not have the attributes that Spav needed for Plummer to be a starter in Spav's system. Thus, faced with not starting, Plummer sought out greener pastures. Am I making sense?

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Yeah, so going back to the original point, your point was that we all wish for a better QB transfers (not bench warmers), but the reality is that starter caliber QBs are hard to come by, correct? They would only transfer to a bigger program or for big NIL $$$, both of which Cal is not.

So what I am trying to say is, starter caliber players do occasionally transfer out, such as Plummer. Or perhaps, when HC or OC changes, starter caliber QBs may end up transferring out and not necessarily for big program or NIL money. Or such as when Caleb Williams comes in, then the previous starter at USC would transfer out. So my point is that there should be some starter calibers available for us to target.

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I wonder if Schlee will leave UCLA?

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We got the deepest pool of third string QBs in the Pac12!

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Ok, how many of those guys are out there? Williams followed his head coach and got huge NIL money from USC. DeBoer was Penix's OC in 2019 at Indiana. Kenny Dillingham (now the HC at Arizona) was Nix's freshman OC/QB coach and was the same last year when Nix came to Oregon. Cam Rising is just a different kind of QB, a throwback to another era. He's tough, physical, a leader and a winner. He will stand in the pocket and take a pounding to deliver the ball. And he will sacrifice his body to get a first down. You don't see too many of those these days (definitely not Plummer), but then he fits with Kyle Whittingham's brand. Utah is a physical ball club. What they lack in talent they make up for by pounding their adversaries into submission. It's beautiful football the way it was meant to be played. (Imagine if Utah had the talent of Bama or GA...holy fook!). So, finding that great QB is really really tough. Just as Nick Saban this year.

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Chance Nolan to TCU!

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