It's apparent that Mark Fox teams are better when their go-to guy is out. When the ball went in to Bradley, Shepard, or Askew, it's followed by a bunch of standing around because the ball rarely comes back out while the 'scorer' goes one-on-four. Why work your ass off to get open when 9 times out of 10 you won't be rewarded? The play making and ball movement while Bradley was out, and last game vs CU was much improved. Our scorers need to become reliable assist artists which opens up the game for them and everyone else.

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I do think there is something to this.

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Jermaine Terry to the transfer portal.

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Taco: When I read your post, I briefly thought that you must be kidding....Then it was confirmed by Rivals. Holy shit, things must be BAD for so many players to be hitting the portal. I never thought that I would say this but if Cal doesn't get serious about improving all aspects of the football program, then we may as well cut it loose. Seriously, what's the point of even having a football or basketball team if their only function is to provide wins for somebody else.

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I feel bad for the WFC staff that has to continue covering and writing about this team. Must be hell on earth!!

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Well at least they’ve won 2/3 so there’s that with a good chance to win 3/4. Better than eternal misery

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Vegas has Stanford -7.5…

Cal and the points is actually a pretty good bet there…

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Stanfurd up to 9-point favorites.

Pound Cal.

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I feel bad for the fifteen ticket holders that are paid $30/ticket to watch this hopeless travesty.

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Taco: No kidding! I'm thinking of trying to detox from Cal sports for at least a month, then maybe I can read some positive news.

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Take a month off and then give it up forever.

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Need to see some additions on the O-Line. We are losing Terry but gaining a TE from Oregon St. I had an idea about one way to discourage tampering and make it tougher for teams gaining from the portal at the expense of others over on today's DBD.

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Go Bears

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I dunno... maybe CAL is so bad offensively the opponents will always have the ball...?

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