Jack won a Big Game so he's okay in my book and I wish him well.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Disagree that this was surprising, TD. Either Plummer or Kai had to hit the portal, and Plummer makes more sense for his possible future. Our former OC ran a classic pro style offense which plays to Plummer's strengths. An up-tempo spread system does not. Moreover, he needs to be on a team that has a good chance to go bowling so he gets as much TV time as he can. (And this doesn't even touch on Cal's matador-blocking OL.)

Plummer is a gamer and we all wish him well.

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Guess I'm in the minority on that one haha. I guess maybe I'm surprised that it was the portal that was the final choice as opposed to staying or going pro.

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He needs to work on his footwork and accuracy, and another year in a decent program can boost his stock IMO.

But then, I never thought Garbers would be more than a camp arm! tbf, Chase seems to have acquired a much stronger arm than he demonstrated at Cal.

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Let's hope that Kai doesn't decide to leave as well. No QB wants to get banged up by sacks all season

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Kai is also leaving. We’re bringing in the kid from LMU chandler jones

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He's a very good defensive end

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Totally meant chandler Rodgers

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Insert Michael Scott Nooo God Nooo gif...

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I’m going to pump sunshine and assume Kai Milner is looking better and better and Plummer saw the writing on the wall for next year with a more mobile QB in Spavital’s offense.

Or with Ott and Cardwell were just running the ball 60 times per game.

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I dont think that is going to happen. Haha

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Thanks for your effort Jack and best of luck at your next stop. If you learn how to stand in the pocket and deliver a throw while taking a hit, you'll probably end up in the NFL.

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I feel like he knows how to. He just couldn't afford to take 60 sacks and 500 hits in a season.

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Yeah. I, too, recall him getting demolished after standing in the pockets, all for a first down. Can't be doing that 5 times per game and expecting your ribs to stay intact.

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I’m glad I took the opportunity to thank Jack in person after the Big Game. Nice guy, stood on the pocket, and I appreciate him. Best of luck JP.

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This kid may be the greatest, nicest dude since sliced bread, but 1 year & then back in the portal? The transfer system has almost single-handedly ruined college football as the minor leagues of the NFL. No wonder Caleb Williams looks about 35-40 years old.

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I feel like a broken record, but... CFB has been the minor leagues for pro ball for decades already. Players just have more agency now.

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Plummer took hits like a champ. I think he might’ve been a lot better if he had had an actual O line. But I also think this is a further sign that our offensive system is changing significantly, as others have said.

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Couldn't agree less. He never saw a pash rush coming from either side. Zero instincts and couldn't see the field.

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I don't think anyone can see a pass rush coming within 1 second of hiking the ball.

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His average time to throw was like 2 seconds, but go off.

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I have nothing against Plummer, but this is actually a good news. So much better than Kai entering the transfer portal.

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Yeah, about that…

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You make me worried

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Is there Kai news? I haven't seen it anywhere.

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Strong rumors more than actual news

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Big loss, Jack was really good last year. I doubt it, but is it possible that he saw us sign no OL and thought to himself that he can't take that punishment again?

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I was kinda hoping this happened.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Or maybe it's not Willner and we're about to hear about another QB transferring to Cal? (edit: I meant Millner)

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Oh Wilner is anti-Cal.

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I disagree. And neither is Millner.

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jack was a=ok with me ! gerbear

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That's interesting, though I could see how it would happen. Wishing him success (and gratitude for hanging tough) and hope Kai prospers in our new system.

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Surprising given the timing of the announcement. He gave us some beautiful moments this year. I hope he stays healthy and good luck to him!

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Well that's a surprise! Best wishes to him and yes, Always a Bear. But honestly, some of us were wishing a more mobile QB was at the helm given our struggles on the line. He must have spoken with Spavital enough to not believe his style of offense was for him. Perhaps Spavital made clear he wants a QB more like Milner who can escape pressure more easily. Our 3rd string freshman was quite promising too, so maybe a year in the weight room and more growth will see him more competitive. In any case, Spring ball is going to be very interesting now!

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We can't throw any Cal player under the bus for leaving, especially one who showed every effort to help us win. Who among us can say with certainty how our lives will turn out, or that all our choices turn out to be correct? So Go Bears to anyone who wears the blue and gold with honor and holds up their end of the bargain to be good students and playing the best they can.

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He played hard for Cal and took a ton of hits. And he won Cal the big game. With Millner also entering the portal, it seems more likely that Spavital and Wilcox told both someone else is coming in to start. Can't blame Plummer for leaving to get more experience. And for that, he has at least my thanks for leading the team last year.

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If chandler is the replacement over Plummer and Kai….F

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