Terry was kind of my breakout candidate last year, and while the offense was admittedly a disaster, I really wasn't all that impressed with his play. That said, a better and more dynamic offensive mind may have gotten more out of him than Musgrave, but he sure didn't look like a P5 player, despite the size and athleticism.

Something tells me, though, he'll be just fine with proper coaching.

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To be fair, we haven't lost Millner yet. He may not get the starting opportunity he was looking for elsewhere, and Cal may still be his best bet to get real playing time next season. I imagine everyone else who hasn't found a school yet is gone gone, though.

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Been thinking that Cal may still be his best landing place. But still requires that both parties exhaust all other options.

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Perhaps a new team with a good coaching staff might convince Terry to change positions where he could be a potential terror as an edge rusher, a position he played in high school. Let's hope Byrne can follow in the footsteps of Sekou Sanyika and be the next great Cal player from the Monterey Penninsula.

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Reminds me of QB Vic Viramontes. He played both ways in high school too and was really good on defense. He ended up leaving Cal and playing QB for a JC team, then switched to linebacker for them and transferred to UNLV. He would have probably been better off switching to defense at Cal.

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Everyone seems to be really bummed about Terry leaving because he was such a highly rated 4* recruit. But forget his rating and tell me how well he played the last two years in a system MADE for TE's. He played no where near to the potential that his recruiting scouting report suggested he would play. For his size and strength he was not a good or effective blocker and he did not seem to get open and did drop some easy catches. Hopefully he will do much better where ever he ends up. I want nothing but success for him. And just to show you that highly ranked TE's can be a bust, check out Arik Gilbert. I don't think there are many guys with a 5* rating and higher than a .9972 score. Yet he's been to LSU, FL, GA and is transferring again. https://247sports.com/Player/Arik-Gilbert-94709/

Sometimes the highly regarded guys are just a bust.

I like our new kid, JT Byrne, from Oregon State. He's 6'6" like Latu. He's big. He's a multi sport athlete who has yet to participate in Spring drills (I'm sure he will at CAL if he want's playing time and I'm sure that was part of the discussion with his new coach). Let's see what he can do, but one thing is for sure, and he CAN block well. i'm not dying with the departure of some of our guys like some on this thread.

But, unless we get ourselves a solid QB we will be in trouble.

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Isnt Chandler basically the QB. Although I wonder what’s taking so long.

Excited for blocking TE’s

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Chandler hasn't committed yet, as far as i know. So the position is open.

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Yeah not committee but thought he was basically a lock. Maybe not true

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If we have desperate need on the OL, why have we not seen any commits? Should we be concerned? Can we even field a team?

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Yes, we’ll field a team, though it’s probably fair to wonder how good of one, and it’s definitely probably safe to be concerned…

Given the seemingly solid hires by ASU, Colorado and of course ‘Furd, coupled with the current stagnation under Wilcox at Cal, last place in the P12 is definitely on the table. This team doesn’t really land big fish in the portal, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if the preseason media poll pegs the Bears in 12th.

That said, still plenty of time left to land some solid players from the portal, and if they respond to coaching, who knows…

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At this point, the site should only list players who are *still* at Cal; easier to keep track.

If the new punter has an arm, let him throw a few on 4th down. Maybe the DL can go 2-way, old-school?!

Srsly, Wilcox's inability to recruit depth is comical, like greek-tragedy level. I wonder if he confers w/ Fox on who sucks worse at his job, knowing that the feckless, incompetent AD won't get rid of either one of them?

"Hey Mark, it's Justin"

- "Sup?"

"Well ya know how you've lost almost every game? I feel bad about that, so I'll stop recruiting and let all my 2-deeps transfer out."

- "That's sweet, you'd do that for me?"

"Yeah sure, I do it all the time. It's not like Jim's going to drop us."

- "Hilarious, you right, you right"

"Done! Ok, catch ya later. Good luck against 'furd, ya know I've beaten them a couple times already."

- "Ouch. Well hope you enjoyed it cuz now that Taylor's there, you might not beat them again. Good talk, thanks for the assist" [hangs up before Wilcox can crack another joke about how Fox doesn't know the meaning of that word]

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There is not a doubt in my mind they will be tabbed for last in the conference. Pretty much every pre-season poll in the Wilcox era has correctly had them in the bottom half of the conference. The football pundits who write for these publications don't have the same unrealistic expectations for the teams as us fans. It really gets ridiculous around Spring ball time when we all start thinking this could be the break-out year based on a report some dude on the team had three one-handed grabs in a six on six shells drill.

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Top Shelf Tommy!

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The only hope for next year is, with our expectations the lowest they've been in a decade (maybe even lower than they were going into 2012, for some), we will somehow be pleasantly surprised by what we get.

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Did we have low expectations going into 2012? That team was loaded and we opened the renovated Memorial Stadium

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Didnt a bunch of kids leave or get kicked out by Dyke's, and we were super thin on defense as a result, plus the uncertainty of Klindergoff? Cant remember. Maybe most just got injured during that season. Maybe expectations for next season really are at an all time low now for many of us.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

That would be 2013.

2012 was Tedford's final year where we still had Keenan Allen and a bunch of kids that Tosh recruited until then.

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Ah, yeah, I meant Dykes' first year so 2013.

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Program is rotting at the head with Wilcox. Clearly he has no buy-in from players, recruits or fans.

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Can't say if this is true or not, but I don't think Terry leaving is evidence of it per se. The coaches who recruited him are gone. He didn't produce while he was here - bad blocker, very few targets, etc. It's also unclear how the TE position will be used in Spav's offense.

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It’s just musical chairs at this point. Hopefully the new opportunities work out!

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Haven't we got a transfer QB from James Madison?

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

I believe he's a graduate assistant who was a QB at JMU.


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Got it.

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I think he might be a UNT grad assistant because he has a UNT polo on in the picture and there was a QB with his name there a couple years ago

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Maybe he was thinking Spav's QB transfer target "Chandler Jones from Loyola Marymount"

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it's chandler rogers from lousiana Monroe

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are you sure? i think it might actually be Richard Rogers from Ludwig Maximilian University.

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(I was kidding, by the way. Last week someone said "Chandler Jones from LMU" instead of "Chandler Rogers from ULM".. and I was suspecting Louisiana Monroe has now somehow morphed into James Madison in Oski Disciple's comment, which then led Ketamine to think the North Texas assistant is from JMU). You see (UC), It's often a comedy of errors surrounding not only Cal athletics, but us as well.

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Can't blame Terry, though with Latu leaving you'd think that would result in more opportunities, but he sure seemed underutilized.....

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Afraid to compete (or unable - Terry's lack of production/development has been puzzling)

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He reminds me of Jonnu Smith with the Patriots. Potential game changing athleticism at TE, but you could easily forget he was on the team based on productivity or lack thereof.

I was way more bummed about Latu, though for whatever reason I was expecting him to transfer more so than any other player.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Mine was J Mike, unfortunately. Hate being right….really hope he sticks around.

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J Mike is a big loss, but Spav's system can create a lot of opportunities for the WRs who stick around. WR is our most "next man up" position right now.

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lol yea

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