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Gotta say I think only having subs being able to comment on the insta recap is a swing and a hard miss. Thats one of the bigger sources of engagement, unless it was a setting mistake, I would change that for next week.

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Thanks for catching my mistake. I opened up the insta-recap to all for comments.

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Mistakes happen, all good. Unless you are Charlie Ragle

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Yep, feels on par with our field goal unit.

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I think there's some error there

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Hope so, when they started the subscriptions they said they’d keep the previously free content open for everyone

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I made a mistake. The insta-recap is now open to all to comment and remains free!

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

That face mask really hurt us

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

great fight in our Bears tonight, good on you lads!!

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GB49 and Rugbear are still trapped and trading comments in the 1st half thread LOL

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There will be a wikipedia page about this one day

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I hope the mods can preserve that post for all eternity.

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I hope they create the wiki page!

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If they do, hopefully someone will be able to find it!

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And we can’t go back to tell tgem

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I still have it open so Im watching them. It's just two of them lol

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This might be the best thing to come from tonight’s game.

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I'm here ;-)

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oh you came! welcome

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This comment has the most recs I’ve ever seen in WFC

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this is way better than the game!

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What are they saying?

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GB49 is talking about the DB coach that has no experience. like for the 100th time

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But did he link a Wikipedia link for the DB coach?

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Nothing wrong with Wikipedia!

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no he didnt lol

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Literal LOL

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

You think by now us Cal fans would have hearts of steel but this year has been a new kind of painful so far.

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That’s because we had actual expectations. This is like 07 but without all the wins to start the season. We skipped all the winning and went right to the losing.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

This series was pathetic. With the ball...1:16, FG wins it....just brutal.

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It’s the surrender for OT series. Musgrave is so upsetting.

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That's a vintage Wilcox call

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I don't understand unless they are afraid of a turnover.

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I’m afraid of a turnover. Our O and D are winning now so maybe OT isn’t a bad idea

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Let's get a pick six and get orange slices.

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tHiS iS tHe OnE-hUnDrEtH mEeTiNg Of ThE tWo TeAmS

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at least we didn't lose the game

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Or blocked a d returned for td

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that was very possible.

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God, I love Hunter

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

i only wish i knew how many time cal has played washington

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I actually enjoyed this game. (minus the refs). It was a better football game than first two losses

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100%. We showed some grit finally.

I am not going to be surprised when we learn Wilcox took over defensive play calling at the half.

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It was the most entertaining so far.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

after watching the game, I think UW is worse than Cal, considering that they should be the better program than us

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Lake has cratered that program, which is odd since he helped rebuild it and these are all his recruits.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Throw a flag you pussies

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen


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thank you for your sacrifice

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Cal football coming up with new ways to break the hearts of fans.

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The second half was the most complete game we've played on both sides of the ball.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

switching to filterless cigs

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Pivoting to khat

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rummaging pantry for tincture.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

We will beat the spread

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RemovedSep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen
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Nope but it’s a measure of how we’re doing against expectations

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what was the spread?

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I think it was 7.5

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

My butt is puckered

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I told my wife about this comment and she said Cal fans are wierd

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she's not wrong

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Well, give her my best.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen


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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Ok nobody say anything stupid

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Just got home from work. Pac 12 After Dark strikes again.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

I don’t hate the reverse call there.

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but how does a DE chase down Remigio??/

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That’s the talent difference between these two teams

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No it’s not. It’s called taking a good pursuit angle. Nikko had to cover more ground and the DE just had to take the right angle and he did.

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me neither.

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Garbers def made a business decision.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Thanks for fucking up our momentum

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Vereen never played OT?

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Colorado OT was 2011 so Vereen was gone by then, no 2008-2010 i guess?

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Hmm, now that I think about it, I don’t believe so. Those Vereen teams were very boom or bust.

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The 2009 big game remains the greatest game I’ve ever attended.

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Other than 2002 Big Game, that is the greatest Big Game win if my life.

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2009 Arizona game was epic too. (I didn't attend) Vereen sealed the game.

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Yeah attended that game and it was great!

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that game was absolutely incredible

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Terrible time management!

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Darn. Had it lined up.

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Try it.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Give Lake a personal foul

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That's unsportsman like...

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Ref looks pissed

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

He is a Pac 12 ref, being bad at your job is being good at your job.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen


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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Im scared they would move the ball and score in 1 minute

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Chase has been trying the bounce pass all season and it finally worked!!!

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And-1 football

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

(1ooth meeting)

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen


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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Veteran never

Played OT?

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Man oh man, getting this far is a relief but more suffering ahead until outcome....speaking for myself.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen


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1 am here in NYC.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen


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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

oh i thought that was good. man how weak is his leg

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

bajillion yard FG?

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Pac 12 refs after dark

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Flag lake

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Rick Chen

Game clock operater definitely a Cal homer

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Please god

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