I’m over dosing in Koolaid Rn. Someone cut me off. OUR SCHEDULE IS SO EASY! I rlly don’t think 9-3 is too much to ask for

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A 320 pound lineman with speed? This guy sounds like a national football league prospect. The fact that he chose to come to Cal and compete with what we already have is impressive.We may have one of the best offensive lines in the ACC. and I would argue one of the best across the country. It's early but time will tell.

If I was a running back I would want to run behind this line which also explains why they are choosing Cal.

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Wow. What a great testament to the culture of the Cal football "family" of players, especially the O line group. Go Bears!!

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I got a fever* and the only prescription is more o-line.

*Probably more PTSD

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Before we're done here you babies will be wearing gold plated diapers

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Ha! Great start. I think we are getting some super momentum. Having our OC being the offensive line coach helps. He is connecting with these kids. He has a vision. Ring the cow bell!!!

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