I was at People's Park soon after the National Guard was sent in by Governor Reagan and occupied that ground. Reagan did a shitty thing by sending in the National Guard. But the City of Berkeley (really, the City Council) did an even shittier thing by allowing the park to be overrun by shiftless vagrants, addicts, and criminals in the …
I was at People's Park soon after the National Guard was sent in by Governor Reagan and occupied that ground. Reagan did a shitty thing by sending in the National Guard. But the City of Berkeley (really, the City Council) did an even shittier thing by allowing the park to be overrun by shiftless vagrants, addicts, and criminals in the years following and practically forbidding the UC Regents from using the land for student housing.
Both UC and the City did practically nothing for decades, claiming that the other entity was responsible for the situation at the park. This was an example of blame shifting and finger-pointing at its small scale worst. People in the surrounding community, including people who were addicted and mentally ill, paid a terrible price for their inaction.
Housing can be built there, but that ground will forever be stained by the suffering wrought by indifference.
I was at People's Park soon after the National Guard was sent in by Governor Reagan and occupied that ground. Reagan did a shitty thing by sending in the National Guard. But the City of Berkeley (really, the City Council) did an even shittier thing by allowing the park to be overrun by shiftless vagrants, addicts, and criminals in the years following and practically forbidding the UC Regents from using the land for student housing.
Both UC and the City did practically nothing for decades, claiming that the other entity was responsible for the situation at the park. This was an example of blame shifting and finger-pointing at its small scale worst. People in the surrounding community, including people who were addicted and mentally ill, paid a terrible price for their inaction.
Housing can be built there, but that ground will forever be stained by the suffering wrought by indifference.