Alex Jones's attorney accidentally sent to the plaintiff's counsel a full download of TWO YEARS of Jones's phone containing texts and email, which during discovery they denied having. Plaintiff's counsel notified Jones's lawyer that they'd done this and asked if they wanted to claim privilege over any of it. Jones's attorney did nothing, and now the whole damn thing is evidence. As you can imagine, judge is not impressed.
ALSO, Jones's ex-wife Kelly is now on Twitter with this:
"Alex Jones' ex-wife here, and I'm going to subpoena this data! Won a jury, lost my kids for blowing the whistle on infowars. Subpoena request will go out t o d a y."
I am happy the parent's are getting the vindication they so rightfully deserve. What a fun exchange watching him squirm on the stand like the vermin he is.
Tangent, but I just moved to Solano Ave area and am walking distance from iScream. We haven't gone yet. Is it as good as they hype indicates? There's a line every day that stretches out quite a bit.
Some of the more "organic" ice cream stores have a good mint chip where it isn't just green mint flavor. They must use real mint leave extract or something like that when making their mint chip. They're really good.
It's a night-and-day difference. I already like mint chip, but the first time I got some fancy mint chip ice cream it took me to a whole other plane of existence.
French Vanilla. I will go to war over this. I have screamed at my kids in the grocery aisle when they select french vanilla over vanilla bean(the only acceptable form of vanilla ice cream).
There's never been an ice cream flavor that I've tried and not liked. However, I've never tried fish ice cream. Made from fish, not fish shaped (which I do like)
It's a spiky, thick skinned large fruit from south-east asia. It has a super-strong smell, and a texture like a ripe soft cheese or soft custard. I'm not a fan at all, but a lot of people love it - you can't bring it on public transport in Singapore. You can buy it at Chinese + Southeast Asian supermarkets throughout the Bay though.
Yes, but only disallowed when exposed. They are generally bought in a red plastic net and they start to exude their sickly sweet sewer smell when ripe. As a result, the durian vendors will pack it up for you in plastic, then box it up so you can bring it home via train/bus/taxi. We had durian trees in the jungle. Foragers would harvest them when they got ripe, but they'd often leave the over-ripe ones on the jungle floor and they smelled awful.
I'd stick with California. Berkeley has an academic connotation. Like I've pointed out before, the branding for "Cal" is cluttered and not focused. Most people around the country don't know what Cal is. Amongst the educated, many will recognize Berkeley. So if we just settled on California there might be a chance to build a brand that references the nation's largest state. For example, consider "Alabama" or "Texas". Most people don't call them U of A or UT-Austin.
Another point, with the clothing company Cali stealing the script for Cal, this is just another reason for us to get away from Cal and use California (unless we have some legal recourse against Cali).
A lot of non-West Coast people think Berkeley and Cal/U of California are different schools. My Michigan cousin had no idea they were the same school until I brought him to a Cal bball game w/ Jason Kidd playing. I think he thought he was going to see some kind of low level Dartmouth-ish basketball game...
I think at this point we have to stick with Cal for sports, but I think it would be a good idea to come up with an alternate design that had “Cal” and “Berkeley” in it to make that link for people. I actually think it would be cool to lean in to the hippie history of Berkeley and have like a tie-dye jersey with Berkeley on it
We should zig when others zag. Basically every school does the “we are old school so we will adopt this old school look, with an occasional new age-y alt jersey” thing. If we continue with that sort of mimicry we will continue as we are, a somewhat forgettable team nationally (indeed as stated ppl don’t even know what school we are!) If we had an alt jersey that was tye die hippie themed it would be different. Different would get us noticed a bit more. And shit this is Cal, man, different is good.
Even just doing the numbers or lettering as tie dye would be skitz
one game every once in a while with a tye die jersey would be fun, but more than that would kill recruiting. Sooo many people in my Southeast realm really think Berkeley is only liberals and won't even let their kids take campus tours (no joke, multiple families I know). They are shocked when I tell them the Young Repubs were one of the biggest clubs on campus when I was there.
I agree w Scottie. To the extent we get guys from that part of the country, they will know and presumably like that it is a liberal bastion. That just kind of is what it is
Yeah, I get that, but I'm just talking in terms of recruiting. At some point, Jaylen Brown, D-Rob and Shareef Abdur-Rahim were "some rando from Georgia". Lots of good recruiting ground in the Southeast- fit is important, but general Cal appeal is part of that fit.
But dudes, let’s face it, that is what it is. Why not lean into it? I don’t think the branding would make it worse. Anyone that would shy away from the place over that issue is already lost to us given the reality of what the school actually is.
I wish we had a player run out of the tunnel with the California State flag the way we did during the Dykes era. That was such smart branding right in line with the suggestion here that we brand athletics as California.
Throughout the course of your life, you’ve consumed — by watching, reading about, checking the box score in the newspaper or on your iPhone, listening to on the radio, what have you — thousands of San Francisco Giants victories. And you’ve consumed thousands of Giants losses.
And, Mays willing, you’ll consume thousands more of each.
Some of them feel incredibly meaningful. Joyous, or tragic. Others don’t.
And a few times every year, like clockwork, something happens that makes us simply not care about the outcome of a Giants game.
Sometimes it’s a national or international tragedy. Sometimes it’s something personal in your life.
And sometimes it’s baseball itself.
Such was the case on Tuesday when, right as the Giants were mounting a predictably futile comeback bid against the Los Angeles Dodgers, it was announced that Vin Scully had died at the age of 94.
It felt important that a recap of some kind exist for Tuesday night’s game, even if the author of this piece is woefully underprepared to write it.
Frankly, anything that is written about this game will be woefully inadequate to the circumstances that occurred elsewhere. Far better writers than me will be far more eloquent in what the passing of Vincent Edward Scully, longtime announcer of the Los Angeles/Brooklyn Dodgers and arguably, the finest broadcaster in all of sports, means to them. Far better writers will tell their stories of how Vin conducted himself or how Vin often let the cheering of the crowd tell the tale. Far better writers will share anecdotes of how Vin touched their lives from the joy of knowing him.
I am not one of those writers, but I will do my best for you all today.
Casali I understand. Ruf seems like a questionable move. But Kapler's lineup management will frequently be baffling in any event, so it's hard to reasonably evaluate.
Exactly. Kapler is a major problem...starting to see why he got canned in Philly despite a winning record. This team isn’t passing Philly or St Louis for the last wildcard spot, though, so I’m surprised they didn’t do more.
Rodon’s contract scared teams off, which was reflected in low ball offers.
I started out as an enraged Kapler hater, but I have mellowed on that (slightly). I don't think he's the problem, but the shit sandwich of a roster Farhan saddles him with is. The platooning is because he has literally nobody on his team who can actually hit LH and RHP, and more often than not, when he makes some rando platoon pinch hitter choice that makes me roll my eyes, it actually works.
I do wonder if he couldn't try a bit harder to right the defense -- JFC it's painful.
I find him to be one smug-a$$ narcissist, and his handling of the pitching staff, specifically Doval, is brutal. You make a good and fair point on the roster tho Scootie…this one is light on Major League talent and there’s really only so much he can do.
One could argue that having this team within 5 games of the final wildcard spot in August is as impressive as winning 107 last year.
Next offseason will be telling - will Larry Baer let Farhan spend?
I really don't think Kapler is a problem at all. Was he so bad when they won the division last year? The issue this year is aging/injured talent more than anything.
I was talking with my friend about this at Monday's game. Kapler is making the same decisions as he did last year. Pinch hitting to match up with the pitcher. It's just that the players this year aren't performing when almost everything went right last year. Granted I think the last 4 or 5 batters in the lineup are under 200 (except maybe the new SS).
Last night, the Giants rallied in the 4th(?) when they had 3 bloop/broken bat hits. Belt's oppo hit was a good hit but the next one to RCF was a broken bat and obviously the HR. The blooper down the RF line looked like it was a good pitch but the batter fought it off and it fell in. The 3rd one was a little blooper between 2nd and RF( I think). It was like it was 2021 all over again when all those fell in. This year they aren't getting those. It all came together for one inning whereas last year they would've gotten many more runs. Think about the 6th when they loaded the bases on two walks and the bunt by Bart. This year you have a popup and 2 Ks. Last year they would've hit them in.
Last night after the last out, the Renel gave a great tribute and they had Vin up on the scoreboard after. Nos 2 and 3 got a text from their mom because presumably she was watching the broadcast when it must have been announced. I wonder when the players found out.
I'm a little sad about that, tbh, it's not a case of "oh he was so young" but my first memories of living in California (and thus the US) involve watching Dodgers games and thus the dulcet tones of Vince.
I remember trying to get a station from Vegas while trying to go to bed in the late 70s early 80s and heard him some of the times. AM 720 I think. I think he used to do both TV and radio simulcast, then switch to one or the other. Can't remember the order.
Oh yes, many a night in bed, trying to go to sleep....I'd switch to Vin on purpose to lull me out.....Farmer John's, the eastern most in quality, the western most in flavor.
I remember I had to wait until probably after 9 or so to get the station. And this was from the East Bay. I think there is, or maybe was, a rule that the AM broadcaster could turn up the power after a certain time.
Yes AM reached out longer once the sun went down and some stations were allowed to increase their wattage then. The "flagship" station in LA (KFI 60-73) back in the day had the Dodgers and they had quite a few other stations one could get too. I was raised in Sacramento .....became an A's fan when they moved to Oakland much to the chagrin of my Dad but frankly they and the AL seemed much more interesting to me than the NL. I digress. I tended to pay more attention in the dark of my bedroom to the A's (earlier Giants) broadcasts thus not sleeping. My mom was aware of this, would open the door and said she would take away my radio or I tune it to Vin.
I saw a tweet today from a guy who would listen to those broadcasts growing up in Alberta when the conditions were right, which is a hell of an unintentional reach.
I may not like the Dodgers, but I respect Vin Scully for his mastery of play-by-play and the understated style in which he brought baseball to millions. I have been blessed with great Giants and A's announcers throughout the decades including Russ Hodges, Lon Simmons (both Giants and A's), Bill King, Hank Greenwald, and Duane Kuiper. But none have had the longevity as an announcer or the following that Scully had.
Here's to Vin for making baseball better and a life well lived.
Warner Brothers spent $90m on Batgirl, had it in the final stages of production, and then canceled it. Batgirl won't even be shown in theaters, on HBO Max, or anywhere. While Warner Brothers say it was a "strategic shift", I gotta think that it must have been a terrible show to eat $90m.
I hadn't even registered that this movie was a thing until it was yanked from distribution and now I HAVE to see it, they're missing out on a chance of recouping some money from the rubbernecker audience
And it seems like these movies were almost finished! Batgirl had wrapped shooting and was in post-production. The Scoob sequel had already screened for test audiences.
Insane bombshell in the Alex Jones defamation trial: Jones' lawyers accidentally texted all their files to the parents' lawyers two weeks ago and they just held on to it quietly until now:
I think it can break through the economic issues because abortion, as much as it is a women's rights and women's health issue, it is also a women’s economic issue.
For women they can see how a bad economy is made even worse when having to raise a child and all the money and time that takes.
Eh, I get what you're saying, but it's still a HUGE revel that the GQP is probably being stupid thinking that embracing anti-abortion as a unifying issue for them.
I hope you are right. Voting on an issue is clear. Voting for a candidate is a mixed bag and much more an assessment of various values and priorities for the individual voter.
Mark McCloskey - an alleged ambulance chasing lawyer/waste of skin who brandished a gun at BLM protestors/own wife with his finger on the trigger - ran for US Senate in Missouri and got destroyed with a measly 3% of the primary vote.
They should rename the Hastings Reserve too, in the coastal mountains near Salinas. It's renowned for a number of long-term ecological studies and most closely affiliated with Berkeley. Went there for a weekend field lab junior year and our professor shamed us for not throwing a rager the first night like most of her classes apparently did.
The linked announcement, above, obliquely refers to the unhappiness among some of the Indigenous peoples who lobbied for renaming the law school with an Indigenous name.
Given the circumstances reported, it seems that no matter the name chosen, someone within the Indigenous communities would have been unhappy. Choosing the geographic name seems most appropriate.
CBS Sports pre-season football rankings has Utah at #4, Notre Dame at #6, USC at #12, Oregon #14, UCLA #33. Cal ranked #75 out of 130, below Orgon State (#51), Stanford (#71), Arizona State (#72).
Also, Washington and Washington State are ahead of Cal. The only teams below Cal are Arizona and Colorado, so we're tenth in the conference. Not so hot in year 6 of the Wilcox era.
We’re doing a rewatch of the 03 SC Game using a partner startup of ours called Playback! I’ll drop the link in here tomorrow but if you’re able please join in! 6PM PT tomorrow
I was at People's Park soon after the National Guard was sent in by Governor Reagan and occupied that ground. Reagan did a shitty thing by sending in the National Guard. But the City of Berkeley (really, the City Council) did an even shittier thing by allowing the park to be overrun by shiftless vagrants, addicts, and criminals in the years following and practically forbidding the UC Regents from using the land for student housing.
Both UC and the City did practically nothing for decades, claiming that the other entity was responsible for the situation at the park. This was an example of blame shifting and finger-pointing at its small scale worst. People in the surrounding community, including people who were addicted and mentally ill, paid a terrible price for their inaction.
Housing can be built there, but that ground will forever be stained by the suffering wrought by indifference.
Another day of the Alex Jones Defamation case
Liz Dye live-tweets are making my day.
This dude's too. Things are not going well for Mr Jones.
I like oneunderscore_'s live tweeting myself.
Oh this is just getting so good.
Alex Jones's attorney accidentally sent to the plaintiff's counsel a full download of TWO YEARS of Jones's phone containing texts and email, which during discovery they denied having. Plaintiff's counsel notified Jones's lawyer that they'd done this and asked if they wanted to claim privilege over any of it. Jones's attorney did nothing, and now the whole damn thing is evidence. As you can imagine, judge is not impressed.
ALSO, Jones's ex-wife Kelly is now on Twitter with this:
"Alex Jones' ex-wife here, and I'm going to subpoena this data! Won a jury, lost my kids for blowing the whistle on infowars. Subpoena request will go out t o d a y."
There is not enough popcorn on earth for this. 🍿🍿🍿
Was that bad?
UPDATE: The January 6th Commission is subpeening Alex Jones' phone contents. 🍿
Oh wow, that is quite bad
"Child porn found in documents Alex Jones sent to lawyers of Sandy Hook families, court filing says"
Wow. That rat bastard just might go to jail after all.
I am happy the parent's are getting the vindication they so rightfully deserve. What a fun exchange watching him squirm on the stand like the vermin he is.
Disliked ice cream flavor
Not sure there's any particular ice cream flavor I've truly DISliked. Ice cream tends to almost always be good.
I tend to avoid strawberry ice cream if I can, though. A little too much sweetness.
Tangent, but I just moved to Solano Ave area and am walking distance from iScream. We haven't gone yet. Is it as good as they hype indicates? There's a line every day that stretches out quite a bit.
Coffee, mocha, things of that sort.
I will happily take that off your hands, what would you like in exchange
Mint chip. It kind of ruins the chocolate for me, even though as a general matter I like mint
Some of the more "organic" ice cream stores have a good mint chip where it isn't just green mint flavor. They must use real mint leave extract or something like that when making their mint chip. They're really good.
It's a night-and-day difference. I already like mint chip, but the first time I got some fancy mint chip ice cream it took me to a whole other plane of existence.
French Vanilla. I will go to war over this. I have screamed at my kids in the grocery aisle when they select french vanilla over vanilla bean(the only acceptable form of vanilla ice cream).
Yup, this nails it. French Vanilla is way too eggy and custardy. Especially in cheap brands, you lose the vanilla and just taste bland custard/flan.
A good premium vanilla bean ice cream is perfect all alone.
Totally agreed
I will always pick vanilla bean over French vanilla but I wouldn’t stop someone from buying French vanilla and enjoying it myself.
Sure, if you're definition of enjoyment is eating cold sweetened egg yolks that totally mask any vanilla flavor.
as it happens...
There's never been an ice cream flavor that I've tried and not liked. However, I've never tried fish ice cream. Made from fish, not fish shaped (which I do like)
Then you need to go to Salt & Straw and taste a few of their off-the-wall specials
I remember tasting Turkey and stuffing and also Mashed Potatoes and gravy in October. Both were bleh.
I did try cricket ice cream there. Not bad.
Durian. (but I don't like durian in general)
Have you actually had Durian? (Has anyone on DBD tried Durian)?
I know that it smells terrible, but what does it taste like?
The cheaper ones taste like they smell, but the very expensive one was quite good.
Had it. Tried a small piece and couldn't swallow it. To me think of the worst BO and it's even worse. With the consistency of raw chicken.
Never had the nerve to try it.
What is that?
Something nasty. Why someone would crack open the fruit and think, hey this smells good. Let's try it.
The king of fruits!
It's a spiky, thick skinned large fruit from south-east asia. It has a super-strong smell, and a texture like a ripe soft cheese or soft custard. I'm not a fan at all, but a lot of people love it - you can't bring it on public transport in Singapore. You can buy it at Chinese + Southeast Asian supermarkets throughout the Bay though.
Does Singapore ban it on public transport due to the odor/smell?
Yes, but only disallowed when exposed. They are generally bought in a red plastic net and they start to exude their sickly sweet sewer smell when ripe. As a result, the durian vendors will pack it up for you in plastic, then box it up so you can bring it home via train/bus/taxi. We had durian trees in the jungle. Foragers would harvest them when they got ripe, but they'd often leave the over-ripe ones on the jungle floor and they smelled awful.
I remember seeing signs in the elevator in HK that Durian wasn't allowed.
I love the spumoni from The Old Spaghetti Factory.
One of my faves 😢
I agree with this.
me too
Martin Yan
Growing up, Yan would do a cooking special at C Markus grandfather and I would go...what a blast!
I loved watching his TV show. If Yan Can Cook, so can you. Join Again!
And I believe his accent is fake.
Can Cook.
What would you say to the next athletic gear sponsor developing logos and outfits that include "Berkeley" more prominently in them?
The favorite of my ball caps has block letters "BERKELEY" in blue with gold outlining on top and script Cal with same scheme below. It's a nice look.
I'd stick with California. Berkeley has an academic connotation. Like I've pointed out before, the branding for "Cal" is cluttered and not focused. Most people around the country don't know what Cal is. Amongst the educated, many will recognize Berkeley. So if we just settled on California there might be a chance to build a brand that references the nation's largest state. For example, consider "Alabama" or "Texas". Most people don't call them U of A or UT-Austin.
can start with the very first topic today "Cal"...tomorrow have it be "California" or "California (Berkeley)"
Another point, with the clothing company Cali stealing the script for Cal, this is just another reason for us to get away from Cal and use California (unless we have some legal recourse against Cali).
A lot of non-West Coast people think Berkeley and Cal/U of California are different schools. My Michigan cousin had no idea they were the same school until I brought him to a Cal bball game w/ Jason Kidd playing. I think he thought he was going to see some kind of low level Dartmouth-ish basketball game...
I mean, honestly, right now we are a Dartmouth-ish or lower team...
I think at this point we have to stick with Cal for sports, but I think it would be a good idea to come up with an alternate design that had “Cal” and “Berkeley” in it to make that link for people. I actually think it would be cool to lean in to the hippie history of Berkeley and have like a tie-dye jersey with Berkeley on it
Eh,.... no, that's a problem in sports.
No kidding.
We should zig when others zag. Basically every school does the “we are old school so we will adopt this old school look, with an occasional new age-y alt jersey” thing. If we continue with that sort of mimicry we will continue as we are, a somewhat forgettable team nationally (indeed as stated ppl don’t even know what school we are!) If we had an alt jersey that was tye die hippie themed it would be different. Different would get us noticed a bit more. And shit this is Cal, man, different is good.
Even just doing the numbers or lettering as tie dye would be skitz
We need to be the Savannah Bananas of college football.
one game every once in a while with a tye die jersey would be fun, but more than that would kill recruiting. Sooo many people in my Southeast realm really think Berkeley is only liberals and won't even let their kids take campus tours (no joke, multiple families I know). They are shocked when I tell them the Young Repubs were one of the biggest clubs on campus when I was there.
But who cares? We are what we are. Some rando in Georgia is never going to become a big Cal fan without a direct link to the University anyhow.
Long term I care! We're more powerful as representing California than just Berkeley.
If Berkeley had a City Council that was a bit less eccentric it would help the rep of the campus.
I agree w Scottie. To the extent we get guys from that part of the country, they will know and presumably like that it is a liberal bastion. That just kind of is what it is
Yeah, I get that, but I'm just talking in terms of recruiting. At some point, Jaylen Brown, D-Rob and Shareef Abdur-Rahim were "some rando from Georgia". Lots of good recruiting ground in the Southeast- fit is important, but general Cal appeal is part of that fit.
But dudes, let’s face it, that is what it is. Why not lean into it? I don’t think the branding would make it worse. Anyone that would shy away from the place over that issue is already lost to us given the reality of what the school actually is.
You're right.
The Tennessee fans I know that went to the Cal game still talk about the tree people...
I wish we had a player run out of the tunnel with the California State flag the way we did during the Dykes era. That was such smart branding right in line with the suggestion here that we brand athletics as California.
I agree
Really Friendly
Turned on the TV to watch some baseball while having lunch. Mariners ahead of the Yanks and Gerrit Cole 4-0 after four batters.
Angels beat the A's 3-1.
Frustrating, lots of runners on base, not so good at bringing them home.
Giants lose
Throughout the course of your life, you’ve consumed — by watching, reading about, checking the box score in the newspaper or on your iPhone, listening to on the radio, what have you — thousands of San Francisco Giants victories. And you’ve consumed thousands of Giants losses.
And, Mays willing, you’ll consume thousands more of each.
Some of them feel incredibly meaningful. Joyous, or tragic. Others don’t.
And a few times every year, like clockwork, something happens that makes us simply not care about the outcome of a Giants game.
Sometimes it’s a national or international tragedy. Sometimes it’s something personal in your life.
And sometimes it’s baseball itself.
Such was the case on Tuesday when, right as the Giants were mounting a predictably futile comeback bid against the Los Angeles Dodgers, it was announced that Vin Scully had died at the age of 94.
I've seen GBBR back-to-back now on back-to-back days. Remind me?
Go Blue, Boo RIshi (a poster from the past that loved the Giants).
So GBBRs are from sad Dodger fans? ;-)
Yes, sad to be up 20 games on the Giants.
The show must go on: Dodgers 9, Giants 5
We must do what Vin always did and keep going.
It felt important that a recap of some kind exist for Tuesday night’s game, even if the author of this piece is woefully underprepared to write it.
Frankly, anything that is written about this game will be woefully inadequate to the circumstances that occurred elsewhere. Far better writers than me will be far more eloquent in what the passing of Vincent Edward Scully, longtime announcer of the Los Angeles/Brooklyn Dodgers and arguably, the finest broadcaster in all of sports, means to them. Far better writers will tell their stories of how Vin conducted himself or how Vin often let the cheering of the crowd tell the tale. Far better writers will share anecdotes of how Vin touched their lives from the joy of knowing him.
I am not one of those writers, but I will do my best for you all today.
USWNT set to play England in October. 90000 seats sold out in 24 hours.
go go USA
distribution . .. brilliant. . .
Giants trade Ruf, Casali at the deadline - but keep the team mostly intact
Casali I understand. Ruf seems like a questionable move. But Kapler's lineup management will frequently be baffling in any event, so it's hard to reasonably evaluate.
Exactly. Kapler is a major problem...starting to see why he got canned in Philly despite a winning record. This team isn’t passing Philly or St Louis for the last wildcard spot, though, so I’m surprised they didn’t do more.
Rodon’s contract scared teams off, which was reflected in low ball offers.
I started out as an enraged Kapler hater, but I have mellowed on that (slightly). I don't think he's the problem, but the shit sandwich of a roster Farhan saddles him with is. The platooning is because he has literally nobody on his team who can actually hit LH and RHP, and more often than not, when he makes some rando platoon pinch hitter choice that makes me roll my eyes, it actually works.
I do wonder if he couldn't try a bit harder to right the defense -- JFC it's painful.
I find him to be one smug-a$$ narcissist, and his handling of the pitching staff, specifically Doval, is brutal. You make a good and fair point on the roster tho Scootie…this one is light on Major League talent and there’s really only so much he can do.
One could argue that having this team within 5 games of the final wildcard spot in August is as impressive as winning 107 last year.
Next offseason will be telling - will Larry Baer let Farhan spend?
I really don't think Kapler is a problem at all. Was he so bad when they won the division last year? The issue this year is aging/injured talent more than anything.
I was talking with my friend about this at Monday's game. Kapler is making the same decisions as he did last year. Pinch hitting to match up with the pitcher. It's just that the players this year aren't performing when almost everything went right last year. Granted I think the last 4 or 5 batters in the lineup are under 200 (except maybe the new SS).
Last night, the Giants rallied in the 4th(?) when they had 3 bloop/broken bat hits. Belt's oppo hit was a good hit but the next one to RCF was a broken bat and obviously the HR. The blooper down the RF line looked like it was a good pitch but the batter fought it off and it fell in. The 3rd one was a little blooper between 2nd and RF( I think). It was like it was 2021 all over again when all those fell in. This year they aren't getting those. It all came together for one inning whereas last year they would've gotten many more runs. Think about the 6th when they loaded the bases on two walks and the bunt by Bart. This year you have a popup and 2 Ks. Last year they would've hit them in.
Basically yeah. They are getting the same favorable matchups but the team isn't performing. I think it's more a talent issue than a manager issue.
RIP Vin Scully
TBS and SportsNetLA tributes during last night's game.
Always hated the Dodgers, but Scully's work was unimpeachable. Obviously one of the great announcers.
It also helps that he did plenty of national work, so not everything he called was Dodger-related. The Catch, for example.
Hate the Dodgers, but Vin was an icon.
He really made the movie For Love of the Game.
Last night after the last out, the Renel gave a great tribute and they had Vin up on the scoreboard after. Nos 2 and 3 got a text from their mom because presumably she was watching the broadcast when it must have been announced. I wonder when the players found out.
I'm a little sad about that, tbh, it's not a case of "oh he was so young" but my first memories of living in California (and thus the US) involve watching Dodgers games and thus the dulcet tones of Vince.
I remember trying to get a station from Vegas while trying to go to bed in the late 70s early 80s and heard him some of the times. AM 720 I think. I think he used to do both TV and radio simulcast, then switch to one or the other. Can't remember the order.
Oh yes, many a night in bed, trying to go to sleep....I'd switch to Vin on purpose to lull me out.....Farmer John's, the eastern most in quality, the western most in flavor.
I remember I had to wait until probably after 9 or so to get the station. And this was from the East Bay. I think there is, or maybe was, a rule that the AM broadcaster could turn up the power after a certain time.
Yes AM reached out longer once the sun went down and some stations were allowed to increase their wattage then. The "flagship" station in LA (KFI 60-73) back in the day had the Dodgers and they had quite a few other stations one could get too. I was raised in Sacramento .....became an A's fan when they moved to Oakland much to the chagrin of my Dad but frankly they and the AL seemed much more interesting to me than the NL. I digress. I tended to pay more attention in the dark of my bedroom to the A's (earlier Giants) broadcasts thus not sleeping. My mom was aware of this, would open the door and said she would take away my radio or I tune it to Vin.
I saw a tweet today from a guy who would listen to those broadcasts growing up in Alberta when the conditions were right, which is a hell of an unintentional reach.
I've been watching a bunch of old videos on Twitter - favorites were his last sign off in 2016, Gibson's home run in 1988 and Kershaw's no-hitter.
I may not like the Dodgers, but I respect Vin Scully for his mastery of play-by-play and the understated style in which he brought baseball to millions. I have been blessed with great Giants and A's announcers throughout the decades including Russ Hodges, Lon Simmons (both Giants and A's), Bill King, Hank Greenwald, and Duane Kuiper. But none have had the longevity as an announcer or the following that Scully had.
Here's to Vin for making baseball better and a life well lived.
KC trades Whit Merrifield to the Jays, a player who can't legally play in Canada because he's not vaccinated.
And he said "Something happens and I happen to get on a team that has a chance to go play in Canada in the postseason, maybe that changes."
I wonder if this is a big FU to him from the Royals. Send him to Toronto and make him have to make a decision.
EPL will phase out taking a knee before games.
Nice of the NYT to be so multi-cultural
Um.... I watched episode 5 of The Old Man - and I finally get the criticism of the show I read here a while ago.
But! New episode of Rez Dogs was great!
Yeah that episode turned me off of the show, I'm caught up, but barely paying attention when I watch now
Warner Brothers spent $90m on Batgirl, had it in the final stages of production, and then canceled it. Batgirl won't even be shown in theaters, on HBO Max, or anywhere. While Warner Brothers say it was a "strategic shift", I gotta think that it must have been a terrible show to eat $90m.
I hadn't even registered that this movie was a thing until it was yanked from distribution and now I HAVE to see it, they're missing out on a chance of recouping some money from the rubbernecker audience
They did this with a sequel to the animated Scooby-Doo movie too.
It's really bizarre. I don't think this is about the movies themselves being bad, something else is going on.
Especially as they're going ahead with Flash (even with Ezra Miller's numerous issues)
Saw in my pop culture discussion groups that WB is going to use it to write off a large tax bill somehow.
And it seems like these movies were almost finished! Batgirl had wrapped shooting and was in post-production. The Scoob sequel had already screened for test audiences.
Really weird to just cut bait at that point.
Dane Cook gets engaged. Also, he started dating her when she was 18 and he was 45.
He was never funny and he looks old now. I strongly disliked him and his comedy when he was “popular” in the early aughts.
DOJ subpeens Peter Novarro's private email. The shark is circling and they're getting closer to Individual #1.
Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN, the district for South Bend) has been killed in a car accident.
She was the ranking member (lead minority) on the House Committee for Ethics and a five-term incumbent.
Insane bombshell in the Alex Jones defamation trial: Jones' lawyers accidentally texted all their files to the parents' lawyers two weeks ago and they just held on to it quietly until now:
I have the worst fucking attorneys - George Bluth Sr, and also Alex Jones.
or they "accidentally" did it.
That is my thought, I have a feeling his lawyers don't enjoy representing him and want this to end ASAP
Ron Watkins, allegedly Q from 4chan/8kun, finishes 7th (out of 7) in his race to become the republican nominee for Arizona representative.
[ABC] Cipollone gets subpeened via federal grand jury
GQP/Trump-backed candidates generally won elections
Kansans voted to maintain their state constitutional right to an abortion up to 22 weeks.
I hope this signals things to come in the midterms, though the state of the economy definitely mitigates this hope.
I think it can break through the economic issues because abortion, as much as it is a women's rights and women's health issue, it is also a women’s economic issue.
For women they can see how a bad economy is made even worse when having to raise a child and all the money and time that takes.
Eh, I get what you're saying, but it's still a HUGE revel that the GQP is probably being stupid thinking that embracing anti-abortion as a unifying issue for them.
It's a BIG loss.
Yup, I think the GOP effed up here. The public does not like draconian abortion restrictions.
I hope you are right. Voting on an issue is clear. Voting for a candidate is a mixed bag and much more an assessment of various values and priorities for the individual voter.
GOP Rep Peter Meijer (MI-3) - one of the few Republican reps who voted to impeach Trump - will lose his primary by about 17 points.
Mark McCloskey - an alleged ambulance chasing lawyer/waste of skin who brandished a gun at BLM protestors/own wife with his finger on the trigger - ran for US Senate in Missouri and got destroyed with a measly 3% of the primary vote.
good, ignominy cannot come soon enough for him
Meanwhile, elsewhere in Missouri... this is the election climate we're in and a good reason that I'm not an election judge this year.
UC Hastings renamed
They should rename the Hastings Reserve too, in the coastal mountains near Salinas. It's renowned for a number of long-term ecological studies and most closely affiliated with Berkeley. Went there for a weekend field lab junior year and our professor shamed us for not throwing a rager the first night like most of her classes apparently did.
This is good.
The linked announcement, above, obliquely refers to the unhappiness among some of the Indigenous peoples who lobbied for renaming the law school with an Indigenous name.
Given the circumstances reported, it seems that no matter the name chosen, someone within the Indigenous communities would have been unhappy. Choosing the geographic name seems most appropriate.
Arizona's new locker room
CBS Sports pre-season football rankings has Utah at #4, Notre Dame at #6, USC at #12, Oregon #14, UCLA #33. Cal ranked #75 out of 130, below Orgon State (#51), Stanford (#71), Arizona State (#72).
In no world should ASU be ahead of Cal...that team is a f-ing train wreck that must break in a new QB and suffered massive losses...
Rather large indictment of Wilcox and his reputation amongst the national media...hopefully he changes that narrative in ‘22...
Same with Stanford.
Also, Washington and Washington State are ahead of Cal. The only teams below Cal are Arizona and Colorado, so we're tenth in the conference. Not so hot in year 6 of the Wilcox era.
It is feeling like the Wilcox era will end in a whimper.
But, but, the extension!!
Feeling like?
This seems unlikely.
So you're saying there's a chance.
We’re doing a rewatch of the 03 SC Game using a partner startup of ours called Playback! I’ll drop the link in here tomorrow but if you’re able please join in! 6PM PT tomorrow
Update: Protestors have stormed the fencing around People's Park and halted construction. You're shocked, I know.
This is my shocked face.
The protestors will have their piece of performance art and then the work of constructing housing will go on.
I was at People's Park soon after the National Guard was sent in by Governor Reagan and occupied that ground. Reagan did a shitty thing by sending in the National Guard. But the City of Berkeley (really, the City Council) did an even shittier thing by allowing the park to be overrun by shiftless vagrants, addicts, and criminals in the years following and practically forbidding the UC Regents from using the land for student housing.
Both UC and the City did practically nothing for decades, claiming that the other entity was responsible for the situation at the park. This was an example of blame shifting and finger-pointing at its small scale worst. People in the surrounding community, including people who were addicted and mentally ill, paid a terrible price for their inaction.
Housing can be built there, but that ground will forever be stained by the suffering wrought by indifference.
It is about damn time.
Not sure if this goes in the Pro or Cal section. . .
Cal Athletics must have sold the old jerseys sitting in their storage.
Go Bears!!!