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What works best when desiccated?

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Today in CV-19

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Op-Ed by Jonas Salk's son. This stood out to me:

From the 1970s until his death in 1995, he thought deeply about this transformation and how we as a species might adapt successfully to population pressures and the approach of planetary limits. He examined the evidence and concluded we must evolve socially. In nature, evolutionary pressures and natural selection bear on competing individuals, but in the case of humans, we became evolutionarily successful through cooperation. My father believed that our future survival would depend on the values of collective human and planetary well-being becoming the drivers of our social, economic and political lives.


He would have recognized the COVID-19 pandemic not only as something to be feared and fought, but also as a moment to embrace wisdom. He would have seen this crisis as an opportunity to shift from individualism to interdependence. He would have told us that fighting the pandemic demands replacing the “us first,” win/lose mindset with a “we together,” win/win mindset, and he would have advised that, paradoxically, self-interest in this case is best served by generosity. He would have applauded cooperation and knowledge sharing among scientists and the altruism of medical workers and volunteers. He would have seconded New York’s plea for mutual aid: “Help us now and we’ll help you later.” And he would argue we need to implement that mutuality at every level, from individual relationships to global society.


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What happened to the "Decade of Debt" article that was at the top yesterday? I meant to read some comments but I can't find it anymore?

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For the huggers (not for me--no touching!) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_AM8iEll85/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

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COVID-19 research at Berkeley Lab: https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2020/04/15/staff-at-berkeley-labs-x-ray-facility-mobilize-to-support-covid-19-related-research/

Nix noted that Beamline 4.2.2, which he operates, and some other beamlines at the ALS use robotic sample-delivery systems so that once they are filled with samples, experiments can largely operate via remote control.

“I haven’t had an onsite user in over 5 years,” he said.

It took a team effort, from ALS managers and staff to Berkeley Lab leadership, to make the COVID-19-related research happen, Nix noted. “They were working, even before the ‘lights went out,’ at the Lab, to see what we could do.”

He also noted that a variety of sources of research funding are making this work possible. “It’s public, private, and government support all coming together, which is really nice to see,” he said.

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Top Dog ...

Berkeley institution Top Dog is on the ropes. But they still won’t take federal aid.


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sun-dried tomatoes...

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Started watching Zero Zero Zero on Prime...is very good

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