I was tired of kids transferring to Cal and then transferring out after one year, but this kid didn't even last that long. Oh well, decommits happen all the time.

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No kind words of luck for this kid; either used Cal for a bigger NIL deal, and/or bailed out when he realized Cal was actually going to sign other players at his position. Really amazing these kids can do this.


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I completely get your point. Very frustrating. This guy seems to have potential to get better. But I wonder if it could be possible that Cal encouraged him to move on after we got a better player.

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Or maybe the offer was conditional. Maybe there was an admissions problem and the coaching staff let him decommit to save face. Even if he got a better offer elsewhere, so what? If you accepted an offer for employment and then suddenly received a substantially better offer, you might take it too. Plus, it's a two way street. There are always players who commit to us as sophomores or juniors, and when they don't develop as we hope, we drop them. Hell, we basically do it when they are on the team too (see: Wyking Jones).

Whatever the case, these are young men who put in serious time into the program and risk their health for our entertainment. The vast majority of them don't receive meaningful compensation outside of their scholarship. The time they invest into football is a poor ROI compared to all the things college students can do because they have the time like intern, network, study, do research work for a professor, etc. I won't begrudge any player for doing what they think is best for themselves within reason.

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what a level-headed, well-reasoned take on this.

how dare you! I'm trying to be petty here!

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Likewise, but I’m trying to claim the high superiority ground based on bygone practices! Good points, concernedparent.

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At least this feels familiar from the high school recruitment process.

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I am tired of the prima donna's wanting to have their cake and eat it too without actually having to work for it.

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The portal giveth

The portal taketh away.

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Commitment isn’t what it used to be.

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