Maybe the worst I have seen the offense play in decades. Slow off the ball, no intermediate pass game, bad blocking, poor play calling…Garbers is just not a good passer. You can’t have the ground balls he throws and consider him even decent.

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Garbers is not a P12 QB. Never has been.

My favorite play was when Wazzu had 13 men on the field and had to hustle 2 slow-ass lineman off...you’d think Garbers would hustle a play off to get the whistle, but no...he’s staring aimlessly at the sideline, looking for a play. Disorganization and ineptitude- he sure doesn’t play heady, like you’d expect from a senior QB.

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Good news: Cal will not lose next week!!!

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But we will still miss an extra point.

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Because the snap will be bad

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We were able to keep it close until we blocked that punt.

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Hey, we didn’t lose another close game!

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We are very bad. I'm ready to suit up and call plays one week, call defensive plays the next week, and then the week after take care of special teams because there is always something wrong with this team.

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Time for a regime change after this season, although I have zero faith in this admin making the right hire

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Wilcox and staff have the ability to recruit and coach a good team. Something is off right now. Paying a ton to break Wilcox’s contract and start over again with an unproven (possibility worse) staff does not make sense. I, for one, have faith that we will get through this and Wilcox will right the ship, hopefully this season.

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Yeah, none of this is true. His best recruits and the ones that have actually been drafted were Sonny recruits. This program and team peaked in 18. It is now regressing.

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What has he shown in his tenure as coach to inspire any faith? He sucks, at best he and the team is average, at worst he and the team is a dumpster fire.

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What is crazy is we lost a home in which we won the turn over battle and blocked a punt!

I’m not advocating firing Wilcox tomorrow but unless he wins out, he needs to be fired at the end of the season.

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If he can get to 6 wins with a W over Stanford, I’ll give him a pass.

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Did you post this before the debacle we just witnessed today?

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I thought we were in fairy tale land with the comment above talking about winning out 😂

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I was just saying that as a disclaimer for the Sunshine Pumpers are still drinking the Wilcox koolaid.

Wikcox might win one more game this season.

No Covid excuse to save him now.

I believe we are 2-8 in our last 10 games.

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With the Chase Garbers we saw today in combination with the offensive line I’d say losing out is FAR more likely then winning out.

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We lost to Nevada and a below average WSU team. Even a mediocre Stanfurd team is proving that good coaching can get results.

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I’d agree, though Colorado and Arizona are right there with us.

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We can’t stop anyone & the kids threw in the towel today Just bad all around. Buffs & Cats can score on this D.

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Turnovers and great momentum…and uninspired play calling and three and outs. WSU gashed us for easy long runs often. Cal? Never. 3/15 on third downs. Brutal.

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Wilcox and the coaching staff got to go. Cal sucks in the sports that matter: Football and Basketball. Cal needs to decide ASAP if they're going to get serious about CFB, MCBB and WCBB and hire coaches (and pay them accordingly) that will make a difference. World-class academics, terrible athletics.

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That was a painful viewing experience. Hardly any pressure on their QB which means we made him look like an All-American. As I was watching their defense, they definitely reminded me of us 2-3 years ago when the 'Root was working his magic with a bunch of underachievers and the defense was constantly harassing the opposing QB and we could tackle in space and create turnovers. The only silver lining in today's embarrassing mess was that if Wazzu can create a defense like that in the middle of God-forsaken nowhere, then there is no reason that we can't find coaches who can do the same thing in Berkeley. Finally, I would like to propose an exorcism at Memorial as soon as possible to rid our program of all the bad ju-ju that has been following us around since last year. That may actually prove to be impossible since we haven't had any real good ju-ju since 1959. Football Gods, pray for us.

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Fire for California

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Makai Polk is tearing up Texas A&M. I don’t blame him for transferring.

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Right, we need playmakers and have trouble recruiting them so it is very upsetting that we actually got a good one and he transferred.

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Yes this was a dagger. Polk has a more than decent chance to play on Sundays...losing him was a major indictment of the program.

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The Cal team was uninspired, showed no evidence of improvement or preparation, and was no match for a weak Wazzou team. Was the unvaccinated Cougars coach even in the stadium? I know the player kicked off the team snd suing the university was not there. I love my Bears and have been attending games for decades but this team just was embarrassing today.

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I actually left during the 2nd quarter. Too hot and I could tell the game was going to be a disaster at that point. Wilcox can say "It's on me" all he wants but the fact is the season is in freefall mode and year 5 is a painful indictment of his coaching skills. I hope the administration does the right thing with regard to a new hire unless Wilcox wins 4 more games, then the jury will be out til next season.

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I generally make requests to not have call on Saturdays during football season so that I can attend Cal games. I may need to reconsider this strategy.

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I was in such a bad mood I got into a fight with my girlfriend.

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It’s time to walk away from Cal football.

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I got into a fight with my wife before the game because she didn't think it was safe (note: arguing with a spouse with a Berkeley MPH in epidemiology doesn't go well). I texted her a photo of the empty stadium and she calmed down.

So hooray for our crappy football.

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Jonathon smith has Oregon state alone in first place. Remember when we were afraid they were going to hire Wilcox away? LOL

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