Let's hope he makes a contribution to Cal in the form of an NIL endowment. Best wishes to him as a loyal Golden Bear.

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I first saw him play when he was in high school at Marin Catholic High. He was in a State playoff game, which Marin Catholic won, to advance to the State Championships. It was a game with Sutter High played in Oroville, Ca. I saw then that this tall skinny kid had a great arm and accurate as heck. Then when he showed up on the Cal roster, I knew we had a future great one.

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Can’t say anything, here, that has not already been said. I will add, Jared epitomizes a similar character to Joe Roth and everything that makes me proud to be a Bear. 🐻

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That’s great to see but how much are these guys contributing back to Cal? The school and the folks in charge of our NIL program should be going on offense to reach out to these Cal alumni. Jaylen was only here a year, but Jared has deep roots with Cal. Now is the time to rush him.

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Dear Jared,

Congratulations on your continued success in the NFL! Your dedication, hard work, and professionalism truly set you apart. Watching you perform at such a high level has been inspiring, and it’s clear that you’re a true pro in every sense of the word.

Wishing you even more success and memorable moments in your career. Keep shining!

Best regards,


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Pockets straight. Bag secured. Winning on and off the field.

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I am so happy for Jared. To me this kid is the epitome of a winner. He came to CAL, took over a decimated team as a skinny true freshman QB and won 1 game in 2013. By 2015 he took his team to a 7-5 record and then won the Armed Forces Bowl with a victory over Air Force. He set 26 passing records while at CAL including total career yards, total TD passes, average yards per game passing and so many more.

With his number one draft pick by the LA Rams, he gained status as a future NFL superstar QB. After a tough first year Goff did well in LA. In his last year with the Rams, an injured Goff replaced his back-up QB and won the first round playoff game only to lose in the second round. (He had surgery on his throwing hand just weeks prior to playing and was not supposed to play). Little Sean McVay of the lucky sperm club decided that his failure to win a Super Bowl was because of Goff. McVay unceremoniously offloaded Goff to Detroit for Matthew Stafford after the 2020 season. Following McVay's moves, the moronic sports press that knows so little about football, started dissing Jared as a third rate QB who was never going to be a NFL franchise QB. No disrespect to Stafford as he is a good QB, and in honesty, McVay is a good X's and O's guy and play caller, but I just find him an incredibly immature coach (video of his interactions with Goff at practices led me to this opinion). He is insincere and patronizing. Then McVay gave away the Rams future to acquire some other great players for an immediate Stupor Bowl run. Stafford led the Rams to a Stupor Bowl victory, but I think Jared would have done the same had he been given the players that were on that team. And now the Rams are paying the price for trading away many of their top draft picks for short term rental players.

Goff was sent to the hinterlands of the NFL, the dismal Detroit Lions, where NFL castaways were sent to live in a city in decline and rot in NFL purgatory. He had every right to speak out and badmouth McVay and the Rams, but our beloved Golden Bear took the high road and embraced his new city and the challenge of turning his new team into a winner. He was fortunate to have a head coach in Dan Campbell who understood what real winners are made of (unlike Sean McVay who IMHO loves the flash and razzle dazzle of LA). Goff's quiet and unflappable leadership, steely determination, grit and brains have helped Campbell turn the once laughingstock Detroit Lions into a respected NFL team which will contend for the Stupor Bowl again this year. Campbell has brought his brand of football to Detroit: a Ditka-esque style of physical play and toughness which is the brand of the team, and hard to find in the NFL today. There are plenty of tough players in the NFL, but finding really tough teams from top to bottom is like finding a new Beatles White Album across the spectrum of music; it's rare.

Goff has found his home. He doesn't have the biggest arm in the NFL to be sure, but he has smarts galore, poise, grit and leadership. One of the things that made him great at CAL is still a hallmark of his today: he will stand in the pocket to take a hit to deliver the ball. Campbell understood this about Goff. When tough guys see their QB as tough they will sacrifice everything to protect him. (I say that as a former O-lineman - we always protect our QB's but we die for the ones who stand in the pocket and take hits to throw a complete pass). The best comparison I can make of Goff is that he reminds me of Joe Montana. Tell me that's bad.

I can't say enough good things about Jared Goff. This young man is classy, humble, a real leader, and just a good dude. I am so happy for his success in Detroit (for him, his team and the City) and the contract that Detroit gave him. It's a full affirmation of their commitment to him as their 'guy'. Hopefully its also a poke in the eye to all the idiot sports writers who were like McVay's sheep and said Goff would never be a great starting NFL QB.

I only hope that the little shit in LA rots with his team as a reward for his despicable treatment of Jared. Karma can be a bitch.

Go Bears!


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“Little Sean McVay” sums it up perfectly. I would only add: remember that the Rams that year were very lucky to even reach the Super Bowl and but for an easy dropped interception in the end zone they would have lost in the NFC championship. Stafford threw many bad interceptions that year, including multiple pic 6s, but Little McVay never had a bad word to say about him: only because that would have been criticizing himself. Jared’s Dad played baseball at Cal and was a MLB catcher: all catchers at that level must be tough, smart and a leader. Like father like son!! Go Bears!

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Incredible bag securement for a multi-generational Golden Bear. Love to see him being so beloved In a city even though I wish he was still with the Rams.

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How do you feel about the castrated rams eating crow as they watched Goff play and win in the playoffs last year.

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They're my hometown team so it sucks to watch them lose. But I am REALLY excited about what Goff is doing in Detroit. My NFL allegiance is quite weak so I'd usually root for Goff over the Rams.

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Here's hoping that Jared starts the "Find the next Jared Goff" NIL Fund where we just throw money at the highest rated Bay Area QB

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